Individual mandate repeal may be less popular than Republicans think

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
No surprise, the public is not stupid.

ACA mandate repeal may be less popular than GOP thinks

The tax bill that just passed the Senate eliminates the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate, and the House is likely to go along when Congress writes the final version. With the tax legislation moving so quickly and the mandate lost in the maze of so many other consequential provisions, we are not likely to have much public debate about this big change in health policy.

Reproduced from Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll, Nov. 8-13, 2017; Note: Question wording abbreviated, "Don't know"/"refused" responses not shown; Chart: Axios Visuals
Yes most on here who complain about the mandate don't know a thing about the ACA and exclusions for the mandate.
The public knows it was lied to for eight years, and that the GOP is trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
Yes most on here who complain about the mandate don't know a thing about the ACA and exclusions for the mandate.
It was amazing that before Obama, Nancy and Harry signed the bill into law before they could see what was in it, people had a CHOICE either to own Health insurance or not. I always thought liberals were for Choice and the government should stay out of women's rights. Now with President Trump in charge, do you want him involved with your healthcare?
We keep asking! If your healthcare plan is so great why is it necessary to mandate it?
Because without the mandate, the liberals wouldn't get FREE healthcare... When you are a sorry ass welfare puke, then you don't get premium healthcare and about 50% of the liberals on this board are pukes.
We keep asking! If your healthcare plan is so great why is it necessary to mandate it?

the mandate is you need to have ins, insure your bod. You do not need the ACA ins. You already knew that tho, just want to bitch and complain. Those who bitch about the ins mandate are those who are too cheap to buy ins.
The public knows it was lied to for eight years, and that the GOP is trying to make lemonade out of lemons.

What lie????
You can keep your doctor?
You can keep your plan?
You will save $2,500?
Pull your head out of your ass.

The public knows it was lied to for eight years, and that the GOP is trying to make lemonade out of lemons.

What lie????
You can keep your doctor?
You can keep your plan?
You will save $2,500?
Pull your head out of your ass.

View attachment 164388

My head is not in my ass. You could keep your doc if you wanted, too bad if he dropped out of network, died, retired, moved , etc. You could keep your plan, all you needed is to have ins.

You are probably on VA or Medicare. Waste of time.
The public knows it was lied to for eight years, and that the GOP is trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
What lie????
That the GOP had a better plan.
What? First tell me the lie and then tell me what is that?
Good gawd, make a point.

No tell me what the GOP plan is, you make a point.
They promised they had a plan, and they didn't. They lied.

Anything else?
What lie????
That the GOP had a better plan.
What? First tell me the lie and then tell me what is that?
Good gawd, make a point.

No tell me what the GOP plan is, you make a point.
They promised they had a plan, and they didn't. They lied.

Anything else?

Right the GOP never had a plan, never.
That the GOP had a better plan.
What? First tell me the lie and then tell me what is that?
Good gawd, make a point.

No tell me what the GOP plan is, you make a point.
They promised they had a plan, and they didn't. They lied.

Anything else?

Right the GOP never had a plan, never.

Maybe try decaf.
No surprise, the public is not stupid.

ACA mandate repeal may be less popular than GOP thinks

The tax bill that just passed the Senate eliminates the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate, and the House is likely to go along when Congress writes the final version. With the tax legislation moving so quickly and the mandate lost in the maze of so many other consequential provisions, we are not likely to have much public debate about this big change in health policy.

Reproduced from Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll, Nov. 8-13, 2017; Note: Question wording abbreviated, "Don't know"/"refused" responses not shown; Chart: Axios Visuals
Obama care was a fuck up...

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