INFOWARS! Joe Biden grabs small girl at rally!! Video

No Eric his FIRST wife It's in the book She later recanted as she was paid off Money talks
Wow! Paid off to change her story, huh? How much did she get? Oh, have no idea. This is all your imagination at work.
Ivana Trump speaks out on allegations Donald Trump raped her

Ivana calls it all "lawyer talk" and says there was no rape in any actual or legal sense. You could have framed your accusation in this way but I guess it's more fun for you to act as though you know what happened, and you clearly don't.

You "know" Trump raped Ivana the way Old Joe Biden "knows" there are three genders.
Did she OR did she not say on the stand that Trump raped her? And yes paid off is a guess BUT an educated guess It's all the POS trump did all his life paid off hookers ,lawyers to protect him when he was guilty as sin
Did she OR did she not say on the stand that Trump raped her?
Depositions from the Trump divorce have been sealed so who can reliably claim to know one way or the other? Ivana Trump insists she was not raped.
Some author named Harry Hurt III says he somehow got a copy of the sealed deposition and his uncorroborated claim is Trump did.
So you can believe the principle character in this dispute or a third party who has no proof of his claim.
This is not a difficult choice to make.

And yes paid off is a guess BUT an educated guess It's all the POS trump did all his life paid off hookers ,lawyers to protect him when he was guilty as sin
Okay, but educated or not it's still a guess. Ivana Trump has her money if she was paid off and she still stands by
her statements years later. Not a single word or hint to the contrary. A claim of rape long after the fact in a divorce proceeding is a great bargaining chip. An actual police report at the time
carries much more weight.
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