Inherited wealth. Any justification?

Should inherited wealth exist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 78.6%
  • No

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Yes, but it should be limited/taxed

    Votes: 11 19.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It seems you know something good that I'd like to find out about. If the government is giving out money to people who haven't earned it, can you tell me how I can get some? Do I need any special qualifications to qualify?


It's not really a secret. It's called unemployment insurance.

No Bern...the workers pay for that, too.

Yes their employer write the check, but he does so having already reduced his workers wages knowing that he'll have to chip into the unemployment funds for those workers

So basically unemployment insurance is something that the workers pay for in the form of reduced wages.

Which is why unemployment, and any other, insurance is A FUCKING BAD IDEA. IT DOESN'T WORK. It allows some people to get fat until everything crashes down because it is not sustainable. It's just a money grab.
Maybe if our government hadn't fucked up the economy for the benefit of a bunch of politically connected cronies, those millions of Americans wouldn't have needed a government handout in the first place.
It's not really a secret. It's called unemployment insurance.

No Bern...the workers pay for that, too.

Yes their employer write the check, but he does so having already reduced his workers wages knowing that he'll have to chip into the unemployment funds for those workers

So basically unemployment insurance is something that the workers pay for in the form of reduced wages.

Which is why unemployment, and any other, insurance is A FUCKING BAD IDEA. IT DOESN'T WORK. It allows some people to get fat until everything crashes down because it is not sustainable. It's just a money grab.

It's not INSURANCE. It's another PONZI SCHEME. I get taxed over $1,100 per year for CA SUI/SDI (Supposed unemployment and disability insurance). But this money is not invested for me. It is spent on people who are receiving benefits now.
No Bern...the workers pay for that, too.

Yes their employer write the check, but he does so having already reduced his workers wages knowing that he'll have to chip into the unemployment funds for those workers

So basically unemployment insurance is something that the workers pay for in the form of reduced wages.

Which is why unemployment, and any other, insurance is A FUCKING BAD IDEA. IT DOESN'T WORK. It allows some people to get fat until everything crashes down because it is not sustainable. It's just a money grab.

It's not INSURANCE. It's another PONZI SCHEME. I get taxed over $1,100 per year for CA SUI/SDI (Supposed unemployment and disability insurance). But this money is not invested for me. It is spent on people who are receiving benefits now.

All insurance is a ponzi scheme. It's essentially a bribe. It's crooked, it corrupts and it is fatal to the economy.

Of course it is, it's a leftist invention!
Perhaps it's better that we have no rich here in America.

No more NFL owners. No more donations to universities like Harvard from wealthy allumns.

I mean, the rich never contributed to American society.

As long as the social contract is based on capitalism we need CAPTIALISTS just as we need WORKERS.

The rich are the folks who take a share of the wealth produced by the nation's workers and save it for reinvestment so that other workers will also find work to create still more wealth.

But whe the capital formation does NOT go back into investments in the nation that created that wealth to begin with?

Then the system isn't going to last very long.

And we are now beginning to feel the effects of policies that allowed the weath created by the RICH and the WORKERS of this nation migrating to foreign shores thus putting millions of Americans out of work.

If you can't see what's wrong with that picture, I'm not sure that you're somebody whose thoughts regarding our macro-economy are worthy of my consideration, kid.

I'm 54 years FYI you dip-shit.

I see what's wrong with it but I also know that a high wage scale and higher taxes caused it. trade cause it.

No free trade no flight of the industries off shore, no imbalance of trade and no need for our governments to be broke either.

That is exactly why I think this meltdown of our economy is contrived.
LOL, how about you answer the question then:

Well I certainly don't have anything against supporting people who are disabled, or in giving people a hand up, but there ought to be greater restrictions on simply handing money out to the able-bodied. it promotes idleness of body and mind, increases the consumption of resources, indulges a taste for luxury, and leads to the unhealthy state of ennui. There is possible no way of stopping welfare abuse in the individual states any more than we can "confiscate" all inheritance. But in either case we can limit the harmful effects with judicious policy.

Do the disabled earn their way in life?
Do the people who are looking for a free check earn it?

I see many able bodied people receiving free checks. Are they earning their way?

Do tell, what harmful effects come from an inheritance?

27 million people take a total of 55 billion from the taxpayers in "Earned Income Credit".
Seems like a redistribution of wealth to me. The left probably think that it's social justice.
Well I certainly don't have anything against supporting people who are disabled, or in giving people a hand up, but there ought to be greater restrictions on simply handing money out to the able-bodied. it promotes idleness of body and mind, increases the consumption of resources, indulges a taste for luxury, and leads to the unhealthy state of ennui. There is possible no way of stopping welfare abuse in the individual states any more than we can "confiscate" all inheritance. But in either case we can limit the harmful effects with judicious policy.

Do the disabled earn their way in life?
Do the people who are looking for a free check earn it?

I see many able bodied people receiving free checks. Are they earning their way?

Do tell, what harmful effects come from an inheritance?

27 million people take a total of 55 billion from the taxpayers in "Earned Income Credit".
Seems like a redistribution of wealth to me. The left probably think that it's social justice.

And no matter how much you give them they always want more. They always have their eyes on what others have.

It would seem as if the "poor" would now like some inheritance of their own so they will be happy and have more of what is not theirs.

Do the disabled earn their way in life?
Do the people who are looking for a free check earn it?

I see many able bodied people receiving free checks. Are they earning their way?

Do tell, what harmful effects come from an inheritance?

27 million people take a total of 55 billion from the taxpayers in "Earned Income Credit".
Seems like a redistribution of wealth to me. The left probably think that it's social justice.

And no matter how much you give them they always want more. They always have their eyes on what others have.

It would seem as if the "poor" would now like some inheritance of their own so they will be happy and have more of what is not theirs.

Our great country gives the opportunity to make money....not a guarantee to it.
I don't see the argument for giving anything back to the government when taxes have already been paid.

That's such a silly and pointless argument.

Money is fungible. It's taxed when it changes hands. Isn't your paycheck taxed? When you buy groceries with your already-taxed income, doesn't the grocer then get taxed on his income? Isn't his post-tax income taxed again when he pays the mechanic and the mechanic gets paid?

So if earned income is taxed every time it changes hands, why should un-earned income be any different?

Will you guys ever come up with a position that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker?
I don't see the argument for giving anything back to the government when taxes have already been paid.

That's such a silly and pointless argument.

Money is fungible. It's taxed when it changes hands. Isn't your paycheck taxed? When you buy groceries with your already-taxed income, doesn't the grocer then get taxed on his income? Isn't his post-tax income taxed again when he pays the mechanic and the mechanic gets paid?

So if earned income is taxed every time it changes hands, why should un-earned income be any different?

Will you guys ever come up with a position that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker?

It's my money so fuck off.
I don't see the argument for giving anything back to the government when taxes have already been paid.

Ever witnessed Caroline Kennedy?


Can you honestly tell me she merits the wealth she has?
The kennedy's money was from illegal bootlegging. But that is alright with the left. When a conservative EARNS his riches they hate it. Idiot socialists.
The estate tax should be called the patriot tax. We live in America where we are suppose to value hard work and ingenuity, yet Republicans do not value these principles. Instead, they value the idea of perpetual wealth and dynasties.

These types of people would make King George proud.
Better than supporting socialism like the idiot dimwits who are bought and paid for by socialists like soros. Idiots!!!!
I don't see the argument for giving anything back to the government when taxes have already been paid.

That's such a silly and pointless argument.

Money is fungible. It's taxed when it changes hands. Isn't your paycheck taxed? When you buy groceries with your already-taxed income, doesn't the grocer then get taxed on his income? Isn't his post-tax income taxed again when he pays the mechanic and the mechanic gets paid?

So if earned income is taxed every time it changes hands, why should un-earned income be any different?

Will you guys ever come up with a position that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker?

It's my money so fuck off.

Not when you're dead. Dead men don't have money. It becomes somebody else's money. That person has to pay tax on it just like any other money he acquires.

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