Institute For Energy Research: Biden has taken over 200 actions to make it harder to produce energy.

Could be why gas is about 50% higher since he took office.

I know, I know, the first Dem response is gonna be WE ARE PRODUCING MORE OIL THAN EVER! This is in spite of Biden, not because of him.

ZERO barrels of oil have been produced on a Biden approved lease.

Report: Biden has taken over 200 actions against US oil
Oil is 19th century. The 21st is about renewables and fusion. Join up or get out of the way, shortbus.
So you think a pipeline bringing oil to US refineries has nothing to do with energy production in the US?


Could be why gas is about 50% higher since he took office.
Given that Biden admin has produced much more than the Trump admin did, you sound like a loony.

Trump did that. The high gas prices. He did so intentionally, and you love him for it.

Trump blackmailed the Saudis into a massive production cut, in order to increase profits for the fossil fuel industry. That's the cause of the higher gas prices. Gasoline is a worldwide commodity. A production cut anywhere raises prices around the world, and the cut by the Saudis was massive.

And Trump did that. That's not debatable by any honest person, thus every Trump cultist will try to debate it.

Why do Republicans love high gas prices?
Oil is 19th century. The 21st is about renewables and fusion. Join up or get out of the way, shortbus.
Renewables are the 19th century. In every aspect.

Solar has actually been used for energy, long before oil.

Wind Turbines, go back centuries.

CONradv, you been conned. A giant step backwards, in technology, is the democrats idea of what our future should be.
Could be why gas is about 50% higher since he took office.

I know, I know, the first Dem response is gonna be WE ARE PRODUCING MORE OIL THAN EVER! This is in spite of Biden, not because of him.

ZERO barrels of oil have been produced on a Biden approved lease.

Report: Biden has taken over 200 actions against US oil



Dumbfuck bitchslaps himself by giving the obvious answer.
Remember when the Democrats shut down the east coast's largest refinery.

Oil prices may never be the same.
Dumbfuck, the Keystone XL pipeline was already shut down while Trump was president.
You fucking moron, it was not just the Keystone pipeline that was shutdown, many pipelines were shutdown.
Given that Biden admin has produced much more than the Trump admin did, you sound like a loony.

Trump did that. The high gas prices. He did so intentionally, and you love him for it.

Trump blackmailed the Saudis into a massive production cut, in order to increase profits for the fossil fuel industry. That's the cause of the higher gas prices. Gasoline is a worldwide commodity. A production cut anywhere raises prices around the world, and the cut by the Saudis was massive.

And Trump did that. That's not debatable by any honest person, thus every Trump cultist will try to debate it.

Why do Republicans love high gas prices?
How many barrels of oil have been produced on Tater approved leases? ZERO.

I predicted your dumbassery in my OP, SIMP.


Dumbfuck bitchslaps himself by giving the obvious answer.
I predicted your dumbassery in my OP.

Thanks for showing up to embarrass yourself, again. :banana: :banana: :banana:
Total control. It's what scumbag dimocrap filth want -- Total, absolute control. To enslave you. That is their goal and that is the only thing that will make them happy. I shit you not, they want a society that would make Kim Jong Un blush.

And the truth is -- You deserve it.

Soon the government might shut down your car.

President Joe Biden's new infrastructure gives bureaucrats that power.

You probably didn't hear about that because when media covered it, few mentioned the requirement that by 2026, every American car must "monitor" the driver, determine if he is impaired and, if so, "limit vehicle operation."


Dumbfuck bitchslaps himself by giving the obvious answer.
Then why did Sponge Brains Shits Pants EMPTY the Strategic Oil Reserve?

Could it be because the LYING FILTH in the media counts oil stolen from the Country's Reserve Pool as 'produced'?

dimocrap scum get dumber and dumber. Every day
It appears, that this rule by democrats has been implemented and has caused the rise in the price of gas. If anybody knows more or cares to research this, this is a great place to start.

We are particularly concerned by the inclusion of provisions intended to discourage the use of hydrofluoric acid(HF) alkylation technology, which is used by fuel manufacturers to make clean and high-octane gasoline. If implemented as proposed, we understand that this rule has the potential to significantly impede domestic gasoline production, impacting supply chains and increasing costs for consumers. In other words, this rule will be directly responsible for increasing consumer prices at the pump and exacerbating America’s high inflation rate
Remember when the Democrats shut down the east coast's largest refinery.

Oil prices may never be the same.
"On June 21, 2019, part of the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery, the largest oil refinery on the East Coast of the United States, blew up. The explosion, which resulted from a burst pipe that allowed the release of a mixture of volatile and highly toxic gasses, scattered debris into surrounding neighborhoods, and lofted a school bus-sized chunk of the facility across a nearby river. Quick action on the part of refinery operators prevented an even larger disaster. Miraculously, no one was seriously hurt in the moments following the blast.

In the last decade, the 335,000-barrel-per-day PES remained profitable thanks to a fleeting set of oil market circumstances. Beginning in the early 2010s crude oil from North Dakota’s Bakken region began to arrive in Philadelphia by rail. At the time Bakken producers had few options to get their oil to market, as pipelines had yet to be expanded to transport the volume of new crude to the country’s refining centers along the Gulf coast.

Yet when the Dakota Access pipeline opened in 2017, PES’ lifeline of low-cost crude began to dry up, and the refinery turned to costly imported oil priced on the international Brent benchmark.

Ultimately, the decision on what to do with PES and its vast acreage was to be decided in a private auction organized by the company and its creditors with final approval to come from a Delaware bankruptcy court."

Fughing Democrats shut it down right?

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