Inside the Weirdness of Steve Bannon and the Right-Wing Media

Hilarious screed of how unreality has mind-fucked so many on the Right.

Bannon is an interesting study. He's obviously intelligent, and he's obviously a True Believer.

At the same time, he spouts the most insane things, and refers to Alex Jones as "brother Alex". He has said that he wants to bring the whole fuckin' thing down.

I guess this is another example of the power of ideology.
Every fascist movement needs a Goebbels. A calculating man who knows exactly what the truth is so that effective lies may be crafted.
Geez. What a read. Like reading a car crash in slow motion. Banon is a modem PT Barnum capitalizing on “there is a sucker born every minute”. His freak show and religious tent of lost souls looking for some validation in life that their failures are someone else’s conspiracy to oppress. Everything is a wink wink nod nod “I just know” explanation. Social media is a superspreader tool for these fools.
Bannon is an interesting study. He's obviously intelligent, and he's obviously a True Believer.

At the same time, he spouts the most insane things, and refers to Alex Jones as "brother Alex". He has said that he wants to bring the whole fuckin' thing down.

I guess this is another example of the power of ideology.

I don’t think he is a True Believer like so many here. His MO is disinformation. He once said his goal was to flood the media with shit. He describes himself as a Leninist. He wants to burn down the system. He knows what he is doing.
Some people think the voting bill will save our Democracy, that food shortages and inflation are good because they mean people are spending money, that giving parental authority to teachers is good because they have degrees and training, that we have to pass a bill to see what's in it, that the 2020 election was on the up and up, that everything is racist and that our DOJ is equitable in their scrutiny of the Jan 6 riot and the riots of the summer of 2020. The people who believe in those fairy tales are the same people who can't comprehend Bannon's thinking. I seriously doubt if Bannon gets upset by anything those people say or think.
Sykes and Kristol of the failed Weekly Standard.
I don’t think he is a True Believer like so many here. His MO is disinformation. He once said his goal was to flood the media with shit. He describes himself as a Leninist. He wants to burn down the system. He knows what he is doing.
Yeah, good point. Maybe a True Believer, but not in Trumpism. More like anarchy.

Bannon is using Trump's rubes, Trump is using Bannon. Different goals, same rubes.
Their whole party's administration is falling apart at the seams, and the left is traumatized by some conservative media personality?



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