Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

How many times have we seen the same story of repubicans proclaiming some grand lie, then it all turns out to be bullshit. From election fraud to Biden crime family, to the Uranium One, the stupid birth certificate. These gullible fools believe any lie the hear on Fake Fox News.

A magic whistle blower claims Joe Biden is a Chupacabra looking to suck the blood of babies... They believe it
Funny you should mention this.....
Great article on the Republicans and their STUPID CONSPIRACYS. It is getting OLD and they are being smacked down and called out.

"This hearing has turned into absolute chaos": Dems call out Jim Jordan over "bananas" FBI hearing​

When a republlican president can actually lower an annual deficit, then you can talk.

BUT Bush and Trump both ramped up and blew up the deficit every single year of their failed presidencies

All our success is under democrats, all our debt deficit, riots at the capitol, failed wars and failure are under failed republicans.

Enjoy the booming Biden economy set to boom like its 1995 !!!!!

You can't come up with any specifics?
Do you have Alzheimer' Joe?
Or are you just Joe?
You are an inbred hick and every word that comes out of your mouth is either a fucking lie or a hate filled rant. Biden is the President of the USA.
Get used to it. This economy is roaring. Roaring too much, but it is on it's way to a gentle correction. You MAGAs want a full blown depression to make Joe look bad.
It is not going to happen. And watch my lips closely. IF A REPUBLICAN WINS in the next Election, Joe will be handing off an economy that you can ride the coat tails on and FUCK IT UP AGAIN. Obama left Trump are fine economy and look what Trump did to it. Every damn time we turn it over to you, you fuck it up.
Democrat's do the hard work cleaning it up, and then you Republican's fuck it up.

Obama left Trump are fine economy and look what Trump did to it.

What did Trump do to it? Run it into the Chicomflu?
You have to account for the fact he inherited a $3+T deficit

If you inherit a deficit that high, with spending already earmarked, its very difficult to get to break even. Trump ramped the deficit every year of his presidency, Biden is lowering the deficit compared to what he inherited.

People need to factor in what the deficit was the previous year.

No, he didn't. I just showed you the FY2021 deficit, which is what he inherited, was $1.5 trillion.
Yeah. That defund the police thing worked out so well in Dem / Marxist run cities turned into Hellholes.

no such thing has happened. but you go on with yer delusions.

oh & when the cops don't do a fucking thing whilst little children are being turned into swiss cheese, like uvalde, texas - then YES - they should be defunded, overhauled & trained to do what they were hired to do.
Dems / Marxists seem not to understand that the middle class is crushed under Socialist policies.
You are of course are defending the 3%ers. They are the ones suffering....along with the miserable MAGA cult which is wringing their hands worrying about their career criminal cult leader.

Prosecutor suggests any indictments in Trump election investigation would likely come in August​

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis sent a letter Thursday sent a letter to county Superior Court Chief Judge Ural Glanville indicating that she plans to have much of her staff work remotely for most days during the first three weeks of August and asking that judges not schedule trials and in-person hearings during part of that time. Copied in on the letter are 20 other county officials, including Sheriff Pat Labat, the court clerk and top leaders.

“Thank you for your consideration and assistance in keeping the Fulton County Judicial Complex safe during this time,” Willis wrote in the letter, first reported by The New York Times.

She wrote in the letter to Glanville that she plans to reduce the staffing in her office by about 70% on most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays — the days when grand juries meet in Fulton County — between July 31 and Aug. 18. But she said her “leadership team, all armed investigators” and some other staff would continue to be on site during the remote work days.
Prosecutor suggests any indictments in Trump election investigation would likely come in August

A grand jury sworn in Tuesday could decide whether Trump is charged over Georgia’s 2020 election​

Published 12:05 AM EDT, July 11, 2023
A grand jury sworn in Tuesday could decide whether Trump is charged over Georgia's 2020 election


Prosecutor suggests any indictments in Trump election investigation would likely come in August​

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis sent a letter Thursday sent a letter to county Superior Court Chief Judge Ural Glanville indicating that she plans to have much of her staff work remotely for most days during the first three weeks of August and asking that judges not schedule trials and in-person hearings during part of that time. Copied in on the letter are 20 other county officials, including Sheriff Pat Labat, the court clerk and top leaders.

“Thank you for your consideration and assistance in keeping the Fulton County Judicial Complex safe during this time,” Willis wrote in the letter, first reported by The New York Times.

She wrote in the letter to Glanville that she plans to reduce the staffing in her office by about 70% on most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays — the days when grand juries meet in Fulton County — between July 31 and Aug. 18. But she said her “leadership team, all armed investigators” and some other staff would continue to be on site during the remote work days.
Prosecutor suggests any indictments in Trump election investigation would likely come in August

A grand jury sworn in Tuesday could decide whether Trump is charged over Georgia’s 2020 election​

Published 12:05 AM EDT, July 11, 2023
A grand jury sworn in Tuesday could decide whether Trump is charged over Georgia's 2020 election

Did you notice the title of the thread?
Incredible and Beautiful Inflation data this morning.

Core Inflation came in at just 0.2% inc. That is the FED's target !!!

The facts are in. Inflation was due to Putin's war and supply chain problems, and all the fake money Trump printed during his presidency.

Rate cuts coming soon !

You stupid fucking commie, month over month it was .2%. Year over year it was 4.8%. You need to learn how to read a chart.


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