Inspired words.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
If you are reading this you must send it along through all means necessary. Our society and our way of life are under attack from white intellectuals marching behind a black flag. This Caucasian intelligentsia is supporting and financing death and destruction to overthrow the results of the 2016 US presidential election to make sure the two generations responsible for it, Baby Boomers and Generation X, are subdued through intimidation and prevented from defending their beliefs, their dreams and the futures of their children.

It is not the man in the office that leads us that is important, it is the office itself. If you are an average citizen in the United States of America you have been betrayed by wealth, corporate statism, and a system of education that has been in the process of militarizing brainwashed hooliganism to bend the gears of history.

You made no mistakes in voting to choose a leader that rejects the state in favor of the preservation of authentic democracy. The state here is the same as the state anywhere in time and space. It will use trickery, deception, and lies to maintain its grip on the people.

The false flag of the state this time is systemic racism; it needed a banner and it has made its choice. The battle on the streets appears to be between Blacks and Whites but the real battle is between the state and the people. The state has power that enriches elites and those elites in education and politics are mustering discord to draw battle lines. Everything is on the line.

Ronald Reagan told us many years ago that when democracy dies here there is no place else to go. The stand has to be made here for all the world to see. This 2020 election is important for the world not just the US.

The people behind this are sinister. They are billionaires, PhDs, and gold-laden political operatives in an evil coalition to protect a hive mind of top down government that keeps a tiny nucleus fabulously wealthy by strapping the rest to the yoke of serfdom.

You have seen the state’s desperation with the corruption of government agencies like the FBI and the DOJ. You have seen the poisoning of the press with propaganda. You have witnessed indoctrinated violence by educational institutions.

You have only your vote-you must use it wisely.
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The people behind this are sinister. They are billionaires, PhDs, and gold-laden political operatives in an evil coalition to protect a hive mind of top down government that keeps a tiny nucleus fabulously wealthy by strapping the rest to the yoke of serfdom.

Well said. have to remember this.

That said, you have a bit more faith than I in elections....or even the victor, regardless.
I regard DC as a Swamp Cult and I do not see it possible that even trump can truly change it. JFK tried in earnest.

Every President since has clearly understood the consequences.
If ALL we have left is our is truly over

The Founding Fathers did not say that..........
"The Tree of Liberty must occasionally be refreshed by your vote".......think about it
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If you live near a large population center you may want to stock up on about a month's worth of supplies for the aftermath of the coming election. Treat it like a flood or a hurricane.
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You stood there and watched all of this unfold in broad daylight. You saw what they did with the FBI, you saw what they did with Department of Justice. If they win, how long do you think it will be before they come for you? You won't have to wait long.
You poor paranoid fuck!

If you are reading this you must send it along through all means necessary. Our society and our way of life are under attack from white intellectuals marching behind a black flag. This Caucasian intelligentsia is supporting and financing death and destruction to overthrow the results of the 2016 US presidential election to make sure the two generations responsible for it, Baby Boomers and Generation X, are subdued through intimidation and prevented from defending their beliefs, their dreams and the futures of their children.

It is not the man in the office that leads us that is important, it is the office itself. If you are an average citizen in the United States of America you have been betrayed by wealth, corporate statism, and a system of education that has been in the process of militarizing brainwashed hooliganism to bend the gears of history.

You made no mistakes in voting to choose a leader that rejects the state in favor of the preservation of authentic democracy. The state here is the same as the state anywhere in time and space. It will use trickery, deception, and lies to maintain its grip on the people.

The false flag of the state this time is systemic racism; it needed a banner and it has made its choice. The battle on the streets appears to be between Blacks and Whites but the real battle is between the state and the people. The state has power that enriches elites and those elites in education and politics are mustering discord to draw battle lines. Everything is on the line.

Ronald Reagan told us many years ago that when democracy dies here there is no place else to go. The stand has to be made here for all the world to see. This 2020 election is important for the world not just the US.

The people behind this are sinister. They are billionaires, PhDs, and gold-laden political operatives in an evil coalition to protect a hive mind of top down government that keeps a tiny nucleus fabulously wealthy by strapping the rest to the yoke of serfdom.

You have seen the state’s desperation with the corruption of government agencies like the FBI and the DOJ. You have seen the poisoning of the press with propaganda. You have witnessed indoctrinated violence by educational institutions.

You have only your vote-you must use it wisely.

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