Inflation slows to 7.1% as economy cools off

It's $3.26 gallon - was $1.89 when Trump left (72% inflation). If Biden stopped warring against the oil companies, and would open up the drilling that he shut down, price would drop to$1.89 within 2 weeks.

Yeah, Biden's getting it done, all right. GOUGING Americans.

And he continues to allow illegal aliens into the country, filling up rental housing vacancies, adding to the astronomical inflation there, of 100-200% all over the country.

Dude has turned the country into a train wreck.
You keep ranting the same tired, false bullshit. Joseph Biden (God's choice) is doing fantastic, and Democrats are working for the people!
Cute try!


Published December 6, 2022 8:39am EST

Recession is expected in Q1 2023: Bank of America

Economists expect a volatile market to persist in 2023

"A recession is very likely in the U.S.," BoFa wrote in its Year Ahead 2023 report. The bank points out that this recession can last through the third quarter of 2023.

There's no official definition of a recession, but many economists define it as a period of two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth or gross domestic product (GDP) decline – a drop that’s already been seen in 2022.

Many Americans also believe the U.S. is already in a recession. More than half or 56% of Americans believe the country is in a recession, according to a recent poll by YouGovAmerica and The Economist.

That recession will be here one day! It's like that caravan from Mexico and the Black helicopters and the Rapture.
That recession will be here one day! It's like that caravan from Mexico and the Black helicopters and the Rapture.
Oh I understand your problem now, you're one of those wackos. Good luck with that. Yes the whole world is facing significant problems and only by working together will resolve them. Keeping your head in the sand doesn't even protect you.
Cute try!


Published December 6, 2022 8:39am EST

Recession is expected in Q1 2023: Bank of America

Economists expect a volatile market to persist in 2023

"A recession is very likely in the U.S.," BoFa wrote in its Year Ahead 2023 report. The bank points out that this recession can last through the third quarter of 2023.

There's no official definition of a recession, but many economists define it as a period of two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth or gross domestic product (GDP) decline – a drop that’s already been seen in 2022.

Many Americans also believe the U.S. is already in a recession. More than half or 56% of Americans believe the country is in a recession, according to a recent poll by YouGovAmerica and The Economist.

Wishing for a recession. Typical MAGA.
Cute try!


Published December 6, 2022 8:39am EST

Recession is expected in Q1 2023: Bank of America

Economists expect a volatile market to persist in 2023

"A recession is very likely in the U.S.," BoFa wrote in its Year Ahead 2023 report. The bank points out that this recession can last through the third quarter of 2023.

There's no official definition of a recession, but many economists define it as a period of two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth or gross domestic product (GDP) decline – a drop that’s already been seen in 2022.

Many Americans also believe the U.S. is already in a recession. More than half or 56% of Americans believe the country is in a recession, according to a recent poll by YouGovAmerica and The Economist.

Yeah....trump expected to win in 2020....BUT HE DIDN'T,!
More will be known after the Christmas shopping however the supply is catching up with demand however spending is slowing quickly. Hope we don’t go into a recession however it looks like it may.
Corporations are laying off management in readying themselves for the coming recession. Fact. I got a little birdie that's telling me so, and I'm witnessing the lay offs first hand.
Heck, your hero was BEGGING the Fed for even MORE inflationary quantitative easing and even LOWER inflationary interest rates.
You didn't read the fine print

He can beg all He wants, but He doesn't get Jack unless the house signs off on the money.

No, YOU don't, Einstein.

If you want to prove my posts wrong, go ahead and try. I'll watch.
:shock:>Donald Trump built a national debt so big ( even before the pandemic ) that it'll weigh down the economy for years. The " king of debt " added 7.8 trillion dollars to the national debt in just a single term making it 28 trillion dollars before Biden took over. This from a person who promised to lower the national debt. The national debt is at 31 trillion right now. Even with all the covid spending and the infrastructure bill and the war in Ukraine Biden has only added 3 trillion dollars to the national debt. So far he's spending less than Trump did.

Couldn't have built it without bipartisan approval..
You didn't read the fine print

He can beg all He wants, but He doesn't get Jack unless the house signs off on the money.


Couldn't have built it without bipartisan approval..
Trump made all his rich friends a Mar a Lugo wealthier. He bragged about screwing over the middle class.
You keep ranting the same tired, false bullshit. Joseph Biden (God's choice) is doing fantastic, and Democrats are working for the people!

Really? Doing fantastic? 9% inflation reduced to 7% is fantastic? Record consumer debt is fantastic?

Please, list 10 things Biden has done that has made things so "great."

He'd hump Bidens leg but he'd have to peel the kids off of it who are playing with his leg hair.
Since both of these men are old and unattractive, I don't believe anyone wants to be playing with it either one of them. I'm surprised Melania is still with trump.
Yet Biden has been doing that for years as VP, now his pal's reap the rewards. Happens every election cycle.
Ha....we all know who the rich man's friends is. He rails against the elite..while he is the definition of elite.
Since both of these men are old and unattractive, I don't believe anyone wants to be playing with it either one of them. I'm surprised Melania is still with trump.
https://Joe>accomplishments. Here's 15 very important ones.
You didn't read the fine print

He can beg all He wants, but He doesn't get Jack unless the house signs off on the money.


Couldn't have built it without bipartisan approval..
Yes bipartisan support has always been a mainstay in defending and maintaining the strength of our democracy. That's how Biden is getting so much done. He appeals to both sides, unlike his predecessor.

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