Inflation slows to 7.1% as economy cools off

I used the figure that existed before the virus, which was the fair way to show where the economy was. Once COVID hit, the economy went all over the place, and was incredibly uneven.

Let me give you a little lesson on economic numbers, Einstein. When a number drops by 50%, let's say from 100 to 50, it has to recover 100% (that same 50) to get back to where it was. So, when a number drops by 30%, it has to recover 42% to get back to where it was.

If you're giving him credit for the 35% (annualized) GDP, why aren't you blaming him for the MINUS 30%?

Because you're a Trumpster. That's why.

Arrogant ignorance: The MAGA Way.
Because Einstein, the MINUS 30% wasn't Trump. It was DEMOCRATS, in a combination of them SHUTTING down the economy + Pelosi refusing to allow Stimulus checks to be sent out. They did that to take away Trump's top election year campaign issue - his good economy - Damn DUPED fool.

And why do I accept Trump's 35.2% record GDP. Because that was from REOPENING the economy (in red states), after Republicans had realized they (and the American people) were being scammed by Democrats.

You don't even know the fundamentals of what occured in 2020, but well, that's what happens folks - when you restrict your TV watching to CNN/MSNBC/PBS/MSM.
Arrogant ignorance - the leftist media way.
You keep ranting the same tired, false bullshit. Joseph Biden (God's choice) is doing fantastic, and Democrats are working for the people!
I wonder how anybody could say the ludicrous/assinine things you say.
Hypnotism ?
Insanity ?
Just plain stupid ?

PS - women & children: stay away from Joe Biden (20 feet distance minimum)
I bought gas for $2.58 a gallon, it's still high but it's coming down. Everything in its time, everything in its place; that is the way of the world.
It's $3.19/gal here in Tampa , FL. Country is about to fall into another recession. People may have to sell their cars. Won't be worrying about gas prices then.
As you know, though you probably won't admit it to yourself, our massive inflation was caused by massive spending.

Too many dollars chasing too few goods results in inflation. President Biden and his far-left-wing handlers have dumped TRILLIONS into our economy.
And another one who thinks global inflation exploded out of nowhere the minute Biden took office. Boom! Overnight.

The arrogant ignorance of Trumpism. And this is why I don't bother talking markets and economics (my profession) with them any more.
And another one who thinks global inflation exploded out of nowhere the minute Biden took office. Boom! Overnight.

The arrogant ignorance of Trumpism. And this is why I don't bother talking markets and economics (my profession) with them any more.

What % of YOUR posts are about Trump, Mac?

You neeeeeeeeeeeeeed him
Because Einstein, the MINUS 30% wasn't Trump. It was DEMOCRATS, in a combination of them SHUTTING down the economy + Pelosi refusing to allow Stimulus checks to be sent out. They did that to take away Trump's top election year campaign issue - his good economy - Damn DUPED fool.

And why do I accept Trump's 35.2% record GDP. Because that was from REOPENING the economy (in red states), after Republicans had realized they (and the American people) were being scammed by Democrats.

You don't even know the fundamentals of what occured in 2020, but well, that's what happens folks - when you restrict your TV watching to CNN/MSNBC/PBS/MSM.
Arrogant ignorance - the leftist media way.
Knowing, analyzing and acting on this stuff is my profession, Einstein. 22+ years.

You're just another Trumpster.

And another one who thinks global inflation exploded out of nowhere the minute Biden took office. Boom! Overnight.

The arrogant ignorance of Trumpism. And this is why I don't bother talking markets and economics (my profession) with them any more.
today's inflation has one, and only one, cause. Biden's war on oil and gas and coal. When you cause the price of energy to go up, which he did on day one, the price of everything goes up-----------inflation. Because the price of everything is based on the price of the energy required to make it, refine it, produce it, and deliver it. Reopen keystone and allow drilling in Anwr and the gulf and the inflation will drop almost immediately.
Inflation under control - check.

Lower Gas Prices - Check.

Lowest Unemployment In 50 - Check.

Only President To NOT Loose An Encumbent SenatorIn A Midterm Election Since 1934 - Check.

Over 7,000,000 Jobs Created In Just Two Years - Check.

But Cons of course need to bitch.
How long did it take you dipsticks to get them check's ??? That's what I thought, while in the last two years the working class has lost million's in their wages and retirements because of your poor choices, and your radicalism gone stupid.... Of course that doesn't matter to you feelz good at the spur of any moment types of knucklehead's, just as long as you could finally figure out a way to rape the country for those check's you badly needed.. No one's fooled by y'all's bull crap.
it is 100% true. prove otherwise, not theory, proof. Energy prices drive inflation.
That's certainly one factor but the policies of President Biden's handlers created the perfect storm for crippling inflation. Another major factor is the unnecessary trillions of dollars dumped into our system. Too many dollars chasing too few goods.
today's inflation has one, and only one, cause. Biden's war on oil and gas and coal. When you cause the price of energy to go up, which he did on day one, the price of everything goes up-----------inflation. Because the price of everything is based on the price of the energy required to make it, refine it, produce it, and deliver it. Reopen keystone and allow drilling in Anwr and the gulf and the inflation will drop almost immediately.
Absolutely CORRECT, but I will add one more item. Housing rents have gone up astronomically, and one of the cases of that is - you guessed it - Joe Biden. Airlifting thousands of illegal aliens into cites, saturating their housing markets, sending rents skyrocketing. (100-200% inflation on apartments)
So no response to the information, just questioning how long a google search to find it took? Thanks for the non-denial of the information. We now know you acknowledge its true.

Oh, and it didn't take long at all, it was like front page of the WSJ.

I went to Wal Mart today. I bought 3 little plastic bags of food. 63 dollars. Depressed is the only way to feel in Bidens economy. Little packs of dog food for my dog that have been 79 cents as long as I've had my dog were 1.50 each today. DOUBLE what they were under Trump.
You sound miserable. Your messiah lost to an old man from RI. Now he is falling behind little Ronnie from Florida. Take meds and get away.
Absolutely CORRECT, but I will add one more item. Housing rents have gone up astronomically, and one of the cases of that is - you guessed it - Joe Biden. Airlifting thousands of illegal aliens into cites, saturating their housing markets, sending rents skyrocketing. (100-200% inflation on apartments)
Leave it to Joe right ?
MAGA trash
Everyone knows who the trash is, and wildly the trash doesn't have enough self awareness to understand who is truly the trash and who truly isn't. I mean it's truly unbelievable how the left is oblivious to it's own filth, and actually without shame tries to stand toe to toe with good citizen's in hopes to shift their nastiness over to the good citizen's side, and all in hopes that somehow other's would be fooled by the bull crap. No one's fooled, maybe tolerant but never fooled. Just be glad of the tolerance and patience that the right has.

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