Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Just what do you call, "soared", Tiger?
wages have increased at a 4-5% clip YoY. Under Trump they only increased at a 3% inc.

Becareful, you get all your news from total fake news sources that told you inflation would never come down and a lot of other lies. Fox news viewers are incredibly mis-informed on every issue
Trump destroyed American family income with his massive fake money printing, massive debt and deficit increases, and massive pork fueled fake money handouts to all his constituents, and stupid uneducated inbred shits like you pretend everything is Biden's fault and can't admit Biden has a better economy then Trump.

You can post all the DNC lies all you want, Moon Bat. You have no credibilty. That ship sailed a long time ago. We all know you are a hate filled dumbass that never gets anything right. However, any American that buys groceries, pays for fuel or is trying to find a good job or has to pay taxes knows that Potatohead has fucked up this country big time.

Obama told us that Potatohead would fuck up everything he touched and for once on life got it right.

Only inbred dimwits like you are trying to justify the dismal record of the worst President this country ever had.
You can post all the DNC lies all you want, Moon Bat. You have no credibilty. That ship sailed a long time ago. We all know you are a hate filled dumbass that never gets anything right. However, any American that buys groceries, pays for fuel or is trying to find a good job or has to pay taxes knows that Potatohead has fucked up this country big time.

Obama told us that Potatohead would fuck up everything he touched and for once on life got it right.

Only inbred dimwits like you are trying to justify the dismal record of the worst President this country ever had.
Waaaa !
Waaaaaaa !

Enjoy Biden's plummeting inflation data this morning, to go along with his booming labor market and wages that are increasing much faster than inflation right now.
You're taking some liberties with the word "much" aren't you?
Not to mention "plummeting".
Dumb ass.
Get ready to cry when the FED cuts rates

We might be in 1995, with many years of boom coming

Biden is starting to look as good as Bill Clinton. Biden might challenge Bill Clinton for best president of the modern era
wages have increased at a 4-5% clip YoY. Under Trump they only increased at a 3% inc.

Becareful, you get all your news from total fake news sources that told you inflation would never come down and a lot of other lies. Fox news viewers are incredibly mis-informed on every issue
Thing is Tiger, Trump was sporting a 1%-2.5% inflation,
Your messiah was sporting anywhere from 5% to 9% inflation. Now you can look at your
yoy wage increases and stack that against your yoy inflation and you were and are still upside down.
Then add the cost of mortgages and C/C should get the point.
No matter how you dance around it.......... :eusa_whistle:
That's why the polls are showing that America isn't being fooled, with 'Bidenomics', they
are the ones who are buying the cars, groceries and watching their debt rise.
Waaaa !
Waaaaaaa !

Enjoy Biden's plummeting inflation data this morning, to go along with his booming labor market and wages that are increasing much faster than inflation right now.

Here is just an example of how stupid inbreds like you lie about Potatohead.

He is telling everybody that unemployment is low but in reality there are the most Americans ever out of work. Potatohead and his little band of clowns are lying to the American people just like they are doing about inflation.

More Than 105 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now

Our long slide toward economic oblivion continues, and survey after survey has shown that most Americans are deeply unsatisfied with the current state of the U.S. economy. Inflation is out of control, most Americans are getting poorer due to the rapidly rising cost of living, the housing bubble has started to burst, and the commercial real estate market is a giant mess. But employment is supposed to be our bright spot.

The Biden administration continues to tell us that the unemployment rate is less than 4 percent and that there are lot of jobs available for those that want them. But is this really true?
To answer that question, it is imperative to understand that our government places unemployed persons into one of two categories…

Jobless people are classified into one of two categories by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)—either unemployed or not in the labor force. To be classified as unemployed in the month they are surveyed, people must be actively looking for work. If they are not actively looking, they are classified as not in the labor force.

Over time, the definition of “officially unemployed” has gotten more restrictive, and today only 6.097 million working age Americans are considered to be in that category. Meanwhile, a staggering 99.800 million working age Americans are considered to be “not in the labor force”.
When you add both categories together, you get a total of 105.897 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.

Let me try to put that into perspective. During the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009, that number never even got up to 90 million. So that means that the number of working age Americans that are not employed at this moment far surpasses anything that we witnessed during the Great Recession.

Please do not believe the garbage that the federal government is trying to sell you. Unemployment is not low. In fact, John Williams estimates that the real rate of unemployment in this country is somewhere around 25 percent.
Thing is Tiger, Trump was sporting a 1%-2.5% inflation,
Your messiah was sporting anywhere from 5% to 9% inflation. Now you can look at your
yoy wage increases and stack that against your yoy inflation and you were and are still upside down.
Then add the cost of mortgages and C/C should get the point.
No matter how you dance around it.......... :eusa_whistle:
That's why the polls are showing that America isn't being fooled, with 'Bidenomics', they
are the ones who are buying the cars, groceries and watching their debt rise.
Trump had a weak economy.
Biden inherited the massive Trump debt, deficits, and fake money creation.

Pretty soon Americans will realize Biden is not the cause of inflation and his policies are working great, just like Bill Clinton's policies did in the 90s
You can post all the DNC lies all you want, Moon Bat. You have no credibilty. That ship sailed a long time ago. We all know you are a hate filled dumbass that never gets anything right. However, any American that buys groceries, pays for fuel or is trying to find a good job or has to pay taxes knows that Potatohead has fucked up this country big time.

Obama told us that Potatohead would fuck up everything he touched and for once on life got it right.

Only inbred dimwits like you are trying to justify the dismal record of the worst President this country ever had.
If you can't find a good job in this economy, something is wrong with YOU!
Biden has done a great job in fighting it.

How? More wasteful government spending?
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2019: $987B
US annual budget deifict in 2020: $3+T

drum roll please...

US annual budget deficit in 2022: $1.3T

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.
If we still had Trump the deficit would be $4T/yr

Biden lowered the deficit, and has a better economy and labor market than the failure of Trump
US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2019: $987B
US annual budget deifict in 2020: $3+T

drum roll please...

US annual budget deficit in 2022: $1.3T

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.
If we still had Trump the deficit would be $4T/yr

Biden lowered the deficit, and has a better economy and labor market than the failure of Trump

You stupid Moon Bat.

Here is another example of how fucked up this administration is. I know you inbred Moon Bats don't know much about Economics but deficit spending by the filthy government like this contributes to runaway inflation.

Did CNN not tell you idiots that Potatohead is fucking everything up?

Federal debt explodes by $1 trillion in five weeks since deal suspending limit became law

The U.S. national debt has increased by $1 trillion in the five weeks since President Biden signed a bill into law that effectively turns off the debt ceiling until 2025.

According to Treasury Department data, the total national debt stood at $32.47 trillion on July 6, $1 trillion more than the $31.47 trillion level last seen on June 2. The national debt had been stuck at or near that June 2 level for months because the government had hit the debt ceiling and was legally prohibited from borrowing any more money.

On June 3, however, Biden signed legislation reflecting negotiations with House Republicans that requires a small spending cut next year and allows unlimited federal borrowing until 2025. With no debt ceiling in effect, federal borrowing jumped more than $350 billion in a single day and crossed the $32 trillion mark in less than two weeks.
You stupid Moon Bat.

Here is another example of how fucked up this administration is. I know you inbred Moon Bats don't know much about Economics but deficit spending by the filthy government like this contributes to runaway inflation.

Did CNN not tell you idiots that Potatohead is fucking everything up?

Federal debt explodes by $1 trillion in five weeks since deal suspending limit became law

The U.S. national debt has increased by $1 trillion in the five weeks since President Biden signed a bill into law that effectively turns off the debt ceiling until 2025.

According to Treasury Department data, the total national debt stood at $32.47 trillion on July 6, $1 trillion more than the $31.47 trillion level last seen on June 2. The national debt had been stuck at or near that June 2 level for months because the government had hit the debt ceiling and was legally prohibited from borrowing any more money.

On June 3, however, Biden signed legislation reflecting negotiations with House Republicans that requires a small spending cut next year and allows unlimited federal borrowing until 2025. With no debt ceiling in effect, federal borrowing jumped more than $350 billion in a single day and crossed the $32 trillion mark in less than two weeks.
Your tears make me happy !!!!

Lets look at the official data on the annual deficit.
Trump ramped the deficit massively every year of his presidency.
Biden lowered the deficit massively form what he inherited form Trump

US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2019: $987B
US annual budget deifict in 2020: $3+T

drum roll please...

US annual budget deficit in 2022: $1.3T

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.
If we still had Trump the deficit would be $4T/yr

Biden lowered the deficit, and has a better economy and labor market than the failure of Trump

the GOP own this debt because they caused it.
Your tears make me happy !!!!

Lets look at the official data on the annual deficit.
Trump ramped the deficit massively every year of his presidency.
Biden lowered the deficit massively form what he inherited form Trump

US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2019: $987B
US annual budget deifict in 2020: $3+T

drum roll please...

US annual budget deficit in 2022: $1.3T

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.
If we still had Trump the deficit would be $4T/yr

Biden lowered the deficit, and has a better economy and labor market than the failure of Trump

the GOP own this debt because they caused it.

By the way you stupid inbred Moon Bat.

Even according to Potatohead's numbers food cost inflation is almost 6%, which is disastrous to most American families trying to feed their families. The real numbers are actually higher.

That is why the cart of food my wife and I got at Publix this morning cost $100 more than when Trump was President.

Thanks to the stupidity of you uneducated Moon Bats that voted for Potatohead and allowed him to get away with stealing an election.

US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2019: $987B
US annual budget deifict in 2020: $3+T

drum roll please...

US annual budget deficit in 2022: $1.3T

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.
If we still had Trump the deficit would be $4T/yr

Biden lowered the deficit, and has a better economy and labor market than the failure of Trump

Biden is fighting inflation by getting Mancin to stop another few trillion of his wasteful spending?

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.

How? Be specific. What Trump spending did Biden cut?
Again that has zero to do with whether or not inflation effects the price of a used vehicle.
True that inflation affects the asking price of stuff. Whether one buys it is another thing. I bought the car two years ago and have no idea if the price was inflated. Shortages can also raise prices on certain goods sans inflation. High demand for late model used cars raises prices as new cars are out of reach for many.
Inflation down to 3%. Paid 97 cents for a dozen eggs, 1.39 for a loaf of bread, and a 1.00 for laughing at the wing nuts of the right.

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