Instead of Cutting Services, How about we just ask Corporations to pay their US taxes

Oooorrrr we can stop transfer pricing as a start instead of trying to reinvent the wheel
Republicans think corporations are "people".

The ONLY people worth helping.
...Is that so hard to do?

All the loopholes allow some Corporations to avoid paying any taxes. While not illegal, certainly not cool. Why? Because when they dont pay...someone (me and you) have to pick up the slack (taxes).

I know, I know...taxes to help the US endure is seen as bad by some. Others have to realize that the burden is being shifted onto Americans. If this transfer pricing (tax dodging) continues...Sure Companies will be super profitable but at the cost of the US suffering more.

We can eliminate the entire US debt (remember debt? It's bad) if the loop holes were closed, not only that but if the tax laws were simplified that would end the entire loop hole lawyer industry. Win-Win


YOu mean a millionaire like Obama who took $122,527 in tax losses off his taxes??

OBAMA USED THEM on his 2010 tax return!!!
Yea this is the same guy that in 2010 Obama's taxable income was $1,728,096
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
(WOW a big chunk of change at 14%!!!)TAX LOOPHOLE
$49,945 home mortgage interest TAX LOOPHOLE
$122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!TAX LOOPHOLE TAX BREAKS FOR MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES!!!
and paid: $453,770 26.26% of gross income.

And all the while you dicks bitching wealthy GWB???

President and Mrs. George W. Bush reported taxable income of $719, 274 for the tax year 2007

The Bushes contributed a total of $165,660 [23%] to churches and charitable organizations.
and Paid federal income taxes,of $221,635 or 30%!

The pompous PHONY Obama PAID less then Bush while making 2 times as much and then this total phony..
moans and groans about "tax loopholes" which took over $500,000 to lower his tax bill (26.6%) lower then Bush at 30%!

But see you asses are so f...king quick to point out that YOU don't realize what idiots you are when talk about taxes!

Or how about Buffett complaining about "millionaires,..." not paying enough taxes and he owes the IRS $1 billion!!!
Yes, I mean everyone. Do you? I bet this is the moment you run with your tail between your partisan cheeks
YOU f...king idiots that want "tax loopholes" closed DO YOU know what you are talking about???

Ranked by size these the "loop holes" or deduction and the amounts written off against taxes in 2008

The biggest deduction you dumb fuc...Ks is the $131 billion used to pay medical insurance premiums for employees!
The next biggest is employee pension contributions at $117 billion!
Both of which are directly related to EMPLOYEES... the Poor people you complained were paying their taxes!
Well dumb..f...K you will have to pay YOUR own health premiums if employers won't be able to deduct the$131 billion!

Amount of
Deduction Type of deduction that government ALLOWS tax payer to subtract from taxes

  • [*]$131.0 billion Exclusion of employer medical insurance premiums and medical care
    [*]$117.7 Net exclusion of pension contributions and earnings
    [*]$ 88.5 Deductibility of mortgage interest on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$55.9 Accelerated depreciation of machinery and equipment
    [*]$49.1 Deductibility of non-business state and local taxes
    [*]$46.8 Deductibility of charitable contributions
    [*]$31.5 Deferral of income from controlled foreign corporations
    [*]$30.0 Capital gains exclusion on home sales
    [*]$29.1 Deductibility of State and local property tax on owner-occupied homes
    [*]$28.4 Child credit
    [*]$24.2 Capital gains (except agriculture,timber, and coal)
    [*]$21.5 Step-up basis of capital gains at death
$653.7 billion
What are the largest tax expenditures?

So ONCE and for all folks IF the ENTIRE tax deductions were eliminated in 2008 there would have been $653.7 billion MORE in tax revenue.

But idiots like YOU have NO idea what you are bitching and moaning READ! LEARN! THINK!!
Do away with all the ones that directly affect you insurance, pensions, mortgage, child credit you have $365 billion that YOU will have to make UP
as the evil corporations WoN"T be paying them!!!
Instead of Cutting Services, How about we just ask Corporations to pay their US taxes

Good idea. We could also collect some taxes from the nearly 50% of the population that pay no federal income taxes at all too.
...Is that so hard to do?

All the loopholes allow some Corporations to avoid paying any taxes. While not illegal, certainly not cool. Why? Because when they dont pay...someone (me and you) have to pick up the slack (taxes).

I know, I know...taxes to help the US endure is seen as bad by some. Others have to realize that the burden is being shifted onto Americans. If this transfer pricing (tax dodging) continues...Sure Companies will be super profitable but at the cost of the US suffering more.

We can eliminate the entire US debt (remember debt? It's bad) if the loop holes were closed, not only that but if the tax laws were simplified that would end the entire loop hole lawyer industry. Win-Win


Thoughts? My thoughts are that the lost revenue will simply be passed on to consumers. I still cannot understand why there are still people who do not understand that...
The Top 20 Tax Expenditures - Business Insider

$Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 6.30.34 PM.jpg

$171 billion in 2012 was deducted from taxes for... health insurance for EMPLOYEES!!

$138 billion for employees pensions!

$87 billion employees mortgage interest deductions

$24 billion for child care credit

$33 billion charitable contributions

$27 billion deductions of health care items

$66 billion capital gains (Obama took $122,000 off his taxes from this!)

Right off the top.. $300 billion for employees health and pensions both of which
NOW employees you smart asses voted for Obama... YOU'll have to pay!!!
ADD that to your "cost of living"!!!
Instead of Cutting Services, How about we just ask Corporations to pay their US taxes

Good idea. We could also collect some taxes from the nearly 50% of the population that pay no federal income taxes at all too.

Why is this deflection constantly employed? I'm saying let's get blood from a beating heart and your response is "yeah but what about stone blood? Why not get blood from stones too". Like it's a fair comparison.

Remember the debt? I remember it being really important. Take one multinational company...have them pay what they are supposed to and you'll see not only the debt be reduced but we can also stop borrowing from the competition....China. Can anyone explain how that's wrong?

As far as taxes being transferred to the consumer...the free market will handle that. Your shits too high? Hello mom and pop stores and small businesses as the solution. Not only that but small businesses will also enjoy a reduced tax because the burden is no longer solely on their backs...and ours. More money to the people.
Taxation is theft. That is as honest as it gets. So called "services" that I do not receive but pay into because if i do not, then the"official" selected by my psycotic neighbors will show up with a gun and either take my property or my freedom. Perhaps even my life.

If you want to be honest and have an honest discussion, then you have to start by admitting what we're talking about here.

Theft with legal authority/impunity.

I get it. You only want to be taxed for things that you use. Dont drive down that street, you shouldnt be taxed for it. Dont go to the library, you shouldnt be taxed for it...Dont need the fire dept, you shouldnt be taxed for it...

That works...until you do need the fire dept, that road or that library...rather short sighted too. Look up the definition of Community or Society...You're free to not engage in either but caves to live in are pretty hard to find
AGAIN does anyone READ THE FACTS???
BIGGEST loophole in 2012 was employers deducting Employer health insurance premiums! $171 billion.
Take that away and who will pay? Employees or no insurance!
Next biggest loophole was pension contributions. $138 billion.
Take that away and employees have ONLY SS!
Between these two tax loopholes corporations deduct $300 billion from their tax liability!
Do any of you employees of the above employers WANT To pick up the tab???

Then the next largest is mortgage interest deduction of $87 billion TAKE THAT AWAY!
Go ahead take away the incentive for businesses to buy new equipment by eliminating the depreciation on equipment $76 billion.
That will definitely reduce any buying of new equipment!

How about this.. $39 billion in municipal bonds interest no longer non taxable! Means cities have to pay higher interest rates!

And of course $33 billion a year in charitable deductions.. gifts to poor, food pantries..etc. no longer deductible!

Another biggie property taxes no longer deductible $16 billion means poor people can't reduce taxes when paying property taxes!

People.. don't you understand??? of the nearly $900 billion in current TAX LOOPHOLES 1/3 will be at the expense of employees!
Dude transfer pricing blows those number out the water. Companies that engage in it walk way from paying TRILLIONS in taxes. You're playing small ball compared to what I'm talking about. Again, I say let's get blood from a beating heart and you ask for blood from a tadpole.
Instead of Cutting Services, How about we just ask Corporations to pay their US taxes

Good idea. We could also collect some taxes from the nearly 50% of the population that pay no federal income taxes at all too.

Maybe we could start with Berkshire Hathaway. I understand that they owe nearly $2 Billion in back taxes.
Taxation is theft. That is as honest as it gets. So called "services" that I do not receive but pay into because if i do not, then the"official" selected by my psycotic neighbors will show up with a gun and either take my property or my freedom. Perhaps even my life.

If you want to be honest and have an honest discussion, then you have to start by admitting what we're talking about here.

Theft with legal authority/impunity.

I get it. You only want to be taxed for things that you use. Dont drive down that street, you shouldnt be taxed for it. Dont go to the library, you shouldnt be taxed for it...Dont need the fire dept, you shouldnt be taxed for it...

That works...until you do need the fire dept, that road or that library...rather short sighted too. Look up the definition of Community or Society...You're free to not engage in either but caves to live in are pretty hard to find

What government services would you consider essential? Which would you prefer to see cut?
Taxation is theft. That is as honest as it gets. So called "services" that I do not receive but pay into because if i do not, then the"official" selected by my psycotic neighbors will show up with a gun and either take my property or my freedom. Perhaps even my life.

If you want to be honest and have an honest discussion, then you have to start by admitting what we're talking about here.

Theft with legal authority/impunity.

I get it. You only want to be taxed for things that you use. Dont drive down that street, you shouldnt be taxed for it. Dont go to the library, you shouldnt be taxed for it...Dont need the fire dept, you shouldnt be taxed for it...

That works...until you do need the fire dept, that road or that library...rather short sighted too. Look up the definition of Community or Society...You're free to not engage in either but caves to live in are pretty hard to find

In reality, "community" is just a euphemism meaning organized plunder. Those who use the the term believe we should all pay extortion to get the few things from government that we actually find useful. Private firms could easily provide those services cheaper and better than government.
...Is that so hard to do?

All the loopholes allow some Corporations to avoid paying any taxes. While not illegal, certainly not cool. Why? Because when they dont pay...someone (me and you) have to pick up the slack (taxes).

I know, I know...taxes to help the US endure is seen as bad by some. Others have to realize that the burden is being shifted onto Americans. If this transfer pricing (tax dodging) continues...Sure Companies will be super profitable but at the cost of the US suffering more.

We can eliminate the entire US debt (remember debt? It's bad) if the loop holes were closed, not only that but if the tax laws were simplified that would end the entire loop hole lawyer industry. Win-Win


They can't do that because then the corporations won't contribute to their campaigns.

Capiche? ;)
Dude transfer pricing blows those number out the water. Companies that engage in it walk way from paying TRILLIONS in taxes. You're playing small ball compared to what I'm talking about. Again, I say let's get blood from a beating heart and you ask for blood from a tadpole.

What is this mythical "transfer pricing" you refer to. I'm sure it's just another classic example of how liberal turds like you don't have the slightest understanding of the workings of capitalism.
The child credit should be cut since why should the government help in raising children? This one accounts for a percentage of those that have no tax liability.

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