Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Define inflation. (Hint: higher prices, duh)
Again, where is your proof that higher grocery prices are due to inflation?

Since you're a dumbass I'll give you a few hints and take you seriously when you can explain why corporations are posting record profits. It's corporate greed, not inflation.

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years




Again, where is your proof that higher grocery prices are due to inflation?
Since you're a dumbass I'll give you a few hints and take you seriously when you can explain why corporations are posting record profits. It's corporate greed, not inflation.
Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years
1. So start a gas company and sell gas cheaper, you would corner the market.
2. So start a gas company and sell food cheaper, you would corner the market.
3. So start a gas company and sell pharmaceuticals cheaper, you would corner the market.
4. So start a gas company and sell clothing cheaper, you would corner the market.
5. So start a gas company and sell cars cheaper, you would corner the market.

Put up or STFU bucko.
1. So start a gas company and sell gas cheaper, you would corner the market.
2. So start a gas company and sell food cheaper, you would corner the market.
3. So start a gas company and sell pharmaceuticals cheaper, you would corner the market.
4. So start a gas company and sell clothing cheaper, you would corner the market.
5. So start a gas company and sell cars cheaper, you would corner the market.

Put up or STFU bucko.
I may frame this, my latest WIN!

KEEP CALM YOU LOSE, I WIN ! Poster | nana | Keep Calm-o-Matic
If you have a solution, the world is all ears.
Pass an Amendment to the Constitution that publicly funds politicians' electoral campaigns, passes term limits, tightens rules on the revolving door, and put all market investing in blind trust for them and their family, for the duration of their service. Pass anti-corruption laws to identify any ill-gotten gains as a result of their service, to be penalized severely.

Inform the public about the corruption of the two parties, and move the nation away from these evil & corrupt organizations.

Break up Big Tech monopolies and media monopolies.

Repeal the Patriot Act, and Throw out the NDAA.

Close down nearly all foreign overseas bases, aggressively investigate all corruption at international institutions.

Pass Ron Paul's Audit the FED bill, to get complete transparency on the FED to find out what the hell it is doing with overseas banks.

Audit all administrative agencies in the same manner.

Pass a balance budget amendment.
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Protectors of democracy and standing up to aggression.

Fixed it for ya.

And the answer is: always. From the Civil War, when the Left freed the slaves, to WWII, when Roosevelt defeated Germany, Japan, and Italy.
Oh brother. You’ve had way too much Kool-Aid.
Yes that's right. For everyone.

But yes, it does affect poorer people more significantly, no doubt. And it wasn't just normal inflation. We are still feeling the affects of the supply chain disruptions from 2022 (among other things).

If you have a solution, the world is all ears.
Do you not think solutions exist?
I may frame this, my latest WIN!
You lost. If you think everyone is price gouging, take advantage and sell stuff cheaper. If you can't then the prices and profits are reasonable.
1. So start a gas company and sell gas cheaper, you would corner the market.
2. So start a food company and sell food cheaper, you would corner the market.
3. So start a drug company and sell pharmaceuticals cheaper, you would corner the market.
4. So start a sweat shop and sell clothing cheaper, you would corner the market.
5. So start a car company and sell cars cheaper, you would corner the market.
Prices will vary to some degree depending on the state or part of the country you live in. But I doubt we would find very many who are happy with what they are currently paying.
So the other night, I watch this movie, where Henry Fonda, who has 10 children, marries Lucille Ball, who has 8 children.

They go grocery shopping. . . and their weekly grocery bill. . . which, I assume, is supposed to give the audience sticker shock? Was less than mine, for a SINGLE PERSON!


Yours Mine And Ours 1968 Shopping Scene​

Extremely Great inflation data this morning.

PCE is the FEDs preferred inflation gauge and it came in great across the board, increasing a meager 0.1% MoM and only 3.8% YoY, which is very close to the FED acceptable range.

Core PCE came in at just 0.3% MoM, which is getting very close to the FED's acceptable range.

Inflation is easing and the main causes, Putin's war and supply chain issues, are easing big time.

Commodities surged 80-100% in weeks, after the Putin war. Nat gas surged from $3 to $10+ and all commodities surged massively, that will cause inflation. The supply chain has finally been fixed and covid gone from china, and inflation is easing because of it.

PPI inflation has plummeted and is in deflation indicating more easing coming !

Personal income rose 0.4%, in another big positive.

Expect more easing of inflation, but continued strength in the economy with the best labor market in US history, and still a large amount of job openings with good pay supporting Americans. Build Back Better will also keep the labor market very strong.

That's like saying you don't have as many STD's as you used to....

Any idea where this is going dumbfuck?

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