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'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker taken

That's the issue isn't it. The authorities have to prove that he accessed the internet to post this video. They can't say "it's on the internet so therefore you did it". If they had proof, there would have been a probation violation hearing set. There isn't so they haven't been able to prove it.

That's the way it works, there isn't a charge of probation violation so the accused is hauled off to prison. He has a right to answer those charges too. A court date for probation violation is set. He's entitled to an attorney, bail, everything everyone else is entitled to. Since this didn't happen, the state, so far, lacks evidence that he posted the video to the internet.

IF there were proof and he violated the terms of his probation, he would return to prison for whatever punishment he deserved for violating his probation. There would be no new charges of blasphemy against islam because we don't have blasphemy laws.
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This guy sure has a lot of defenders....admirable, I suppose.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I defend to the death your right to say it"

I guess some people's freedom of speech is more important than others.

If the film were the "Innocence of Christians" the left would be taking up a collection for this guy..... but then the leftist moonbats never were much for freedom.
Say goodbye to freedom of speech. Soon we'll see people in jail for challenging Obama.
That's the issue isn't it. The authorities have to prove that he accessed the internet to post this video. They can't say "it's on the internet so therefore you did it". If they had proof, there would have been a probation violation hearing set. There isn't so they haven't been able to prove it.

No they did not have proof.. That is why they brought him in for questioning.. :lol:

You know, to gather... FACTS.

That's the way it works, there isn't a charge of probation violation so the accused is hauled off to prison. He has a right to answer those charges too. A court date for probation violation is set. He's entitled to an attorney, bail, everything everyone else is entitled to. Since this didn't happen, the state, so far, lacks evidence that he posted the video to the internet.

It is still the job of the state to ensure that he is not violating his probation.

Would you be mad if they did not investigate a convicted child porn addict? The law and regulations of probation are applied across the board to all criminals, this guy is one of them, and so far has been treated like all other criminals on probation that are suspected of violation.
This guy sure has a lot of defenders....admirable, I suppose.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I defend to the death your right to say it"

I guess some people's freedom of speech is more important than others.

Sadly, you are correct, sir.

Further, I am convinced that the film in question had nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with the embassy attack and other violence in the Middle East. Neal Boortz nailed it when he ridiculed the notion that the film was responsible for the violence. Here is a portion of Boortz's article:

“No, I’m not surprised that Obama and his sycophants have developed this false narrative about a video being the cause of all this Islamic violence. This is Obama we’re talking about, and nothing is ever going to be his fault. He can’t blame George Bush for the rising unrest in the Muslim world --- so let’s go with this video, which, by the way, has been out there for a year.

“The media? No … I’m not surprised at the media either. They’ve circled the wagons around their man, Obama. The ObamaMedia fell head-over-heels in love with the narrative of the first black president … so much so that they completely and absolutely failed to vet him. They got him elected, and now they’re protecting their investment. These media types think that if Obama gets reelected they can then say …'Hey, the voters reelected him after watching him for four years … so don’t put the blame on us.'

“What I’m surprised at is the American people. Maybe I’m wrong .. maybe I’m jumping the gun … but are Americans really buying this? Are they really this ignorant? I know --- government schools. But even Americans educated by the government ought to be able to see right through this crap they’re being fed from Obama and his protectors in the ObamaMedia.”

The rest of the article, including the critical time-line of events associated with the attack – a time-line which shows it was impossible for the video to be the cause of the violence - can be found at the following link. Read the entire article and you will know the truth, not the phony ObamaMedia propaganda the administration is trying to pass off as the truth.

Scariest Story of the Day | Nealz Nuze | www.boortz.com

PS: If you disagree with the article, give Boortz a call and chat with him. I know he would love to hear from you.
You people need to calm the fuck down..

There is nothing that states that this man was taken in via an executive order.

He is on probation for fraud, and was taken in by the local sheriff (not the FBI, CIA, MIB, Illuminati or whatever). Specifically for QUESTIONING, in regarding to his probation and possible violation.

This has nothing to do with Obama.. It has everything to do with the controversy around this video, the attention that it garnered and in turn the light that it brought to his identity and his suspected use of internet handles that is, in turn, a violation of his probation.
Sadly, you are correct, sir.

Further, I am convinced that the film in question had nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with the embassy attack and other violence in the Middle East. Neal Boortz nailed it when he ridiculed the notion that the film was responsible for the violence. Here is a portion of Boortz's article:

Okay, it is very obvious now that the cause of the 4 dead in Libya was from a pre-planned attack.

However, there were people there already protesting/demonstrating and the terrorists used that as a cover.

In addition, there have been TONS of MSNBC interviews on the streets in the middle east asking the angry mobs why they are mad (can't find the videos online). Most of the men stated that they were not specifically upset about the video, but more that in their opinion, America is not punishing the maker of the film. Also, there are translations of the graffiti on the walls and banners that they are carrying around.. The specifically speak about the slander of their prophet in the movie.

They probably want us to kill him, knowing how they work... So I guess they are going to have to riot forever, not a single person is going to kill the man.
This guy sure has a lot of defenders....admirable, I suppose.

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I defend to the death your right to say it"

I guess some people's freedom of speech is more important than others.

I guess you will have to show where his freedom of speech is being taken away.

Just wait. Arent there already calls from the left for the government to silence him, or at least ban his "movie"?

Obama Administration Asks YouTube to Remove Mohammed Film | FrontPage Magazine
Why? and why do they leak this info, they're trying to get a man killed so they can avoid blame of stupid policies, wow, I never thought this would happen in the US

Ironic Post of the Week.

This is a guy who tried to get Israeli Jews targeted for killing. Now that HE is the one in the extremists' sights, it's "They're trying to get a man killed"!

I have absolutely zero sympathy for this asshole. He went out of his way to contact the media AFTER the ambassador was killed and while the extremist Muslims were still on the attack. He made a special point of provoking them further by saying "Islam is a cancer" and then said he was an Israeli Jew and that the film was funded by over a hundred Israeli Jews.

He tried to get innocent Israeli Jews killed. So this whining that HE is the one who is now the Muslims' target gets zero sympathy. He brought this on himself. He is the one who provoked, he is the one who stoked it further by saying "Islam is a cancer". So now the consquences of his actions are on HIS head instead of the heads of the innocents he intended to pay the price.

This is fucking beautiful.

At least now the Muslims know who is REALLY behind it. And now the cowardly fuck is fearing for HIS life.

Good. If you want to abuse free speech, have the guts to stand up for it. Don't be trying to use free speech to get innocents killed. This guy is one low piece of fucking shit.

Run, coward, run! BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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This guy sure has a lot of defenders....admirable, I suppose.

He hasn't done anything illegal. You support our Government harassing a man for exercising his 1st Amendment rights? And you complain about how you are treated as a Gay person? Really?

He may have violated his parole. But, because you guys like him....that is all irrelevant. Who knew you guys would rally around a convicted drug and fraud guy. I guess if he wraps himself in an anti-muslim flag, you guys will swallow anything.

Say what? Where did you get the idea that those who defend the man's First Amendment rights are fond of the man. Let me frame the real issue here:

Should a man – whether a saint or serial killer – be arrested or even questioned about a video he made, a video which broke no laws but whose content was deemed to be offensive by some people?

In my opinion, Nakoula's video is just as entitled to First Amendment protection as Gone With the Wind. Now if the man violated the conditions of his probation (not parole) because of some other activity, he belongs in jail. If the authorities were scrutinizing the man for parole violations because of the film, I would call that crappy – legal perhaps, but crappy. Perhaps some clever civil rights attorney could make a case that close examination of his conduct is illegal if motivated by his video, and I don't know how that would turn out. I would suggest to Nakoula or any one else that when you're on probation you had better do one of two things: (1) don't violate the conditions of your probation; and (2) if you are violating your probation, for God's sake stay out of the fucking limelight, retard!

Having said all that, there is is one legal justification for questioning the man specifically about the video. According to the Associated Press:

“The probation department is reviewing the case of Nakoula, who pleaded no contest to bank fraud charges in 2010 and was banned from using computers or the Internet or using false identities as part of his sentence. Whitmore did not disclose other details about the interview.”

Feds investigate whether filmmaker of anti-Islam movie violated probation | jacksonville.com

Since one of the conditions of the man's probation was that he was banned from using computers or the Internet, the police had a valid interest in making sure there was no connection between the filmmaker and the Internet version of the film. If this is the case, the content of the film/video had nothing to do with the case. He would have committed a probation violation if he used the Internet to post an article complimentary to Mother Teresa.

PS: A lot of people apparently do not know the difference between parole and probation. What really makes it complicated is that sometimes officers who deal with probationers have the title of parole officer. At any rate, here is a link which explains the difference between the two categories:

Difference Between Probation and Parole
"Innocence of Muslims" is the extreme Christian version of Nazi propaganda.

Does the cowardly shitbird have the right to make Christian Nazi propaganda?

Yes, he does.

Does the cowardly shitbird have the right to then call the media after some Americans are killed over it and stoke the fires further by proclaiming "Islam is a cancer" and then LIE by claiming to be an Israeli Jew with funding from hundreds of Israeli Jews?

Muslim nutjobs whacking people in the street and this guy decides to get on the phone to the press and say "Islam is a cancer". Gee, I wonder how that will go over with the maniacs burning shit up right now? You think it will calm them down?

While I am at it, I will tell them I am an Israeli and that me and whole bunch of other Israelis are behind this. And by the way, did I mention Islam is a cancer?

Do you fucking idiot defenders of his understand what he was trying to do there?

This is where his defenders suddenly go deaf and dumb. They want the issue to stop at "Thiz is free speech, duh!"

This is way beyond free speech. This is about a man who tried to get innocent people killed. This is about a man who worked very hard to get innocent people killed.

So all your whining about his life now being in danger because the TRUTH is now out there is pathetic. You have yourselves all twisted up and acting stupidly in his defense.

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That's the issue isn't it. The authorities have to prove that he accessed the internet to post this video. They can't say "it's on the internet so therefore you did it". If they had proof, there would have been a probation violation hearing set. There isn't so they haven't been able to prove it.

No they did not have proof.. That is why they brought him in for questioning.. :lol:

You know, to gather... FACTS.

That's the way it works, there isn't a charge of probation violation so the accused is hauled off to prison. He has a right to answer those charges too. A court date for probation violation is set. He's entitled to an attorney, bail, everything everyone else is entitled to. Since this didn't happen, the state, so far, lacks evidence that he posted the video to the internet.

It is still the job of the state to ensure that he is not violating his probation.

Would you be mad if they did not investigate a convicted child porn addict? The law and regulations of probation are applied across the board to all criminals, this guy is one of them, and so far has been treated like all other criminals on probation that are suspected of violation.

Yes, the man should have been questioned. He was, then he was released without even so much as a probation violation hearing scheduled.
"Innocence of Muslims" is the extreme Christian version of Nazi propaganda.

Does the cowardly shitbird have the right to make Christian Nazi propaganda?

Yes, he does.

Does the cowardly shitbird have the right to then call the media after some Americans are killed over it and stoke the fires further by proclaiming "Islam is a cancer" and then LIE by claiming to be an Israeli Jew with funding from hundreds of Israeli Jews?

This is where his defenders suddenly go deaf and dumb. They want the issue to stop at "Thiz is free speech, duh!"

This is way beyond free speech. This is about a man who tried to get innocent people killed. This is about a man who worked very hard to get innocent people killed.

So all your whining about his life now being in danger because the TRUTH is now out there is pathetic. You have yourselves all twisted up and acting stupidly in his defense.


He made a movie trailer two years ago. Someone (not him) dubbed it in to arabic. Someone distributed the altered trailer to mosques throughout the middle east. Saying islam is a cancer is a perfectly legal thing to say. Islam is a cancer and there's no getting around it.

Someday, we might have a dubbed in arabic version of Harry Potter claiming that Voldemort is mohammed. What will you do then?
"Innocence of Muslims" is the extreme Christian version of Nazi propaganda.

Does the cowardly shitbird have the right to make Christian Nazi propaganda?

Yes, he does.

Does the cowardly shitbird have the right to then call the media after some Americans are killed over it and stoke the fires further by proclaiming "Islam is a cancer" and then LIE by claiming to be an Israeli Jew with funding from hundreds of Israeli Jews?

This is where his defenders suddenly go deaf and dumb. They want the issue to stop at "Thiz is free speech, duh!"

This is way beyond free speech. This is about a man who tried to get innocent people killed. This is about a man who worked very hard to get innocent people killed.

So all your whining about his life now being in danger because the TRUTH is now out there is pathetic. You have yourselves all twisted up and acting stupidly in his defense.


He made a movie trailer two years ago. Someone (not him) dubbed it in to arabic. Someone distributed the altered trailer to mosques throughout the middle east. Saying islam is a cancer is a perfectly legal thing to say. Islam is a cancer and there's no getting around it.

Someday, we might have a dubbed in arabic version of Harry Potter claiming that Voldemort is mohammed. What will you do then?

And if innocent Israelis were killed because of his lie, would you still be defending this coward?

You really are unbelievably stupid in your defense of his actions.

I am very happy this coward's name is out there now. I am very happy that he is going to personally find out what standing up for one's freedoms really means, instead of trying to make others pay the price.

This guy is an unequivocal coward. Just like every other Nazi.

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You people need to calm the fuck down..

There is nothing that states that this man was taken in via an executive order.

He is on probation for fraud, and was taken in by the local sheriff (not the FBI, CIA, MIB, Illuminati or whatever). Specifically for QUESTIONING, in regarding to his probation and possible violation.

This has nothing to do with Obama.. It has everything to do with the controversy around this video, the attention that it garnered and in turn the light that it brought to his identity and his suspected use of internet handles that is, in turn, a violation of his probation.

The man being brought in at the behest of the FEDERAL Probation Dept. has nothing to do with Obama? :confused: ( did you miss the FEDERAL part )
Since after questioning it was determined that he didn't violate the terms of his probation, should we say he did, just to have a pretext of putting him in custody?
Whoever tipped off the media the coward's identity is a hero. Whoever it was saved the lives of additional innocent victims. The man was trying to get other innocent people killed. He was making a concerted effort to do this.

He was stopped and exposed.

And now he is in fear of his life. He has been hoist by his own petard.

A lie was killed, and the truth was revealed.

I call that a happy ending.

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Whoever tipped off the media the coward's identity is a hero. Whoever it was saved the lives of additional innocent victims. The man was trying to get other innocent people killed. He was making a concerted effort to do this.

He was stopped and exposed.

And now he is in fear of his life. He has been hoist by his own petard.

A lie was killed, and the truth was revealed.

I call that a happy ending.


If you really think sacrificing this nitwit to the hordes of islamic idiots will somehow placate their anger, then I have a nice stone bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Quoting Mr Churchill. "Appeasement is feeding the alligator in the hopes that he will eat you last."
It really doesn't make a difference. The man could be executed on television in prime time and it wouldn't make any difference or save even one life. Even if the muslims would stop rioting and killing in this very hour it wouldn't save any lives. All it means is that we are going to have some period of calm until the next time. There will be a next time.

We have a people who believe that blasphemy prosecution is acceptable for throwing away a business card. You think that prosecuting this man would stop the violence! Nothing will stop muslim violence, we can expect what muslim countries have. Mass murder at whim.

Pakistan doctor arrested on blasphemy suspicion - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan | NBC News

The case began Friday when Muhammad Faizan, a pharmaceutical company representative, visited Valiyani's clinic and handed out his business card. He said when the doctor threw the card away, Faizan went to police and filed a complaint that noted his name was the same as the prophet's.
Shah said police were investigating whether Valiyani should be charged with blasphemy.
Whoever tipped off the media the coward's identity is a hero. Whoever it was saved the lives of additional innocent victims. The man was trying to get other innocent people killed. He was making a concerted effort to do this.

He was stopped and exposed.

And now he is in fear of his life. He has been hoist by his own petard.

A lie was killed, and the truth was revealed.

I call that a happy ending.


If you really think sacrificing this nitwit to the hordes of islamic idiots will somehow placate their anger, then I have a nice stone bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Quoting Mr Churchill. "Appeasement is feeding the alligator in the hopes that he will eat you last."

You can thank the extremist Christian Nazi Nakoula Basseley Nakoula for stoking the fires of the extremist Islamicists to such a level.

And nice logical fallacy. I see what you did there.

Condemning the cowardly asshole for trying to get innocent people killed, and being glad the TRUTH is now known, is not appeasement, dipshit.

Stop drinking Nakoula Basseley Nakoula's piss.

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