Indoctrinating elementary school kids in gender issues

When I was in the 7th grade, I took my blind friend to use the boys' room. I couldn't get him straight in front of the urinal and soon he was spraying the entire restroom while I was frantically trying to get him to face the right way. There were several other boys there...yeah they all saw his penis too. Just another day in the school restroom.

So why are Leftists trying to get boys to see vaginas and girls to see penises?
There has to be a moral to this story.
I thought it was clear. Put boys and girls in the same bathroom and penises and vaginas will be seen by the opposite gender. Why does the demonic left want this?
Because it's all in their master plan to completely eliminate any and all barriers to whatever their perverted world wants.

And in this case, the pervert leftist males must like to watch little girls piss and shit, and vice versa. The pervert leftist women want to watch a boy stand and pee. It must turn them on, so they don't want anything in their way to stop them from watching.
When I was in the 7th grade, I took my blind friend to use the boys' room. I couldn't get him straight in front of the urinal and soon he was spraying the entire restroom while I was frantically trying to get him to face the right way. There were several other boys there...yeah they all saw his penis too. Just another day in the school restroom.

So why are Leftists trying to get boys to see vaginas and girls to see penises?
There has to be a moral to this story.
I thought it was clear. Put boys and girls in the same bathroom and penises and vaginas will be seen by the opposite gender. Why does the demonic left want this?
Because it's all in their master plan to completely eliminate any and all barriers to whatever their perverted world wants.

And in this case, the pervert leftist males must like to watch little girls piss and shit, and vice versa. The pervert leftist women want to watch a boy stand and pee. It must turn them on, so they don't want anything in their way to stop them from watching.
It's worse. One Leftist here wants only stalls so that boys have to sit down to pee; another volley on the Left's war on masculinity. The distinction between male and female is something Satan has hated since the beginning. God's prohibition against cross dressing in the Old Testament indicates this was a protruding trait of decadent societies, a banner of Satan's mastery over a people. His servants in every age will continue to break down male and female, but mostly male.
When I was in the 7th grade, I took my blind friend to use the boys' room. I couldn't get him straight in front of the urinal and soon he was spraying the entire restroom while I was frantically trying to get him to face the right way. There were several other boys there...yeah they all saw his penis too. Just another day in the school restroom.

So why are Leftists trying to get boys to see vaginas and girls to see penises?
There has to be a moral to this story.
I thought it was clear. Put boys and girls in the same bathroom and penises and vaginas will be seen by the opposite gender. Why does the demonic left want this?
Because it's all in their master plan to completely eliminate any and all barriers to whatever their perverted world wants.

And in this case, the pervert leftist males must like to watch little girls piss and shit, and vice versa. The pervert leftist women want to watch a boy stand and pee. It must turn them on, so they don't want anything in their way to stop them from watching.
It's worse. One Leftist here wants only stalls so that boys have to sit down to pee; another volley on the Left's war on masculinity. The distinction between male and female is something Satan has hated since the beginning. God's prohibition against cross dressing in the Old Testament indicates this was a protruding trait of decadent societies, a banner of Satan's mastery over a people. His servants in every age will continue to break down male and female, but mostly male.
I hope the people that push this perversion on the people enjoy their time with Satan when they die. They're going to be real surprised to find out they do have a soul/spirit, and it's going to a really bad place.
When I was in the 7th grade, I took my blind friend to use the boys' room. I couldn't get him straight in front of the urinal and soon he was spraying the entire restroom while I was frantically trying to get him to face the right way. There were several other boys there...yeah they all saw his penis too. Just another day in the school restroom.

So why are Leftists trying to get boys to see vaginas and girls to see penises?
There has to be a moral to this story.
I thought it was clear. Put boys and girls in the same bathroom and penises and vaginas will be seen by the opposite gender. Why does the demonic left want this?
Because it's all in their master plan to completely eliminate any and all barriers to whatever their perverted world wants.

And in this case, the pervert leftist males must like to watch little girls piss and shit, and vice versa. The pervert leftist women want to watch a boy stand and pee. It must turn them on, so they don't want anything in their way to stop them from watching.
It's worse. One Leftist here wants only stalls so that boys have to sit down to pee; another volley on the Left's war on masculinity. The distinction between male and female is something Satan has hated since the beginning. God's prohibition against cross dressing in the Old Testament indicates this was a protruding trait of decadent societies, a banner of Satan's mastery over a people. His servants in every age will continue to break down male and female, but mostly male.
I hope the people that push this perversion on the people enjoy their time with Satan when they die. They're going to be real surprised to find out they do have a soul/spirit, and it's going to a really bad place.
They actually don't wait, that spirit is already with them.
There has to be a moral to this story.
I thought it was clear. Put boys and girls in the same bathroom and penises and vaginas will be seen by the opposite gender. Why does the demonic left want this?
Because it's all in their master plan to completely eliminate any and all barriers to whatever their perverted world wants.

And in this case, the pervert leftist males must like to watch little girls piss and shit, and vice versa. The pervert leftist women want to watch a boy stand and pee. It must turn them on, so they don't want anything in their way to stop them from watching.
It's worse. One Leftist here wants only stalls so that boys have to sit down to pee; another volley on the Left's war on masculinity. The distinction between male and female is something Satan has hated since the beginning. God's prohibition against cross dressing in the Old Testament indicates this was a protruding trait of decadent societies, a banner of Satan's mastery over a people. His servants in every age will continue to break down male and female, but mostly male.
I hope the people that push this perversion on the people enjoy their time with Satan when they die. They're going to be real surprised to find out they do have a soul/spirit, and it's going to a really bad place.
They actually don't wait, that spirit is already with them.
The spirit of antichrist, yep. I pray God has mercy on this perverse and wicked generation, that the veil of deception will be lifted.
The distinction between male and female is something Satan has hated since the beginning. God's prohibition against cross dressing in the Old Testament indicates this was a protruding trait of decadent societies, a banner of Satan's mastery over a people. His servants in every age will continue to break down male and female, but mostly male.

Satan just wants to cause as much harm as he can, to ultimately make as much of humanity as miserable as he can. Marriage and family are essential to human happiness, and to an orderly, functional society; and right now, that's where our culture is vulnerable, so right now, that's where a lot of his attacks are targeted. And of course, the essential differences between male and female, and the manner in which God created the sexes to work together, is essential to marriage and family. I think we can all see how these differences is, itself, under attack these days—to feminize men, and to masculinize women, and to deny and diminish the differences between them.

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