Insanely Brutal

If I thought the world was as doomed as you claim, I would just go hide in a cave somewhere. Just something you might want to consider since you can't figure out where you live anyway.

You should crawl back under your rock and do us all a favor.
Ww2 vets? How many are even alive ?

According to google 847,419 as of Sept. 2015 are still alive. :)

America's Greatest Generation....damn we've let them down so bad

How do figure ? Vets get all kinds treatment - programs . And I'm guessing most if the ww2 guys are using Medicare and health insurance bennies they had from working for a living .

Deltex...hand Timmy six katyushas
Ww2 vets? How many are even alive ?

According to google 847,419 as of Sept. 2015 are still alive. :)

America's Greatest Generation....damn we've let them down so bad

How do figure ? Vets get all kinds treatment - programs . And I'm guessing most if the ww2 guys are using Medicare and health insurance bennies they had from working for a living .

Deltex...hand Timmy six katyushas
Fedexed at 230...
Ww2 vets? How many are even alive ?

According to google 847,419 as of Sept. 2015 are still alive. :)

America's Greatest Generation....damn we've let them down so bad

How do figure ? Vets get all kinds treatment - programs . And I'm guessing most if the ww2 guys are using Medicare and health insurance bennies they had from working for a living .

Deltex...hand Timmy six katyushas
Fedexed at 230...

Should of strapped them on a Tomahawk....much more accurate
Ww2 vets? How many are even alive ?

According to google 847,419 as of Sept. 2015 are still alive. :)

America's Greatest Generation....damn we've let them down so bad

They are the ones who voted for the big Government programs.

I think everyone is missing the point of my comment, they did an incredible thing in preserving our freedom. Many were mere teens, boys doing a man's job. They are to be respected and commended
As we face this next presidential election that is the path we are looking. Americans and America as a whole have been the victim of a beat down the last seven years from its own government. Various groups have been victims of this last seven years most notably the attack on WW2 veterans.

From the death lists in the V.A. to the closing of a WW2 open air memorial. We SHOULD have learned something when those vets took down that fence and stacked neatly in front of the White House. We SHOULD have learned that this country belongs to us and NOT them.

We SHOULD have learned something when the White House used tax money to buy and install large panels to block the view of Mt. Rushmore. But much like a wife who is use to getting beat and covering for the abuser we took it and sat

And like all abusive relationships the abuse is about to escalate. Its going from government beating us to friends of government beating us. Hillary says YES we can take in 600k in Syrian AND Somali savages. Bernie says we can take even more.

Women in America will soon learn to live like German or Swedish women. Subject to rape/beatings or death because a certain group is BORED. And a huge percentage of Americans are alright with that, mainly if not ALL democrats.

At some point you NEED to ask yourself just what exactly did you do to deserve the beatings? Part of that can be found in what you are told by the abuser.
"You didn't build that"...

A large part of the infrastructure we enjoy today was built by our dads and grand fathers. Those same ones who fought the war and returned home to build a better life for ALL. They CHOSE to take jobs, hard jobs, big jobs and what in MANY cases seemed to be IMPOSSIBLE jobs.

THEY built safe areas to live, work and play NOT government but PEOPLE.
Its government who has NEVER built anything NOT the first plane NOR the first car or even rolled toilet paper. EVERYTHING we used today was built by a man or a woman and NOT a government.

"America should share its wealth"
If I buy something from you for a dollar and sell it for five you HAVE all the money you are entitled to. I owe you NOTHING when its MY idea, investment effort or time that added value.

"Government SHOULD run everything"
That is NOT governments job. Government is only an after thought of a organized population. Be it political {Republic} OR religion is JUST organizing people. A republic relies on people to organize and civilized a people. Religion relies on a supreme being to organize and civilize a people.

BOTH can be rife with corruption because man CANNOT build anything without a degree of corruption. How does this all tie in with the coming election? Man has ALLOWED the building of one of the most hateful most corrupt political parties in the history of the United States and for the last seven years has ALLOWED that group to openly be insanely brutal to its CITIZENS.

What stands before us with Hillary could be one of the cruel and brutal forms of party corruption ever seen by man in this country. Obama's last seven years have been our "Battered Wife Syndrome" years. Hillary's personal history SHOWS that she can be the most vile vindictive corrupt brutal person to her enemy's {Freedom AND Liberty} That has ever trod the ground of THIS nation.

HER programs are NO different NOR better then that of King George himself.
And he WAS government OUR government. am often asked on Russian boards why we Americans are rushing TOWARDS what they are running FROM?

I would guess its because we ALLOWED by freedom by liberty 47% of the population to get ignorant stupid and cruel. And for once, that 47% {democrats} did not let us down.


It's OTT posts like this why the GoP is doomed to fail. People are sick to death of unprovable alarmist pap.
Ww2 vets? How many are even alive ?

According to google 847,419 as of Sept. 2015 are still alive. :)

America's Greatest Generation....damn we've let them down so bad

They are the ones who voted for the big Government programs.

I think everyone is missing the point of my comment, they did an incredible thing in preserving our freedom. Many were mere teens, boys doing a man's job. They are to be respected and commended

I agree. They all should be respected and commended for what they fought for.

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