Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

the data says i am correct. The facts say i am correct.

wages just increased +.4 MoM, that says I am correct...
Wages have been increasing at an above average rate for Biden's presidency. (go look this up)

See how facts work. You make a claim, then have facts to back that up.

Trump claims election fraud, then has no credible facts or evidence to back up that fake claim
Fake Fox News claims "the Biden crime family" then they have no credible facts at all to support/prove that claim.

This is how the Big Boy world works, this is why you struggle to get ahead in life.
I'm not questioning your facts (at least this time), I'm questioning your understanding of the definition of the word "booming".
But thanks for throwing in a completely irrelevant comment about Trump & election fraud.
PS - I'm less than 3 years away from a very comfortable retirement while you spend all day here posting bull shit. I take it that is "getting ahead" to you?
Dumb ass.
Trump low cost of energy because he crashed the economy.

Trump less exporter of oil than Biden.

Trump let in more immigrants under his laws while Biden is letting in less.

Trump's taxes on middle class is going up.

Trump low interest rates because he crashed the economy.

Trump increase family income, which helped to lead to inflation.

Trump's poverty rate ended when he crashed the economy.

Trump did not lower welfare.

...and it goes on and on . Trump was a disaster.

Only idiots voted for him and only idiots lie about his record. That reminds me of Flash.

Flash and whitewash and lastamender can see the GOP disaster coming next year.
Not really correct.

In 2021 the IRS said I did not file taxes for 3 years going back to 2013. Two of those years I had canceled checks that were sent with my returns. That was still not good enough and now here I am almost 2 years later still fighting the IRS even though I have provided returns from all the years and my canceled checks for the two when I owed money yet I am still paying the IRS on a payment plan till they finally finish my case. How long do you think I will have to wait to get back the money I did not really owe them?


Yours is a case where you need to locate proof you paid them. Means your proof was, or is, missing.

This is a case where fake electors signed a fake certificate to be counted as legit electors. In this case, the proof is not missing. So if someone is innocent, it means their signature is not on such a fake certificate. There's nothing the feds can threaten them with to coerce them to flip.

Yours is a case where you need to locate proof you paid them. Means your proof was, or is, missing.

Yes, in my case I have to prove I am innocent instead of the other way around as it should be
Joe Biden is taking us to the promise land !
Just like Bill Clinton did

So much better than Trump and Bush's failed presidency of debt, deficit, wars, riots, fake money printing, recessions, and crashes.

At this point, the republicans are a total joke and a total failure.
the joke is in bidens adult kamala quick
Incredible and Beautiful Inflation data this morning.

Core Inflation came in at just 0.2% inc. That is the FED's target !!!

The facts are in. Inflation was due to Putin's war and supply chain problems, and all the fake money Trump printed during his presidency.

Rate cuts coming soon !

One limitation of the core inflation rate is that it does not take into account changes in the prices of food and energy, which are essential components of the economy and can have a significant impact on the cost of living. These prices are often subject to rapid changes, which can lead to significant fluctuations in the overall inflation rate.

Moreover , core inflation may not accurately reflect the actual inflation rate experienced by individuals, as it excludes some elements that could impact their daily lives and expenses.

Finally, the way core inflation is calculated can be subject to debate and interpretation, potentially leading to varying understandings of the inflation rate.
says the trash who can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

You have no credibility at all, and everything you say is bullshit. You are intotal denial of reality

Enjoy Biden booming economy, booming labor market, booming wages, and easing inflation.

Enjoy 4 more years, watching Biden boom like Bill Clinton
All the best presidents are democrat and all the failed presidents are republican.

Inflation down from almost ten to three percent

Thanks President Biden!
The piss 'n moan brigade has a problem. Global inflation has not fallen nearly as fast or as far elsewhere as it has in the United States.

Republican lawmakers have made inflation and the economy their top attack against President Biden, but recent reports showing that annual inflation has dropped to 3 percent is forcing them to rethink their political strategy.
The economy is suddenly showing signs of being not a weakness but a strength for Biden and Democrats as inflations falls to a third of its peak and unemployment stands at a near-record low of 3.6 percent.
The anticipated recession that was supposed to hit this year amid rising interest rates hasn’t yet materialized, leaving some Republicans wondering if they need to revise their messaging.
... wage growth outpaced inflation by 1.2 percent in June, marking the first time since March 2021 that wages are growing faster than prices.
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With the collapse of their central kvetching point, it is rumored that 'Mr Republican Integrity' George Santos (aka Anthony Devolder, aka Anthony Zabrovsky, aka Katira Ravache) wants to revive pedophile pizza parlor passion, and/or lurid tales of "Ray Epps, the Man Who Controls Weak Minds."

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