INFOWARS! Joe Biden grabs small girl at rally!! Video

“How many genders are there?”

“There are at least three,” responds Biden.

“What are they?” asks Katie.

“Don’t play games with me kid,” responds Biden.

I bet Biden was fantasizing about swimming naked in front of her. He had to grab her to get a good view for later. Lol
Video: Joe Biden Forcefully Grabs Young Woman During Iowa State FairVideo: Joe Biden Forcefully Grabs Young Woman During Iowa State Fair

Like WOW!
Time to pack it in creep

Infowars also saw the Epstein scandal way beforehand. They can't science, but apparently they have a real good eye for sexual predators. Wonder if they are right on Bill Clinton. that's where they got their child porn.
I thought it came from Anthony Wiener.
Wait... a FOOTAGE is now a conspiracy theory?

What the fuck?

Sounds like mod read the word "infowars" and let his instincts run amuck. There is nothing conspiratorial about the video.
Did he grab her pussy?

'cause that's what really matters. Anywhere else is just plain old sexual harassment but pussy grabbing is AOK.
Did you know that saying you CAN grab em by the pussy and ACTUALLY grabbing them by the pussy aren't the same things? Deflections aside, Biden again shows that he can't keep his hands off of girls and also displays a nasty old man's demeanor toward a young girl asking a simple question. If Trump did that, Lefties would be wetting their pants from coast to coast.
GO, SLOW JOE, GO...He will NEVER learn!!! The perfect DemonRAT candidate...ROTFLMFAO

Summit News ^ | 8/9/2019 | Paul Joseph Watson

New video footage shows presidential frontrunner Joe Biden forcefully grabbing a young woman by the arm at the Iowa State Fair in response to the woman asking Biden how many genders there are.

The clip shows ‘Katie’ – a college student in Iowa walking up to Biden and asking him, “How many genders are there?”

“Pardon me?” responds Biden, before Katie repeats the question.

“How many genders are there?”

“There are at least three,” responds Biden.

“What are they?” asks Katie.

“Don’t play games with me kid,” responds Biden.

The video then shows Biden grabbing Katie by the arm, turning her around and stating, “By the way, first one to come out for marriage was me,” presumably referring to gay marriage.

“He grabs my arm and pulls me back to make eye contact with him again,” said Katie, adding that the incident made her “very very mad that someone would actually treat me like that.”

Biden’s physical conduct towards the young woman is clearly inappropriate for someone with his reputation and quite shocking for a presidential frontrunner surrounded by cameras.

Back in April, the former Vice President said he would change his behavior after being accused by numerous women of “inappropriate touching,” but it appears as though he hasn’t learned anything.
Well, Biden probably DOES believe there are at least 3 genders, since he saw a First "Lady" that actually had a dick!!!
I am no fan of Creepy Joe, but I could not tell from the video that he was overly forceful such that it could pass muster to charge anyone with assault. Still, the young lady obviously didn't like JB and didn't appreciate that he grabbed her arm. I suspected If a person she liked grabbed her arm in the same way to get her attention that she would think nothing of it; however, I could be wrong.

I would hate for every tap on the shoulder or tug on someone's arm to get someone's attention to become a potential assault case!

That being said, there are 3 genders, he, she, and it.
If Biden won, we would have a president who believes there are "at least three" genders.

So far we have only had a vice president who thought so.

Given that a five year old can figure this shit out... who believes this is a good idea?

As conservatives, we must be honest here: Biden does not really by into all that gender fluidity bullshit, so when questioned about it, he tried to shut the girl down because he really cannot answer her questions, and he cannot answer her questions because he really does not believe in that crap. He is a horrible Catholic, but he did grow up Catholic, and there may be a few truths that still resonate in him.
He tried to get rid of an idiot bimbo who buys into gender fluidity bullshit , and it backfired on him. Thats what really happened.

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