Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Why isn't anyone in jail? They are taking political prisoners. Are they slipping?

Patience, FruitLoops. Jack Smith is still working his investigation. Word on the street is -- he's cuttin' deals left and right with some of the lowlifes involved to flip & help secure convictions among the sea goldie big fish.
Yes I agree, Trump's massive debt and deficits and fake money handouts caused this inflation
Good thing Biden has a strong economy and booming labor market so people are doing great right now.

You try to blame Biden for inflation, yet Trump is the one that printed all the money, had all the debt and deficit, and handed it out to everyone.
Biden has lowered the deficit from the massive deficit he inherited form Trump. If Trump were president the deficit would be $4T/yr and inflation would be 10%

You stupid Moon Bats are in denial about all the other damage Potatohead and the Democrat filth have done to our country so you might as well be in denial about Potatohead's massive inflation, tremendous debt, millions of illegals, high cost of energy and dismal economy.

You are dumber than door knobs but at least you are consistent in your stupidity.
Can money be unprinted?
/----/ Yes. Hard currency is burned in a furnace, and digital money is erased.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing receives around 25,000 mutilated currency redemption claims annually. Each bill is shredded and sent to waste energy facilities for disposal.
The inflation numbers have always been skewed (important sectors selectively left out) to not make the party in power look bad. We are seeing it big time with the Potatohead administration. Not only that but the unemployment numbers are being cooked.
/----/ Yes. Hard currency is burned in a furnace, and digital money is erased.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing receives around 25,000 mutilated currency redemption claims annually. Each bill is shredded and sent to waste energy facilities for disposal.
They replace that money with new bills. People don’t turn in damaged money for free
You stupid Moon Bats are in denial about all the other damage Potatohead and the Democrat filth have done to our country so you might as well be in denial about Potatohead's massive inflation, tremendous debt, millions of illegals, high cost of energy and dismal economy.

You are dumber than door knobs but at least you are consistent in your stupidity.
says the trash who can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

You have no credibility at all, and everything you say is bullshit. You are intotal denial of reality

Enjoy Biden booming economy, booming labor market, booming wages, and easing inflation.

Enjoy 4 more years, watching Biden boom like Bill Clinton
All the best presidents are democrat and all the failed presidents are republican.
Since you continue to be confused let me give you another example of Potatohead's inflation, you stupid Moon Bat.

I have another friend who is a project manager with Duke Energy.

In 2019 when Trump was President and inflation was low he costed out an environmental cleanup project in a legacy Duke site in Ohio to be $8 million.

The project was put on hold due to other priorities. A couple of months ago he got the green light for the project. He had to update the cost estimate. It is now $11 million for exactly the same scope.

The difference is Potatohead's massive inflation that idiots like you brag about.

You really are a dumb mutherfucker, aren't you?

My wife and I saw that same kind of inflation that Potatohead has burden the American people with when we we went to Publix this morning to buy food for our family.

I am lucky. I have enough income to absorb the massive inflation without having to go to the Poor House. Most American families don't.

You and the other nitwits that voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election are fucking idiots. Like world class idiots.
What you are describing is higher wages for workers

Something that enrages Conservatives
I dont want to speak for him but I assume he means how does the Fed take the amount of physical money out of the economy.
/-----/ "when the Fed is ready to reduce monetary supply, it sells Asset A. This puts the security back into the financial market and reduces money in the system, again electronically. Is that money destroyed?

On the one hand, the money no longer exists in the financial system. On the other hand, it was only there temporarily in the first place. When the Fed gets that money back, it merely reduces the size of its reserve balance liability. In a sense, money is only "created" during an expansionary cycle electronically, through an accounting mechanism. It's then "destroyed" in a similar, but opposite, accounting entry.
What you are describing is higher wages for workers

Something that enrages Conservatives
Yeah it's just the wages that have increased. Nothing else. BTW if inflation wasnt happening why would wages need to increase? This might be a chicken or the egg discussion but if the value of the currency didnt change the value of your labor in relation to that currency wouldnt change either.
PPI less than expected.

First time jobless claims less than expected.

Job growth continues.

It seems we are seeing people keep jobs with less wage growth in return for a slowing economy.

I will take that.
Patience, FruitLoops. Jack Smith is still working his investigation. Word on the street is -- he's cuttin' deals left and right with some of the lowlifes involved to flip & help secure convictions among the sea goldie big fish.
The wheels of justice move...but they move slowly.
These stupid Moon Bats always deny the damage that their destructive Leftest policies do. Look how this thread is a silly ass ignorant attempt to minimize Potatohead's massive inflation, as an example.

They lie about the damage, blame other people and never learn from their mistakes.

After the Obama and Potatohead disasters no American should ever vote for a Democrat for the next 150 years, if ever.

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