Inflation slows to 7.1% as economy cools off

Should someone earn more if they do not increase their value to a company?

Further, stagnant is appropriate. What is happening under the President Biden administration, as you know, is their wages are plummeting.

Should someone earn more if they do not increase their value to a company?

Further, stagnant is appropriate. What is happening under the President Biden administration, as you know, is their wages are plummeting.

Because that is one unique feature of Inflation.It effects one's takehome
pay.There is no way around it.Under Trump ... Inflation was managably low.
Around 2 % or less.Don't believe the Liars at
It's a scumbag Government service like the Mainstream media.
Spicer said inflation was caused by the stimulus during covid. Lie.
The money spent in 2020 was, indeed, justified. Our economy was shut down through no fault of millions of workers. President Biden took office on Jan. 20, 2021. Money spent after that was far, far in excess of what was needed.

This was our debt on Dec. 15, 2020


This is our debt today, Dec. 15, 2022 Notice a difference? That change is in only two years.

Cute try!


Published December 6, 2022 8:39am EST

Recession is expected in Q1 2023: Bank of America

Economists expect a volatile market to persist in 2023

"A recession is very likely in the U.S.," BoFa wrote in its Year Ahead 2023 report. The bank points out that this recession can last through the third quarter of 2023.

There's no official definition of a recession, but many economists define it as a period of two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth or gross domestic product (GDP) decline – a drop that’s already been seen in 2022.

Many Americans also believe the U.S. is already in a recession. More than half or 56% of Americans believe the country is in a recession, according to a recent poll by YouGovAmerica and The Economist.

It's always a possibility, let's hope for the best. Because it won't be just US, it will be the entire world and it would be bad here but devastating and deadly and much of the third world.
Anybody buying into this poppycock, needs to buy a bridge in Brooklyn.
Funny how those gas prices just magically came down in a politically convenient sort of way right ? The funny thing again is before that it was nothing but doom and gloom out of these knuckleheads as they tried politically to blame Trump, Trump, Trump for everything, and in the meantime they were constantly hiring some of the most colorful untrustworthy character's (suitcase lover), ever seen in a modern day government.

Everything is political posturing and positioning with these knucklehead's. They don't know nothing else or any other way, and that's why we've struggled so bad with these people for two years, and basically we've lost all the gains that Trump worked so hard in the early day's to get for for us (we were all still living on the good times Trump brought us in the fixing of the economy, and this was by way of Job's, Job's, Job's, and drill baby drill, illegals went home, American's went back to work, border was being sealed, wages were steadily rising, and then came to so called accident at a lab in China).

Yeah, like you say I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell, anyone interested, otherwise if they think the virus came from a wet market ? The timing was way to suspicious and convenient in it all. Still needs investigated to the fullest, but not so much to see what China's role may have been, but instead what role did our own play in the situation ??... Yep that's the most important part that American's need to fully understand and know about.

All the warnings were echoed in the campaign, yet they were ignored by the Democrat voter's who vote along party lines no matter what. It shook them to their core after Biden was seated, and they began experiencing a radical president and his radical administration though, and so much so that they've began to lose some of their own due to the sickening situation.

Guess Gabbard and Sinema couldn't stand the corruption and stench any longer. Manchin needs to get up and out of there next. Can't believe that anyone would want to be associated with the Democrat's after all that's went on, otherwise IMO the party shouldn't even exist anymore due to what should have been the complete implosion of it by now. People have been dragged in so deep that they can't swim back out.
The money spent in 2020 was, indeed, justified. Our economy was shut down through no fault of millions of workers. President Biden took office on Jan. 20, 2021. Money spent after that was far, far in excess of what was needed.

This was our debt on Dec. 15, 2020


This is our debt today, Dec. 15, 2022 Notice a difference? That change is in only two years.

Like the horrifying Alfred Hitchcock Hour - The Jar - { 1964 }
Where a Carny Barker sells a carnival sideshow attraction
{ a large glass jug with a weird thing inside }.
The person who buys it takes it back to their farm house and
entertains his neighbors,far and wide who sit in his living room and
stare at it for long periods.Wondering just what's inside it.
It has all kinds of hair and things that could be skin.
I think a few marbles.Before long a plot ensues to steal the
jar, and run off to the swamp where it can't be found or located.
The guy who stole the jar being in a hurry accidentally stumbles
into a pile of quicksand.He hasn't much time.
Such is life.Be careful what you steal.
To steal the American Dream right out from underneath average
Tax-paying,God-Fearing Americans is Not Wise.And to do it
while playing favorites for those Undeserving is doubly snarky.
Such shouldn't be life.
Nor ... " Nothing should be left to an invaded people
but their eyes for weeping. " - Prince Otto Von Bismark
The money spent in 2020 was, indeed, justified. Our economy was shut down through no fault of millions of workers. President Biden took office on Jan. 20, 2021. Money spent after that was far, far in excess of what was needed.

This was our debt on Dec. 15, 2020


This is our debt today, Dec. 15, 2022 Notice a difference? That change is in only two years.

Exactly right..... That's why the American people aren't buying anything the Democrat's are selling, and so the Democrat's struggle fiercely to get their bull crap out there (a lot of bull crap still pending).

Problem is that the money they try to get, always ends up disappearing into the wrong pockets, otherwise where it is reallocated into wealth redistribution plans that buy Democrat votes for future election's.

The Democrat's hate independent American's, so they feed and cater to creating a dependent population by way of our Treasury as much as they can, because their strategy is that "hey a dog won't bite the hand that feeds him", so the plan with our money is that the poor brainwashed dependent's receiving such a miniscule amount of it will just scurry on down to the vote station's to pull that lever for the Democrat's everytime. The stuff is easily read like a poorly written horror film. Problem is that we ain't waking up so easily from the nightmare's they are creating.
It's $3.26 gallon - was $1.89 when Trump left (72% inflation). If Biden stopped warring against the oil companies, and would open up the drilling that he shut down, price would drop to$1.89 within 2 weeks.

Yeah, Biden's getting it done, all right. GOUGING Americans.

And he continues to allow illegal aliens into the country, filling up rental housing vacancies, adding to the astronomical inflation there, of 100-200% all over the country.

Dude has turned the country into a train wreck.
Let's see how strong our Republican colleagues are come January 3rd. Either they are fighting a serious up hill battle or they will simply just use Biden's own words against him. If they allow the left to have it's way with this nation much longer, then she will be destroyed by these knucklehead Democrat's.
Please see post 191, Trumpster.
Are the FACTS I posted false? Nope, so I don't need to see anything. They are what they are and those FACTS are devastating low, and middle-income workers as well as those living on a fixed income. Retirees. You must be so proud.
More will be known after the Christmas shopping however the supply is catching up with demand however spending is slowing quickly. Hope we don’t go into a recession however it looks like it may.
Are the FACTS I posted false? Nope, so I don't need to see anything. They are what they are and those FACTS are devastating low, and middle-income workers as well as those living on a fixed income. Retirees. You must be so proud.
I've already agreed, clearly, twice, that inflation has been bad. So you can keep trying to go with that, because you're clearly ignorant about what caused it and you're desperate to put me on the defensive.

Your ignorance is your issue, not mine.
Saying inflation is slowing at 7.1% is like saying the racing car has slowed down because it is only going 130 MPH instead of 150.
Ole Sleepy Joe Biden is on track to being the best President in modern history!


I will at least agree with you that as awful as Biden is, he is still better than Obama. Good point.
Now if the incoming repub House would decide to govern, instead of block and investigate...maybe we would see things really improve. But, with idiots like McCarthy and MTG, I doubt that will happen.
So we should just ignore treason and corruption when its done by democrats? The
Biden family was on several foreign payrolls, its called bribery. Why should that be ignored? Why are you libs so scared of the truth coming out for all to see?
Let's see how strong our Republican colleagues are come January 3rd. Either they are fighting a serious up hill battle or they will simply just use Biden's own words against him. If they allow the left to have it's way with this nation much longer, then she will be destroyed by these knucklehead Democrat's.
exactly, our country is at a turning point. We either remain a constitutional free republic or we become a large copy of failed european socialism. We are balancing on the knife edge, which way will we fall?
Now if the incoming repub House would decide to govern, instead of block and investigate...maybe we would see things really improve. But, with idiots like McCarthy and MTG, I doubt that will happen.

The incoming Rs should investigate biden and the mRNA injections that are killing people. They're cowards though and I doubt they will do any meaningful investigations.
The money spent in 2020 was, indeed, justified. Our economy was shut down through no fault of millions of workers. President Biden took office on Jan. 20, 2021. Money spent after that was far, far in excess of what was needed.

This was our debt on Dec. 15, 2020


This is our debt today, Dec. 15, 2022 Notice a difference? That change is in only two years.

2022-12-15_05-54-53-X3.jpg>Donald Trump built a national debt so big ( even before the pandemic ) that it'll weigh down the economy for years. The " king of debt " added 7.8 trillion dollars to the national debt in just a single term making it 28 trillion dollars before Biden took over. This from a person who promised to lower the national debt. The national debt is at 31 trillion right now. Even with all the covid spending and the infrastructure bill and the war in Ukraine Biden has only added 3 trillion dollars to the national debt. So far he's spending less than Trump did.

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