Insane jump from 25,000 feet with no parachute.

Problem is, surviving this jump is encouragement to keep doing it. It only has to go wrong once, then splat!
Problem is, surviving this jump is encouragement to keep doing it. It only has to go wrong once, then splat!
Let alone not missing the target , he has to land perfectly flat on his back
into the net or risk almost certain paralysis or lungs being crushed or something
not too pretty.
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Problem is, surviving this jump is encouragement to keep doing it. It only has to go wrong once, then splat!
Let alone not missing the target , he has to land perfectly flat on his back
into the net or risk almost certain paralysis.

Yeah, that man has a death wish of some sort. That or he's vying for a Darwin Award.

Like bungee jumping. It seems like they could get some serious
whiplash injuries doing that shit.
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A high school friend was paralyzed diving in an old rock quarry in Ohio about 30 years ago.

Why women live longer reasons number #347 - 362....

A high school friend was paralyzed diving in an old rock quarry in Ohio about 30 years ago.

Why women live longer reasons number #347 - 362....

The men who live on the edge gives us our advances in ways of living and discoveries. Pushing the envelope has gotten us to hear from being in the caves.
Like bungee jumping. It seems like they could get some serious
whiplash injuries doing that shit.

Actually, bungee jumping is really fun. I've done it a time or two and enjoyed it immensely.

As far as this person who jumped out without a chute? Saw it a while ago, it was a whole thing. And, he went through several layers of net before stopping. Good stunt, but not something I would want to do, and yes, I've gone skydiving before, but it was with a parachute.

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