Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Biden is fighting inflation by getting Mancin to stop another few trillion of his wasteful spending?

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.

How? Be specific. What Trump spending did Biden cut?
He cut $2 Trillion, because he lowered it by $2T

Trump and Bush blew up the deficit and gave us all this debt, they own it, their policies caused it

Biden has lowered the deficit significantly.
I know you hate it, but accept it and deal with it

Your tears make me happy
Everytime you cry like a bitch, America wins.
Let me explain real world inflation to you stupid Moon Bats that are confused about how Potatohead has fucked everything up.

I have a friend that is a berry grower in Plant City Florida. He grows strawberries, black berries and blueberries. He own a farm, a warehouse and some trucks for distribution. He not only grows his own but but buys from other growers. He mostly sells to grocery chains like Publix, Winn Dixie and Sprouts. He has about 50 full time employees and then hires seasonal workers.

He told me that back when Trump was President he could sell a container of blueberries to the stores for $1 wholesale. Nowadays he has to charge $2.15 for the same container in order to have the same profit margin as he had when Trump was President.

A lot of the additional cost has to do with the energy chain but some are cost associated with new Federal regulations. In addition he is paying higher taxes now due to Potatohead and he, of course, passes that on to the consumer.

Potatohead has really fucked up this country and anybody that voted for him is an imbecile.
He cut $2 Trillion, because he lowered it by $2T

Trump and Bush blew up the deficit and gave us all this debt, they own it, their policies caused it

Biden has lowered the deficit significantly.
I know you hate it, but accept it and deal with it

Your tears make me happy
Everytime you cry like a bitch, America wins.

He cut $2 Trillion, because he lowered it by $2T

Cool story! In what specific areas?
By the way, Moon Bats. The reality of Potatohead's inflation.

Because the rate of inflation dropping (maybe if it isn't a lie) just means price increases are slowing. The high prices from the last 1-2 years of high inflation are here to stay.

That is like saying that just because the executioner is not chopping off your limbs as fast now as was doing earlier doesn't mean you should be happy.
I don’t know why restaurants keep their high prices. supermarkets have dropped their prices

A year ago, ground beef was $4.75 a lb, milk was $5.50. Eggs were 50 cents each. I understood why restaurants raised their prices so much.

Today, ground beef is $3.00, milk is $3.25, eggs are 25 cents. But restaurants are still charging the same.
It's called gouging on account of corporate greed.
By the way, Moon Bats. The reality of Potatohead's inflation.

Because the rate of inflation dropping (maybe if it isn't a lie) just means price increases are slowing. The high prices from the last 1-2 years of high inflation are here to stay.

That is like saying that just because the executioner is not chopping off your limbs as fast now as was doing earlier doesn't mean you should be happy.
yea it really sucks that Trump handed out so much fake printed money to all his constituents and gave us all this debt and deficit.

Trump and the GOP own this debt because their policies caused it. Good thing we have Biden to lower the deficit and inflation. Biden has inflation back down to normal levels.
Your tears make me happy !!!!

Lets look at the official data on the annual deficit.
Trump ramped the deficit massively every year of his presidency.
Biden lowered the deficit massively form what he inherited form Trump

US annual budget deficit in 2016: $587B
US annual budget deficit in 2019: $987B
US annual budget deifict in 2020: $3+T

drum roll please...

US annual budget deficit in 2022: $1.3T

Biden lowered the annual deficit substantially from the massive number he inherited form Trump.
If we still had Trump the deficit would be $4T/yr

Biden lowered the deficit, and has a better economy and labor market than the failure of Trump

the GOP own this debt because they caused it.

Biden is doing worse than Trump. If nothing changes, he's currently on path to add $7.8 trillion in his 4 years. Same as Trump. But Trump's 4th year was greatly impacted by the shutdowns; not an excuse Biden can lean on.

FY2018: $1,271,158,167,127
FY2019: $1,203,343,570,254
FY2020: $4,225,989,441,181
FY2021: $1,483,527,375,434

FY2022: $2,499,993,043,258
FY2023: $2,068,618,485,000 (projected)

Biden's two budget deficits are higher than 3 out of Trump's 4. Biden has nothing to celebrate being one of the 2 worst deficit behemoths in this country's history.
Biden is doing worse than Trump. If nothing changes, he's currently on path to add $7.8 trillion in his 4 years. Same as Trump. But Trump's 4th year was greatly impacted by the shutdowns; not an excuse Biden can lean on.

FY2018: $1,271,158,167,127
FY2019: $1,203,343,570,254
FY2020: $4,225,989,441,181
FY2021: $1,483,527,375,434

FY2022: $2,499,993,043,258
FY2023: $2,068,618,485,000 (projected)

Biden's two budget deficits are higher than 3 out of Trump's 4. Biden has nothing to celebrate being one of the 2 worst deficit behemoths in this country's history.
You have to account for the fact he inherited a $3+T deficit

If you inherit a deficit that high, with spending already earmarked, its very difficult to get to break even. Trump ramped the deficit every year of his presidency, Biden is lowering the deficit compared to what he inherited.

People need to factor in what the deficit was the previous year.
"Biden crime family" was always a lie, blatantly. Only a certified idiot would give it any credence.
How many times have we seen the same story of repubicans proclaiming some grand lie, then it all turns out to be bullshit. From election fraud to Biden crime family, to the Uranium One, the stupid birth certificate. These gullible fools believe any lie the hear on Fake Fox News.

A magic whistle blower claims Joe Biden is a Chupacabra looking to suck the blood of babies... They believe it
No specifics? LOL!
When a republlican president can actually lower an annual deficit, then you can talk.

BUT Bush and Trump both ramped up and blew up the deficit every single year of their failed presidencies

All our success is under democrats, all our debt deficit, riots at the capitol, failed wars and failure are under failed republicans.

Enjoy the booming Biden economy set to boom like its 1995 !!!!!
You can post all the DNC lies all you want, Moon Bat. You have no credibilty. That ship sailed a long time ago. We all know you are a hate filled dumbass that never gets anything right. However, any American that buys groceries, pays for fuel or is trying to find a good job or has to pay taxes knows that Potatohead has fucked up this country big time.

Obama told us that Potatohead would fuck up everything he touched and for once on life got it right.

Only inbred dimwits like you are trying to justify the dismal record of the worst President this country ever had.
You are an inbred hick and every word that comes out of your mouth is either a fucking lie or a hate filled rant. Biden is the President of the USA.
Get used to it. This economy is roaring. Roaring too much, but it is on it's way to a gentle correction. You MAGAs want a full blown depression to make Joe look bad.
It is not going to happen. And watch my lips closely. IF A REPUBLICAN WINS in the next Election, Joe will be handing off an economy that you can ride the coat tails on and FUCK IT UP AGAIN. Obama left Trump a fine economy and look what Trump did to it. Every damn time we turn it over to you, you fuck it up.
Democrat's do the hard work cleaning it up, and then you Republican's fuck it up.
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You have to account for the fact he inherited a $3+T deficit

If you inherit a deficit that high, with spending already earmarked, its very difficult to get to break even. Trump ramped the deficit every year of his presidency, Biden is lowering the deficit compared to what he inherited.

People need to factor in what the deficit was the previous year.

If you inherit a deficit that high, with spending already earmarked,

Biden can't cut spending? LOL!

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