Inside The GOP Meltdown On Abortion And Rape

Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
What do you suggest be done about it?

Get the far left religion out of politics so we can move forward on all issues..
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
What do you suggest be done about it?
Use the Free Obama Birth Control pills.
So. You weren't serious about a solution.

Neither is the far left as this thread demonstrates.
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

So you want to encourage underage kids to spread VD's?
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Tens of thousands of Americans descended on Washington for the annual March For Life on Thursday only to see House Republicans melt down over their signature issue: abortion.

A symbolic messaging bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy threw the party into disarray and was abruptly pulled at the last minute after a group of GOP women and swing-district lawmakers raised hackles over a rape-exception provision that required rape victims to report the crime to authorities before they could get an abortion.

"None of us saw it coming," Rep. Richard Hudson (R-VA) told reporters on Thursday.

The rebellion was lit in recent days by women in the conference, primarily Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), as well as more centrist members including a sizable faction of freshmen in swing districts. Republican leaders and conservatives were blindsided — after all, they had comfortablypassed similar legislation in the last Congress with the same rape clause.

"I was surprised," Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told TPM. "But it's a new Congress. You know, new people are up here. And I know some of the younger members didn't want to have such a strong statement on that."

A perplexed Hudson added, "We voted on the same legislation last [congress] and these concerns weren't raised. So that's why I think leadership didn't anticipate the concerns being raised. So that's why I don't fault them. I think they're doing the best they can."

Center-right Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) strongly criticized the abortion bill, suggesting that it passed with the rape clause in 2013 only because most members hadn't read it closely.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.
The idiot speaks.
Wow, some level-head folks (mostly women) are desperately trying to save the GOP brand.

Just make the Morning After Pill free. Every high school nurses office should have a candy bowl full of them.

Oh yeah, and it seems they CAN'T govern.

Now if women, who are irresponsible with their sexual favors, like you, and only took it in the ass, or swallowed, there would be no problem! I have yet to see an :ahole-1: birth! But you could possible prove that wrong!
Recreational sex is a killer.....for babies.
What do you suggest be done about it?
Use the Free Obama Birth Control pills.
So. You weren't serious about a solution.

I think this would be your solution, you want it gone so bad, OFF IT!

Inside The GOP Meltdown On Abortion And Rape

Have you noticed that the leftist whiners on the board never talk about their own (Democrats') policies, mistakes, lies, diversions, crimes etc.?

All they seem to do here is whine about Republicans.
The so-called "meltdown" is a minor disagreement between Republicans on an abortion bill, which, in time, will be worked out.

Some version of a law banning late term abortion will be passed by Congress and presented to the President.
The GOP was already fractured and at each other's throats. Now they've got some (possibly) uppity wimmin to deal with.
The far left propaganda continues and proves that they are not connected to reality on any level.

More proof that the far left should not be involved with government..
A poorly written bill got pulled. So what? Remember Kermit Gosnell's house of (abortion) horrors? It didn't happen in a Southern red state. It happened in the "city of brotherly love".

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