Insight-saudi Arabia Fears Yemeni Tumult May Boost Its Main Foe Iran

First off, your link doesn't work.

Second, there is an incredible amount of proof of Holocaust tatoos during the Holocaust all over the internet, including much proof by respected historians.
Link works just fine for me.

The fake Holohoax Museum in Washington DC makes no mention of how the alleged tattoo's were made. Nor are there any pictures or drawings of a Nazi tattoo machine used on the work camp residents by their German hosts. ..... :cool:
BTW, I found plenty of information by just typing it in google. It's not my fault you can't read.
It's obvious that the death cult of Islam has distorted your brain :cool:
Only a Muslim would mock the suffering of a people and call the lies that he posts with no proof facts.
But what can one expect from a middle aged man who spends all day everyday trolling the same forum while spreading his hatred for Jews, Blacks and Gays.
You must have a great life Sunni Troll :cool: lol: :lol: :lol:
Why all of the personal attacks Toasty?

Can't you debate or refute without them? ... :cool:
And the Holohoax scam continues with the next Juden generation. ..... :cool:

JERUSALEM — When Eli Sagir showed her grandfather, Yosef Diamant, the new tattoo on her left forearm, he bent his head to kiss it.

Mr. Diamant had the same tattoo, the number 157622, permanently inked on his own arm by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Nearly 70 years later, Ms. Sagir got hers at a hip tattoo parlor downtown after a high school trip to Poland. The next week, her mother and brother also had the six digits inscribed onto their forearms. This month, her uncle followed suit.

NYT With tattoos young Jews bear Auschwitz scars - World news - The New York Times NBC News
All you are telling the viewers, Penelope is that you are a woman with nothing else to do but post on forums. Get a life!!! There are many oppressed people in the world of today, but a Jew hater like you closes your eyes to it. Hurry up and start a chapter of a Nazi Bund in your area. You can call yourself Ilsa Koch the Second, and this way you will have some sort of social life which appears non existence at the moment.. By the way, South Africa is in bad shape these days. Read up on how the Somalis are leaving that country to return home even though their country is a dangerous place.

Sally perhaps your the one who needs a life.

Penelope----you are in desperate need of the
"REMEDIAL ROOM". Your grammar is horrendous------you write as if you are a not-too-bright ten year old. Can you tell us what language they spoke at home when you were a kid----or what language you speak now----at home?

You have nothing to add to the conversation except insults, you and Sally are like two peas in a pod. I am not intimidated by you, but obviously you are by me which is why you keep trying to insult me.

Actually, Penelope, nobody is intimated by you because anyone with any brain cells realizes that you are just an anti-Semitic little pipsqueak who has nothing else going on in her life except these forums. It is so obvious. As for the Persians, I am willing to bet that you have never sat down in their homes whether they are Muslim or Jewish, given refreshments or even a meal by them, and listened to their stories about home.

Another intimidating post will not work Sally, and frankly my life is non of you business, you are a propaganda hate pusher for the Zionist political regime, nothing more than someone who mouths hatred.

Nobody is trying to intimate a two-bit Jew hater like you. We are just telling it as it is. Anyone who is not an anti-Semitic crackpot like you sees right through you. Meanwhile, with so much going on that doesn't involved the Jews, I don't think any of the other posters or readers have seen you show any sympathy for the victims -- whether these victims are Christians, Tazidis, or Muslims. You can't even show any compassion for the Muslim parents who are so heartbroken about their children leaving their home countries and going to fight with ISIS.
And the Holohoax scam continues with the next Juden generation. ..... :cool:

JERUSALEM — When Eli Sagir showed her grandfather, Yosef Diamant, the new tattoo on her left forearm, he bent his head to kiss it.

Mr. Diamant had the same tattoo, the number 157622, permanently inked on his own arm by the Nazis at Auschwitz. Nearly 70 years later, Ms. Sagir got hers at a hip tattoo parlor downtown after a high school trip to Poland. The next week, her mother and brother also had the six digits inscribed onto their forearms. This month, her uncle followed suit.

NYT With tattoos young Jews bear Auschwitz scars - World news - The New York Times NBC News

Thanks for refuting your own statement earlier that all the tatoos are fake.
'Permanently inked on his own arm by the Nazis at Auschwitz'
Not too bright are you Sunni Troll? :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW, why do you have a picture of toilet paper in your avatar? :cool:
BTW, why do you have a picture of toilet paper in your avatar?
What a sad comment to make Toasty.

I would NEVER say that about the Torah. ...... :cool:

But you will mock the suffering of a persecuted people who were being genocided, call the Holocaust a hoax, say you want all Jews to be put on a secluded island, make fun of Jews praying at the Western Wall, say that the Jews should thank Hitler for free room and board.
You'll call Blacks negros and say they are mostly crackheads. You talk about Gays like they are subhuman.
And I barely scratched the surface.

All I did was ask why you have a picture of toilet paper as your avatar :cool:
But you will mock the suffering of a persecuted people who were being genocided, call the Holocaust a hoax, say you want all Jews to be put on a secluded island, make fun of Jews praying at the Western Wall, say that the Jews should thank Hitler for free room and board.
You'll call Blacks negros and say they are mostly crackheads. You talk about Gays like they are subhuman.
And I barely scratched the surface.
All I did was ask why you have a picture of toilet paper as your avatar
I guess the Juden are just programmed by their DNA to hate.......I have no other explanation. ..... :dunno:
Well you can post that lie if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Muslims and hate go hand in hand. There is no one more hateful and venomous than the Sunni Muslim. Or more murderous. Or more vile.Or more of a liar. Did I mention hateful? Did I mention they contribute nothing to society?
BTW, has there ever been a day where Muslims didn't make the news for killing/raping/massacring/pillaging?

Yup, Muslims are programmed to hate by their DNA. And you have been a wonderful example of the disgusting hate that Muslims have :cool:
I have tried many times to bury the hatchet and make peace with you Toasty.

But I guess your hatred just runs too deep. ...... :cool:
I have tried many times to bury the hatchet and make peace with you Toasty.

But I guess your hatred just runs too deep. ...... :cool:

No you haven't. You insult me all the time.
I have in the past PM'd you and politely asked you to not post such vulgar things.
No you haven't. You insult me all the time.
I have in the past PM'd you and politely asked you to not post such vulgar things.
I generally don't open PM's........and I never post vile things.

Although, you consider not believing in the Holocaust myth as vile. ..... :cool:
Way to bury the hatchet :rolleyes:

You post very vile things. Calling the Holocaust a myth is extremely offensive. It's amazing that you cannot comprehend it.
Way to bury the hatchet :rolleyes:
You post very vile things. Calling the Holocaust a myth is extremely offensive. It's amazing that you cannot comprehend it.
It's just an alleged historical event that took place on another continent.

American citizen's should be free to accept it or disbelieve it with no recourse or recrimination.

Why do Juden insist everyone MUST believe it as though it was the Gospel sent from on high? ...... :cool:
I never said any of that. Theres a difference between not believing certain parts of the Holocaust and what you're doing. You are making fun of the Holocaust and denying that it ever happened.
Personally, I don't mind when people like you make the comments you do about the Holocaust, because then everyone can see what a fool you are.
You run around making stupid comments about the Holocaust with nothing to back it up, even though you are denying one of the most documented events of the 20th century.
How evil and hateful does someone have to be to call it a hoax and mock this event with vile cartoons and extremely offensive comments.
But I just need to remind myself that you are nothing but a massive troll, and a good one at that. It's no wonder most people here despise you :cool:

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