Initial Jobless Claims Surge To 316k, Highest Since June 2014

Vigie, only a few on the far right back you out of loyalty.

The rest of us from left to responsible right enjoy your tantrums.

Now you claim you speak for the majority.... you are a deranged little man that has Obuma's arrogance. No wonder you adore him! Birds of a feather....

It's OK to root FOR America.

You guys will NEVER admit that the economy is good; It makes us think that you care more about your party than the country.

In other words, ignore the current facts, so that subversives can think shit is getting better!
In other words, ignore the current facts, so that subversives can think shit is getting better!

Really? The "subversives?" I don't even have any driving tickets.

Things are good for me -- don't know about everyone else. Seems to me that you are just bleating that the sky is falling and its Obumer's fault.
Vigie, only a few on the far right back you out of loyalty.

The rest of us from left to responsible right enjoy your tantrums.

Now you claim you speak for the majority.... you are a deranged little man that has Obuma's arrogance. No wonder you adore him! Birds of a feather....

It's OK to root FOR America.

You guys will NEVER admit that the economy is good; It makes us think that you care more about your party than the country.

In other words, ignore the current facts, so that subversives can think shit is getting better!
Do you really think that the highest week of initial UI claims in 6 months is a sign of disaster??
I'm now on a proper computer and can show the graph of weekly intial claims for the last 10 years:

While it's theorectically possible that's the beginning of a new surge, it seems unlikely.
probably layoffs due to plunging oil prices...
I hear they are starting.

Too bad most of the young studs I know working in the oilfield making $10,000 a month take-home were spending $15,000 a month.

Here in LA we know it is a boom and bust business.

The state will be on our asses with taxes like flies on shit if prices stay low.
probably layoffs due to plunging oil prices...
I hear they are starting.

Too bad most of the young studs I know working in the oilfield making $10,000 a month take-home were spending $15,000 a month.

Here in LA we know it is a boom and bust business.

The state will be on our asses with taxes like flies on shit if prices stay low.
Our state has been wanting to raise taxes, but we keep voting them down...They should make the gov. sell the mansion and get a double wide trailer house...
Thing Number One: A one-month blip in numbers like this is borderline meaningless. You have to look at the causes and trends.

Thing Number Two: A President's policies have little direct affect on employment. It's analogous to the Keystone Pipeline's affect on pump prices - so indirect that it can be discounted to nothingness.

Thing Number Three: OTOH, Our Beloved President seems totally unaware of the prominence of the PRIVATE SECTOR in the health of the nation's economy, and more importantly, on the effect of his policies on the health of the PRIVATE SECTOR economy. Not surprising, since he has never actually had a real job.

Thing Number Four: Our economy is in much worse shape than this Administration will acknowledge. In fact, this Administration "cooks the books" rapaciously at every opportunity, trying to make the economy look better than it actually is. And because the numbers are phony, he gets away with doing things that cost money and jobs, and failing to do the stimulative things that might actually help. Hopefully, the Republican Congress will force his hand in job-generating initiatives, much as the Gingrich Congress forced Clinton into welfare reform - which he never wanted anyhow.

Thing Number Five: We are at Full Employment. My wife and I are both working, thank you very much.
Thing Number One: A one-month blip in numbers like this is borderline meaningless. You have to look at the causes and trends.
Actually, it was a one week blip...UI claims are reported weekly.

Thing Number Two: A President's policies have little direct affect on employment. It's analogous to the Keystone Pipeline's affect on pump prices - so indirect that it can be discounted to nothingness.

Thing Number Three: OTOH, Our Beloved President seems totally unaware of the prominence of the PRIVATE SECTOR in the health of the nation's economy, and more importantly, on the effect of his policies on the health of the PRIVATE SECTOR economy. Not surprising, since he has never actually had a real job.
The private sector employment has been doing fine. It grew 2.5% in the last year and 2.1% in both 2012 and 2013. Government employment grew 0.4% in 2014 and lost jobs in 2012 and 2013.

Thing Number Four: Our economy is in much worse shape than this Administration will acknowledge. In fact, this Administration "cooks the books" rapaciously at every opportunity, trying to make the economy look better than it actually is.
The administration has no such ability over any of the statistical agencies and cannot cook any books. I'd find your examples interesting, though.

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