Individual mandate in trouble?

Why don't all you weepy weepy libs all pool together and just give yourselves all the free healthcare you want? I mean, their must be MILLIONS of you.
who said anything about "free" health care. the ACA makes you purchase health care. what law are you referring to?

How many millions of new people get dumped on the States for Medicaid with ACA?

Why are you posting if you are so shockingly ignorant of the subject matter?
Why don't all you weepy weepy libs all pool together and just give yourselves all the free healthcare you want? I mean, their must be MILLIONS of you.
who said anything about "free" health care. the ACA makes you purchase health care. what law are you referring to?

How many millions of new people get dumped on the States for Medicaid with ACA?

Why are you posting if you are so shockingly ignorant of the subject matter?
medicaid is paid for through taxes, anyone that works a job pays taxes, hence they pay for those services. i pay taxes that go into medicaid but i dont use those services. should i no longer have to pay medicaid now?

when challenged your argument begins to fall apart, since youre so narrow minded. but i can keep going if you want.
yes because a kid born with cancer or a birth defect carries the exact same value as a car.

Not the Federal gubmints job. But this you are learning the hard way!
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?

Then you agree that the government could mandate everyone that they are required to wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. This law would give them that kind of authority.
Not the Federal gubmints job. But this you are learning the hard way!
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?

Then you agree that the government could mandate everyone that they are required to wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. This law would give them that kind of authority.
can you choose to go outside or not?

can you choose to get cancer or not?

answer me these simple questions...
Not the Federal gubmints job. But this you are learning the hard way!
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?

Then you agree that the government could mandate everyone that they are required to wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. This law would give them that kind of authority., it would not. Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn.
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?

Then you agree that the government could mandate everyone that they are required to wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. This law would give them that kind of authority.
can you choose to go outside or not?

can you choose to get cancer or not?

answer me these simple questions...

The government would be thinking of your health and safety if they mandated that if you go outside in the Sun you're required to wear a brimmed hat. This is your line of reasoning...isn't it?
Then you agree that the government could mandate everyone that they are required to wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. This law would give them that kind of authority.
can you choose to go outside or not?

can you choose to get cancer or not?

answer me these simple questions...

The government would be thinking of your health and safety if they mandated that if you go outside in the Sun you're required to wear a brimmed hat. This is your line of reasoning...isn't it?
not at all. now answer my questions.
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?

Then you agree that the government could mandate everyone that they are required to wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. This law would give them that kind of authority., it would not. Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn.

Explain? Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn
Read on. You'll get to it. We can only hope that something shiny distracts you before you can respond.
I'd like an asnwer to that question, pleasw.
What limits -does- the Constitution place on the Supreme Court that would interfere with it ruling "one way or the other"?

Supreme Court & Judicial Review

about the author of your source...

My Qualifications

If this web site seems less than scholarly, it's because I am not a Constitutional Scholar. I hold no law degrees nor can I offer any qualifications whatever which would serve to prove me competent to hold forth on issues of constitutional law.

can you choose to go outside or not?

can you choose to get cancer or not?

answer me these simple questions...

The government would be thinking of your health and safety if they mandated that if you go outside in the Sun you're required to wear a brimmed hat. This is your line of reasoning...isn't it?
not at all. now answer my questions.
Really...because this is your unaltered post, isn't it?
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?
U.S. Supreme Court Jurisdiction
While the function of judicial review is not explicitly provided in the Constitution, it had been anticipated before the adoption of that document. Prior to 1789, state courts had already overturned legislative acts which conflicted with state constitutions. Moreover, many of the Founding Fathers expected the Supreme Court to assume this role in regard to the Constitution; Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, for example, had underlined the importance of judicial review in the Federalist Papers, which urged adoption of the Constitution.

Hamilton had written that through the practice of judicial review the Court ensured that the will of the whole people, as expressed in their Constitution, would be supreme over the will of a legislature, whose statutes might express only the temporary will of part of the people. And Madison had written that constitutional interpretation must be left to the reasoned judgment of independent judges, rather than to the tumult and conflict of the political process. If every constitutional question were to be decided by public political bargaining, Madison argued, the Constitution would be reduced to a battleground of competing factions, political passion and partisan spirit.

Despite this background the Court’ s power of judicial review was not confirmed until 1803, when it was invoked by Chief Justice John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison. In this decision, the Chief Justice asserted that the Supreme Court’ s responsibility to overturn unconstitutional legislation was a necessary consequence of its sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. That oath could not be fulfilled any other way. “It is emphatically the province of the judicial department to say what the law is,” he declared.

In retrospect, it is evident that constitutional interpretation and application were made necessary by the very nature of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers had wisely worded that document in rather general terms leaving it open to future elaboration to meet changing conditions. As Chief Justice Marshall noted in McCulloch v. Maryland, a constitution that attempted to detail every aspect of its own application “would partake of the prolixity of a legal code, and could scarcely be embraced by the human mind ... Its nature, therefore, requires that only its great outlines should be marked, its important objects designated, and the minor ingredients which compose those objects be deduced from the nature of the objects themselves.”
The government would be thinking of your health and safety if they mandated that if you go outside in the Sun you're required to wear a brimmed hat. This is your line of reasoning...isn't it?
not at all. now answer my questions.
Really...because this is your unaltered post, isn't it?
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?
you keep avoiding the question. answer my simple questions and we can proceed.
But yet BOTH ignored the will of the people when thier e-mail system and faxes were slammed and not to mention the meltdown of the CapitolHill Switchboards.

Spare us this shit Salt-Peter.

They knew the resistence was strong...but back room deals happened anyway.

And that resistence is stronger NOW against Obama Care

HOW do you square that? :eusa_hand:

Your will is at the voting booth. Once elected they are under no obligation to vote the way their voters want them to. They can vote anyway they want for 2 or 6 years, if the people they represent disagree then they can vote them out. Show me in the constitution where it says they have to vote the will of the people?

Just because a REP or Senator is voted in doesn't mean they can or should completely IGNORE those that voted for them, or for that matter those whom didn't...But it's PARTY AGENDA over country against the people for shitheads as YOU, isn't it?

YOU know ZILCH of what representitive Government really means.


Show me in the constitution where it says they have to vote the will of the people.

Who chose Senators in the original Article I, section 3 of the Constitution?
not at all. now answer my questions.
Really...because this is your unaltered post, isn't it?
really, you dont think the health and safety of its citizens is the governments job?

you willing to put your money where you mouth is?
you keep avoiding the question. answer my simple questions and we can proceed.

Your being disengenuous with your answer to me.
If this law is passed, yes the government can mandate you wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. Spin it until the cows come home
"No one said you shouldn't be able to get healthcare.
YOU, however, claimed an entitlement to it.
How are you so entitled?
How are you special?"

Where did I claim I'm entitled to it? All I'm saying is it should be made more affordable. You dont belive that. I can live with that. I for one can still afford it. Eventually though I wont be able to. You would be happy to see me dead.
Your being disengenuous with your answer to me.
If this law is passed, yes the government can mandate you wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. Spin it until the cows come home
again, is going outside a choice?
is getting cancer a choice?

last time ill ask before i ignore you since you plainly wont answer simple questions.
Your being disengenuous with your answer to me.
If this law is passed, yes the government can mandate you wear a brimmed hat outside in the Sun. Spin it until the cows come home
again, is going outside a choice?
is getting cancer a choice?

last time ill ask before i ignore you since you plainly wont answer simple questions.

Ignore me if you don't want to answer my question truthfully

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