Inside The GOP Meltdown On Abortion And Rape


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.
Or we could do like you do...use our head. But other than that I would rather watch the MInC melt down when the Mid East expert comes to speak to Congress.
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possibly prove that wrong!
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The takeaway on this story - for me anyway - is the inability of House Republicans to pass even the most ornamental of bills.

Doesn't look good.
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
Digging up and dancing on the graves of 57million dead babies AGAIN. You ever notice that doesn't seem to be enough for the Democrat party? What do THEY care if you all abort all your offspring. it's no skin off their asses. The party of dead babies. sick and twisted

They are so out of ideas they just regress back to their standard
I see old Hazel is trying to come up with something, anything to divert attention from the ass kicking the Democrat party suffered in the last election. For someone who so detests the Repub Party I find it amusing that she spends so much time trying to 'help them out'!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: What a silly, silly person.
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

Now THERE'S THE POINT.... any woman can CLAIM she was raped to get a FREE ABORTION, but when you have to PROVE IT in order to get the freebie, well hell, now it's that old dummycRAT stand by, "WAR AGAINST WOMEN!"
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors...

Pregnancy is caused by men.
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors...

Pregnancy is caused by men.

If caused by men, then they should have a say if the baby is to be mutilated, and body parts thrown all over the place....don't you agree?
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors...

Pregnancy is caused by men.

If caused by men, then they should have a say if the baby is to be mutilated, and body parts thrown all over the place....don't you agree?

If you can't keep the discussion about abortion, I'm not interested.

All you do is make up outrageous lies and post phony memes.


What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.

Show me where I said that.

Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
What do you suggest be done about it?
What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors...

Pregnancy is caused by men.

If caused by men, then they should have a say if the baby is to be mutilated, and body parts thrown all over the place....don't you agree?

If you can't keep the discussion about abortion, I'm not interested.

All you do is make up outrageous lies and post phony memes.


What's WRONG with asking women to report a rape to the police as a condition of getting an abortion?

I mean, don't we WANT women to report rapes to the police?

How do we CATCH the rapist if the woman refuses to report the rape?

No. Bad idea. With the prevailing attitude that rape is the woman's fault, it would be invasive, cruel, a second rape.

Show me where I said that.


So, since men CAUSE pregnancy, they should have NO SAY in what happens from their actions?
The GOP is having a meltdown over this?

Has anybody told them that ,yet?
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
What do you suggest be done about it?
Use the Free Obama Birth Control pills.
The idiocy of the GOP legislation – among many other things – is the fact that Federal funding of abortions is already prohibited; the GOP seeks to enact a 'law' that is already law.

This is rightwing partisan politics at its reprehensible worst.
The idiocy of the GOP legislation – among many other things – is the fact that Federal funding of abortions is already prohibited; the GOP seeks to enact a 'law' that is already law.

This is rightwing partisan politics at its reprehensible worst.

What an idiot...

Planned Parenthood Got 540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013 CNS News

...and where are the CHECKS to see exactly where this money is being spent on.... We take the HONOR SYSTEM, that none of it is used for abortions?:cuckoo:

As I said, what an idiot!.... Hell Hillary LOST $6 BILLION while she was Sec. of State, and we still have no idea where that went!!!
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
What do you suggest be done about it?
Use the Free Obama Birth Control pills.
So. You weren't serious about a solution.

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