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Ineligible DACA Beneficiaries Discovered on NC Voting Rolls

It would prevent SOME voter fraud. Is there anything wrong with that? And anyone can get utilities in their name, they don't have to be citizens. So much for your attempt at diversion.
sheesh, you are the ONE CONFUSED.... you are advocating requiring people who have ALREADY registered to vote, and have ALREADY supposedly been vetted by the State, to present a photo gvt id at the polling spot that has their name on the list as eligible to vote....you are nuts.... any 2 forms of identification is enough for that.... the vetting of citizenship does not take place at the voting precinct/polling place for goodness sakes, and even if it did in some bizarre imaginary world, since illegals in Florida can get a gvt photo id via a driver's license since 1993, the silly fla drivers license that is acceptable to you as gvt photo id, is USELESS in preventing non citizens from voting.....
How do you figure they have "already been vetted"? Vetted by who? If Donald Duck can register to vote, there can't be much "vetting" going on, you moron. Damn, you're stupid!

Well, Donald Duck never registered to vote. Perhaps someone filled out an application with his name on it, but it was never filed as a valid registration. That's what election laws are for.....catching stupid things like that. Those laws work quite well too.
How about Jose Garcia? Would they catch that? My point is that ANYONE can register, there's no vetting when you register.

There are a lot of Jose Garcia's. I have no desire to tutor you on how voter rolls are verified. You need to do a little research on your own, and then come back so we can have an informed discussion. To say there is no vetting of voters is just showing your ignorance of the facts.
Exactly my point, stupid. Made up names, using friend's addresses, and there's no vetting. A voting pamphlet comes in the mail for that person and they go vote and they don't have to show any ID. You aren't in a position to tutor anybody on anything, idiot. You're just another hack, spewing liberal talking points, devoid of any facts.
sheesh, you are the ONE CONFUSED.... you are advocating requiring people who have ALREADY registered to vote, and have ALREADY supposedly been vetted by the State, to present a photo gvt id at the polling spot that has their name on the list as eligible to vote....you are nuts.... any 2 forms of identification is enough for that.... the vetting of citizenship does not take place at the voting precinct/polling place for goodness sakes, and even if it did in some bizarre imaginary world, since illegals in Florida can get a gvt photo id via a driver's license since 1993, the silly fla drivers license that is acceptable to you as gvt photo id, is USELESS in preventing non citizens from voting.....
How do you figure they have "already been vetted"? Vetted by who? If Donald Duck can register to vote, there can't be much "vetting" going on, you moron. Damn, you're stupid!

Well, Donald Duck never registered to vote. Perhaps someone filled out an application with his name on it, but it was never filed as a valid registration. That's what election laws are for.....catching stupid things like that. Those laws work quite well too.
How about Jose Garcia? Would they catch that? My point is that ANYONE can register, there's no vetting when you register.

There are a lot of Jose Garcia's. I have no desire to tutor you on how voter rolls are verified. You need to do a little research on your own, and then come back so we can have an informed discussion. To say there is no vetting of voters is just showing your ignorance of the facts.
Exactly my point, stupid. Made up names, using friend's addresses, and there's no vetting. A voting pamphlet comes in the mail for that person and they go vote and they don't have to show a.... ny ID. You aren't in a position to tutor anybody on anything, idiot. You're just another hack, spewing liberal talking points, devoid of any facts.
No no and no, that is NOT how it is done. the people that do register to vote, are vetted by the State BEFORE THEY ARE ADDED TO THE FINAL ELECTION ROLL FOR THE POLLS....BEFORE they are approved as a registered voter. IF they are a felon, in some states, their registration is not approved, if they are under 18 their registration is vetted and is not approved by the State etc etc etc....this IS ALL PART of election LAW in each state, and each State has it's own vetting process BEFORE approving any application to register to vote.

Read up on it and see what your own State vets for and how it is done in your state..... and if you do not feel that your States vetting of people that register to vote is not strong enough, then you should petition the gvt in your State to change their laws to make the vetting stronger, or weaker or whatever your complaint may be....

People are filling out an APPLICATION TO REGISTER TO VOTE, they are not all automatically registered to vote just because they APPLIED....the STATE has to approve them after vetting them.


anyone or any thing....like an inanimate cartoon character like Minnie Mouse can apply to register to vote, but they are not approved, when they are vetted....
The state gave them drivers licenses and that made it easy to give them the vote. And, as we all know, giving them DLs was a federal felony by itself.

Ineligible DACA Beneficiaries Discovered on NC Voting Rolls

oct 22, 2014
With the North Carolina U.S. Senate race in a dead heat, state election officials say they have discovered 145 names on the voting rolls who are ineligible to vote because they are illegal immigrants who have been granted President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status.
According to a Winston-Salem Journal report, the State Board of Elections discovered the potential illegal voters Tuesday night when the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles ran a search for DACA licenses. The 145 DACA recipients whose names appear on the SBOE’s voting rolls will be sent letters requesting documentation that they are citizens, the report noted.

DACA beneficiaries in North Carolina are able to obtain drivers licenses, but they are not able to vote.

The Journal notes that it is likely more ineligible people may still remain on the voting rolls.

It is not illegal for states to give DLs to illegal immigrants. Also, I saw nothing in your link that indicts Democrats as the perpetrators in this scam. Republicans would have more of an incentive to pay illegals to vote in the face of dwindling support for them among legal voters. Do you have any proof that Democrats are actually involved or are just saying that to attract more flies to your shit pile?
Republicans can't buy their votes, idiot. Since the ballot is secret, there's no way the Republicans would know if they voted for them after they paid them or not. Democrats don't hand them cash and say "Go vote Democrat", they pass legislation that gives them welfare, food stamps, and free health care, thus guaranteeing they will vote Democrat. How stupid are you anyway?

You must be a shitbird because you certainly have a fowl mouth. But just because you wear your pecker on your face and have your testicles on top of your head doesn't give you license to insult whomever you please. Since your imagination is so limited, I guess I'm going to have to school you on the deceptive methods used by Republicans to buy illegal voters.

Most immigrants come to this country seeking jobs which are often created by corporate Farms or other Republican owned businesses so on and so forth. Before the person even enters the United States there's a good chance that some Republicans have already indoctrinated him/her to vote Republican as a prerequisite for getting hired. The secret ballot doesn't mean jack when a person has an incentive to vote one way or another. You probably won't agree with that since you are a pecker head but if that isn't enough here is more stuff to stick in your craw:

The Republican party is certain that U.S. elections are rife with voter fraud. How are they so sure of that? Apparently because Republican operatives are the source of most of it.
This past Tuesday, Adam Ward of Bassett County Virginia pleaded guilty to 36 counts of voter fraud and perjury in connection with an attempt to help Newt Gingrich reach the number of signatures required to appear on last year’s Virginia presidential primary ballot. Ward collected over 11,000 signatures on behalf of Gingrich, over 4,000 of which, according to investigators, could not be verified. According to RawStory, the Virginia campaign of Texas governor Rick Perry faced a similar dilemma, with almost half the 11,900 signatures collected on his behalf failing verification. No Perry supporters are currently facing criminal charges.
A variety of Republican-controlled state legislatures passed “anti-voter fraud” legislation in 2012, in what was considered by many to be a blatant attempt to disenfranchise traditional Democratic constituencies such as minorities and college students. These measures typically centered around enhanced ID requirements for voters. Courts blocked the implementation of many of these laws in time for the 2012 election, but left open the possibility that they could be permitted to go into effect in the future. The Minnesota Post reported that an analysis of over 2,000 cases of voter fraud revealed an “infinitesimal” rate of fraud, and that “in person” fraud of the type that is targeted by voter ID laws is “virtually non-existent.”
The irony of the big GOP push for voter ID laws seems to be that when it comes to actual voter fraud, Republicans are often the ones who are most responsible. Consider the following examples of voter fraud that have been committed over the past few years:
REF Post #83:

I know most of you dim witted wannabe conservatives won't read the synopsis so I thought I'd just let you know what it is bout. The articles exposes Republicans for the frauds they are. It is REPUBLICANS who account for most of the voter fraud in this country, NOT Democrats.
Empty response.
yes, it was empty.... just following your queue....

Did you respond to the parts of my post that was not in parenthesis about the thread topic....NO, of course not... Why hasn't Florida's politicians taken steps to reduce their voter fraud in their own state by these illegal Hispanics? Do many of them in Florida lean Republican because they are Cuban descent, and they don't want to upset the Cuban Americans and relatives of these illegal voters??? What's your take on it? you posted the news clip/video....?

(Nor have you ever shown why a gvt issued photo id is necessary to prevent voter fraud....or why using your electric bill and social security card is not sufficient ID for citizens to identify themselves at the polls)
It would prevent SOME voter fraud. Is there anything wrong with that? And anyone can get utilities in their name, they don't have to be citizens. So much for your attempt at diversion.
sheesh, you are the ONE CONFUSED.... you are advocating requiring people who have ALREADY registered to vote, and have ALREADY supposedly been vetted by the State, to present a photo gvt id at the polling spot that has their name on the list as eligible to vote....you are nuts.... any 2 forms of identification is enough for that.... the vetting of citizenship does not take place at the voting precinct/polling place for goodness sakes, and even if it did in some bizarre imaginary world, since illegals in Florida can get a gvt photo id via a driver's license since 1993, the silly fla drivers license that is acceptable to you as gvt photo id, is USELESS in preventing non citizens from voting.....
How do you figure they have "already been vetted"? Vetted by who? If Donald Duck can register to vote, there can't be much "vetting" going on, you moron. Damn, you're stupid!

Well, Donald Duck never registered to vote. Perhaps someone filled out an application with his name on it, but it was never filed as a valid registration. That's what election laws are for.....catching stupid things like that. Those laws work quite well too.
Damn right those laws work. They've caught a slew of Republicans committing voter Fraud! see post #83
How do you figure they have "already been vetted"? Vetted by who? If Donald Duck can register to vote, there can't be much "vetting" going on, you moron. Damn, you're stupid!

Well, Donald Duck never registered to vote. Perhaps someone filled out an application with his name on it, but it was never filed as a valid registration. That's what election laws are for.....catching stupid things like that. Those laws work quite well too.
How about Jose Garcia? Would they catch that? My point is that ANYONE can register, there's no vetting when you register.

There are a lot of Jose Garcia's. I have no desire to tutor you on how voter rolls are verified. You need to do a little research on your own, and then come back so we can have an informed discussion. To say there is no vetting of voters is just showing your ignorance of the facts.
Exactly my point, stupid. Made up names, using friend's addresses, and there's no vetting. A voting pamphlet comes in the mail for that person and they go vote and they don't have to show a.... ny ID. You aren't in a position to tutor anybody on anything, idiot. You're just another hack, spewing liberal talking points, devoid of any facts.
No no and no, that is NOT how it is done. the people that do register to vote, are vetted by the State BEFORE THEY ARE ADDED TO THE FINAL ELECTION ROLL FOR THE POLLS....BEFORE they are approved as a registered voter. IF they are a felon, in some states, their registration is not approved, if they are under 18 their registration is vetted and is not approved by the State etc etc etc....this IS ALL PART of election LAW in each state, and each State has it's own vetting process BEFORE approving any application to register to vote.

Read up on it and see what your own State vets for and how it is done in your state..... and if you do not feel that your States vetting of people that register to vote is not strong enough, then you should petition the gvt in your State to change their laws to make the vetting stronger, or weaker or whatever your complaint may be....

People are filling out an APPLICATION TO REGISTER TO VOTE, they are not all automatically registered to vote just because they APPLIED....the STATE has to approve them after vetting them.


anyone or any thing....like an inanimate cartoon character like Minnie Mouse can apply to register to vote, but they are not approved, when they are vetted....

The dog who s registered to vote as a Democrat - Yahoo News

Liberal Nonprofit Encourages Voter Registration for Cats Dogs and Dead People - Townhall.com Staff

Dems Caught Trying to Register Deceased Voters and Pets - Freedom Outpost

Feel free to share this with Mr. JQ Pubic (after he takes his head out of Obama's ass).

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