Instead of Cutting Services, How about we just ask Corporations to pay their US taxes

Ok, after reading some posts let me be clear. I'm talking about Transfer Pricing: Transfer pricing is a profit allocation method used to attribute a corporation's net profit or loss before tax to tax jurisdictions.

Which allows a company like Google to pay itself rent...then get deductions for that rent paid to themselves. Or take profits send them to another country and claim they made no money and pay zero taxes on that money.


Sure. Implement the Fair Tax. That way they pay taxes on what is spent here, not what they earn. Then companies can move overseas all they want, but they will still pay taxes for doing business here. And we are still the biggest consumer market in the world, for now.
Taxation is theft. That is as honest as it gets. So called "services" that I do not receive but pay into because if i do not, then the"official" selected by my psycotic neighbors will show up with a gun and either take my property or my freedom. Perhaps even my life.

If you want to be honest and have an honest discussion, then you have to start by admitting what we're talking about here.

Theft with legal authority/impunity.

Taxes are used to make sure America endures. You live here...see the connection?
Becuase our govt is by the corporation and for the corporation.
Corporations became the only "persons" that mattered.
Because with their money being free speech they talk real loud.
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Taxation is theft. That is as honest as it gets. So called "services" that I do not receive but pay into because if i do not, then the"official" selected by my psycotic neighbors will show up with a gun and either take my property or my freedom. Perhaps even my life.

If you want to be honest and have an honest discussion, then you have to start by admitting what we're talking about here.

Theft with legal authority/impunity.

So the "Framers" wrote into the Constitution a system to steal the citizens money?
Or was it the the "People" decided to tax themselves for the benefit of the "people"?
The right wing has gone so far to the right that they hate the idea of America. Every man for himself if antithetical to the idea of "we the people".

The system has been corrupted. It has reached a point where some of the "people" benefit far more from taxation than many other "people", while some "people" are paying all the freight for a lot of "people" who not only do not pay into the system, they take more out than they have ever paid. When one group pays for benefits enjoyed by another group, the group who pays becomes enslaved to the group that is paid. When the funds are extorted by force of government, that is theft.
Ok, after reading some posts let me be clear. I'm talking about Transfer Pricing: Transfer pricing is a profit allocation method used to attribute a corporation's net profit or loss before tax to tax jurisdictions.

Which allows a company like Google to pay itself rent...then get deductions for that rent paid to themselves. Or take profits send them to another country and claim they made no money and pay zero taxes on that money.


Sure. Implement the Fair Tax. That way they pay taxes on what is spent here, not what they earn. Then companies can move overseas all they want, but they will still pay taxes for doing business here. And we are still the biggest mconsumer market in the world, for now.

That's the billionaires wet dream, a national sales tax. Since billionaires spend so little of their money most of their money would be tax free, while working people would have almost all of their money subjected to tax because they MUST spend all or most of it.
True. Im sick of all the buzzwords:

"Fair share"
"Personal responsibility"

Both sides have their share of stupid catch-all phrases, but neither seems to want to discuss the details of what they mean. Like "Spending". Ok, fair enough. Stop WHAT spending? Military? Medical? Welfare? Ok, slash welfare. And you create a class of poor people who are angry and desperate. SURE, they SHOULD take responsibility and get a job. But if they had that drive in them, they never would've been on welfare to begin with. So, crime will spike and we'll take what we save in welfare reform to build more jails and hire more cops.

Or "fair share". What is a fair share? Give me an exact number.
Makers vs Takers. What is the cutoff number to go from Taker to Maker??? What do I have to "make"? What must I avoid "taking" to avoid the dreaded "Taker" label? Its ridiculous.

Enough buzzwords. But, they wont stop........because most people in general are fucking morons outside of their chosen day to day tasks in life, and respond far more to bumper stickers and 30 second commercials than long discussions. The "McDonaldization" of America has created extremely short attention spans, so catch phrases draw votes...not lectures.

Lets make Federal income tax 5% across the board. Let it effect everyone including those who earn their money in ways so they aren't treated as earned income. That way, we have lowered the tax burden and spread it around to everyone. It's at a reasonable amount. We don't have to worry about loopholes. Anyone from a financial genius down to the mathmatically challenged will have an easy time figuring out their tax burdens. We will cut the government costs of collection significantly, see more people able to accurately pay. and everyone will be fulfilling their obligation to their nation. When everyone has a hand in things, everyone will participate more.

We end up eliminating most of the waste and corruption involved in collection. We will see significant economic growth because people's energies will be focused on wealth creation and they wont have to worry about wealth protection as much.

Then we can focus on our spending problems. As people will be keeping more of their money, they will have a significantly lesser need on government. We can encourage charity for charities sake, and not just as loophole in taxes. We wouldn't have to worry about people paying their fair share.

You cannot argue that everyone paying the same rate, regardless of how they earn their income is unfair.

Besides, if everyone has "some skin in the game", they tend to pay more attention to how that "skin" is used.
...Is that so hard to do?

All the loopholes allow some Corporations to avoid paying any taxes. While not illegal, certainly not cool. Why? Because when they dont pay...someone (me and you) have to pick up the slack (taxes).

I know, I know...taxes to help the US endure is seen as bad by some. Others have to realize that the burden is being shifted onto Americans. If this transfer pricing (tax dodging) continues...Sure Companies will be super profitable but at the cost of the US suffering more.

We can eliminate the entire US debt (remember debt? It's bad) if the loop holes were closed, not only that but if the tax laws were simplified that would end the entire loop hole lawyer industry. Win-Win

Why not show Me your tax return where you had a deduction, but chose to ignore it so that you can place your actions with your rhetoric.

I'll not be waiting.
Ok, after reading some posts let me be clear. I'm talking about Transfer Pricing: Transfer pricing is a profit allocation method used to attribute a corporation's net profit or loss before tax to tax jurisdictions.

Which allows a company like Google to pay itself rent...then get deductions for that rent paid to themselves. Or take profits send them to another country and claim they made no money and pay zero taxes on that money.


Sure. Implement the Fair Tax. That way they pay taxes on what is spent here, not what they earn. Then companies can move overseas all they want, but they will still pay taxes for doing business here. And we are still the biggest mconsumer market in the world, for now.

That's the billionaires wet dream, a national sales tax. Since billionaires spend so little of their money most of their money would be tax free, while working people would have almost all of their money subjected to tax because they MUST spend all or most of it.

Here's a clue: people with wealth will always keep more of it. That's just how it is. Well, unless they are forced at gunpoint to parcel it out to those with less. All done in the name of "fairness", or course.
...Is that so hard to do?

All the loopholes allow some Corporations to avoid paying any taxes. While not illegal, certainly not cool. Why? Because when they dont pay...someone (me and you) have to pick up the slack (taxes).

I know, I know...taxes to help the US endure is seen as bad by some. Others have to realize that the burden is being shifted onto Americans. If this transfer pricing (tax dodging) continues...Sure Companies will be super profitable but at the cost of the US suffering more.

We can eliminate the entire US debt (remember debt? It's bad) if the loop holes were closed, not only that but if the tax laws were simplified that would end the entire loop hole lawyer industry. Win-Win

Why not show Me your tax return where you had a deduction, but chose to ignore it so that you can place your actions with your rhetoric.

I'll not be waiting.

Show where I donated millions to congressional campaigns, hired their relatives and themselves after they left office to get that deduction.
Just a business investment, not a donation at all.
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Here is how this country was set up by the founders to avoid there being kings and queens again.

They gave the people the vote.


Heres the deal.

They knew full well that meant keeping any one person from getting SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

wealthy they owned the country.

why is it the right wants kings and queens again?
...Is that so hard to do?

All the loopholes allow some Corporations to avoid paying any taxes. While not illegal, certainly not cool. Why? Because when they dont pay...someone (me and you) have to pick up the slack (taxes).

I know, I know...taxes to help the US endure is seen as bad by some. Others have to realize that the burden is being shifted onto Americans. If this transfer pricing (tax dodging) continues...Sure Companies will be super profitable but at the cost of the US suffering more.

We can eliminate the entire US debt (remember debt? It's bad) if the loop holes were closed, not only that but if the tax laws were simplified that would end the entire loop hole lawyer industry. Win-Win

Why not show Me your tax return where you had a deduction, but chose to ignore it so that you can place your actions with your rhetoric.

I'll not be waiting.

Sure lets just start where this is personal for you and why transfer pricing is not hurting America and I'll get right on it. But this isnt about you and me...thats your way to deflect from not having a point or answer.

I'll not be waiting either.
Yeap folks Democracy means the people get to control the corporations NOT the other way arround.

That is why democracy was invented you anti American fools
Why does the right hate Democracy???????

When did you people turn on the founders?
Did the founders set up a Plutocracy?


htey set up a Democacy.

If you dont like it find another country

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