Insurance company deny treatment to 5 year old with Cancer

Gotcha. I spent some time (not a ton of time, but some) volunteering in a hospice, so I am a little overly passionate about what they do.

Good for you and I understand why. When I first read this article, I'll admit I was outraged and that reflected upon the title. Which is why I'm going to have it changed sometime soon.

But, I'd rather be a person who can get outraged rather than a person who has more apathy in them than anything.

"I'd rather feel bad than feel nothing at all."

- Warren Zevon
I know what they are. I was confused by what Xo said for a moment. I thought he said they keep people alive and are worthless. But then I reread it and realized what he was saying.

I may have mispoken or you may have misread it.

I think hospice is the most wonderful facet of out medical field. I have never heard of anyone who has had a negative experience in hospice.

Though this is not quantifiable (sorry to sound like a dork), I think their main utility is helping patients and families bypass the "denial" (or get over it much more quickly) stage of grief.

The patients I dealt with at the hospice house were at peace with their situation in life and they weren't afraid.

Contrast that with being on the wards and watching while a patient goes in and out of AFIB and is scared to death or a patient who was just told he had their heart was failing who now can't sleep at night.

I guess the difference is knowing that, no matter what, your time is coming soon.


And hospice nurses help the family during the dying process so that they understand what will happen and what is happening to their loved one.

With meds to make them comfortable, the dying process for the patient is relatively easy. However, it is difficult for the family to watch this if they aren't helped along the way.

Most doctors and non-hospice nurses usually are not that great at helping non-hospice patients and families who are dying in the hospital. I guess it is something that comes with training, as well as an inherent skill.
I may have mispoken or you may have misread it.

I think hospice is the most wonderful facet of out medical field. I have never heard of anyone who has had a negative experience in hospice.

Though this is not quantifiable (sorry to sound like a dork), I think their main utility is helping patients and families bypass the "denial" (or get over it much more quickly) stage of grief.

The patients I dealt with at the hospice house were at peace with their situation in life and they weren't afraid.

Contrast that with being on the wards and watching while a patient goes in and out of AFIB and is scared to death or a patient who was just told he had their heart was failing who now can't sleep at night.

I guess the difference is knowing that, no matter what, your time is coming soon.


And hospice nurses help the family during the dying process so that they understand what will happen and what is happening to their loved one.

With meds to make them comfortable, the dying process for the patient is relatively easy. However, it is difficult for the family to watch this if they aren't helped along the way.

Most doctors and non-hospice nurses usually are not that great at helping non-hospice patients and families who are dying in the hospital. I guess it is something that comes with training, as well as an inherent skill.

I think the general withholding of information is what drives patient's crazy. It's not intentional (IMO) it's just that there is so much staff in and out of the room with different tasks that it becomes confusing to the patient. One white coat looks like another, though you and I know that is not true.
Gotcha. I spent some time (not a ton of time, but some) volunteering in a hospice, so I am a little overly passionate about what they do.

Good for you and I understand why. When I first read this article, I'll admit I was outraged and that reflected upon the title. Which is why I'm going to have it changed sometime soon.

But, I'd rather be a person who can get outraged rather than a person who has more apathy in them than anything.

"I'd rather feel bad than feel nothing at all."

- Warren Zevon

I came to a similiar conclusion when I was younger.

Id rather feel bad with the truth, than be happy with a lie.

Facing death can be a difficult truth. But sometimes it's reality and denying it and pretending its not there doesnt make things better. it just prevents you from doing what you can with the time left.
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I think the general withholding of information is what drives patient's crazy. It's not intentional (IMO) it's just that there is so much staff in and out of the room with different tasks that it becomes confusing to the patient. One white coat looks like another, though you and I know that is not true.

Yep. And that's why hospice in the home is nice...because it is one to one interaction. All of the focus is on the patient and family, rather than spread throughout the entire medical unit in the hospital.
Yep. And that's why hospice in the home is nice...because it is one to one interaction. All of the focus is on the patient and family, rather than spread throughout the entire medical unit in the hospital.

It definitely gives back a whole humanity portion to the process if you understand what I'm saying.
Yep. And that's why hospice in the home is nice...because it is one to one interaction. All of the focus is on the patient and family, rather than spread throughout the entire medical unit in the hospital.

It definitely gives back a whole humanity portion to the process if you understand what I'm saying.

Yep. And would you rather have your loved one die in their own home with all of the family there...or die in a cramped hospital room, with a demented roommate who shits the bed, and beeping contraptions out in the hall.

The former for me.
Yep. And would you rather have your loved one die in their own home with all of the family there...or die in a cramped hospital room, with a demented roommate who shits the bed, and beeping contraptions out in the hall.

The former for me.

And there's always the situation where there are people who are dying of something that cannot be cured. And rather than continuing to just suffer painfully or go that route, they go out the way they want with dignity. Which I think is a great option to have.
Good for you and I understand why. When I first read this article, I'll admit I was outraged and that reflected upon the title. Which is why I'm going to have it changed sometime soon.

But, I'd rather be a person who can get outraged rather than a person who has more apathy in them than anything.

"I'd rather feel bad than feel nothing at all."

- Warren Zevon

I came to a similiar conclusion when I was younger.

Id rather feel bad with the truth, than be happy with a lie. ....

And, as a corollary: If I feel bad about the truth, I can't kneejerk react and try to shit on those who are not responsible for that unfortunate truth.

Like running a blender without a lid - shit gets on those who don't deserve it.
I see now that you see that it does work and is recommended, you've moved off that argument and gone on to the $$$ issue.

If you want to draw a line, then admit there is Health Care Rationing, simple as that. You seem to miss the fact that this is not some regular sort of cancer as well.
Every resource is rationed, but it is a matter by whom.

Healthcare, much like food and water, is currently rationed by the price system. You get the food, water, and healthcare you pay for. If you use an insurance intermediary, that is your choice, but you still get the policy you pay for. The policy this family purchased does not cover $55,000 cancer treatments...tough shit.

In a Nationalized System, a panel of bureaucrats (the death panel) rations care, not your wallet. No matter how much money you are willing to pay, you only get what Washington deems you worthy of receiving.

That is assuming, of course, that Washington politicians are incorruptible.
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Dogbert why don't you become so inflamed about the causes of these diseases in children for others will not have to face this same fate? If you care this much put it back on the backs of those who create these toxins that affect everyone and everyone's children.

Pesticides in Homes & Lawns Showing Serious Health Risks -
Common pesticides used in homes and lawns are now being shown in medical research to accelerate aging of the immune and nervous system resulting in serious health problems years after exposure. Companies which use these chemicals include TruGreen - ChemLawn - Orkin and others. The majority of the public still believes these chemicals are completely tested by the government. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Chemical companies do their own testing and submit the results to the EPA for review - setting up the potential for "selective" reporting. Of significant concern, agriculture and consumer use pesticides are not currently required to be tested for subtle neurological effects (i.e. memory, depression, behavior) - child learning disorders - pregnancy developmental studies and immune system effects (i.e. lower white blood counts - increased infection rates and autoimmunity).
Bed mattresses found to emit toxic chemicals
Today's modern beds are now constructed from a wide range of petrochemical products such as vinyl and polyurethane foam. The latest research shows the petroleum chemicals used to make these materials are being emitted into the breathing zone of the sleeping child. Since the chemicals found are known carcinogens and respiratory irritants - parents of children with cancer or asthma should be particularly concerned.
Learning Disabilities - A.D.D on the Rise - Pregnancy Warnings
learning disabilities and chemical exposureA growing number of scientists are providing strong evidence as to why we are seeing more and more children with learning and behavior disorders over the past 30 years. Their conclusions are straight forward - exposure of the developing child to even small levels of common everyday chemicals can result in learning or behavior problems evident throughout life. This information is a result of a 1997 Graduate Research Project from University of South Florida investigating environmental and "chemical" causes of Learning Disabilities.
Health Risks from PesticidesNew research on the dangers of the mosquito control pesticides DIBROM (Naled) and the pyrethroid pesticide PERMETHRIN are reported from six medical journals. Health risks found include genetic damage - cancer potential - neurotoxic dangers to unborn children - and harm to marine life. Researchers also find pesticide applications appear to be dramatically increasing the incidence of encephalitis carrying mosquitoes. Theories regarding this include immune system damage to wildlife and genetic damage to the mosquitoes inherent defenses.
Malathion is a medfly and mosquito control pesticide which has been shown to have serious health effects upon humans. Observed effects include weakening of the immune system (thereby resulting in increased colds, flu and infections), birth defects, genetic damage, accelerated aging of certain body organs, increased neurological damage to the elderly and serious harm to wildlife. This report shows how the public is being misled by this very dangerous pesticide.
Child Vaccination Health Problems
While the medical community touts vaccinations as being important for child health, the research shows this is not necessarily the case and the risks appear far greater than the benefits.
Rejected for Publication because of Truth.
When quality articles and letters are submitted to newspapers, journals or scientific magazines for publication, yet rejected for no apparent reason, attention needs to be brought to this problem. As corporate industry gains more influence over mainstream media from magazines to newspapers, there is a gradual silencing of voices from scientists and "thinkers" who do not agree with their desired point of view.
Child Cancer & Relationship to Modern Chemicals
Evidence demonstrating how chemical exposures occurring in and around the home can greatly increase the risk of brain cancer, neuroblastoma & leukemia. Also "NEW" research on immune system defects found in cancer children which can determine if "remission" is likely to occur.

Chemical-Free Condos Open in Melbourne Beach
Individuals showing health problems related to short or long term exposure to synthetic chemicals can come to this "clean-air" setting on the ocean in Melbourne Beach, Florida. The 10 unit complex has removed all potential chemical sources and units now include tile floors - organic bedding - organic couches - metal and glass furniture and absolutely no pesticides used anywhere in or on the premises. This allows the body's natural defenses to recover without extra stress. To see a video of the Pride and Joy Resort click either broadband or dial-up
Immune Systems Under Attack
Research on how the human immune system is damaged or weakened by exposure to pesticides, plastics and a variety of chemicals in common consumer products. Strong evidence for explaining the observed increases in immune related disorders from viral/bacterial infections to child cancers.
Neuroblastoma Research
Case histories - pesticides and immune system damage.
Chlordane Termite Pesticide Problems
Important health information for people living in homes built before 1988. Evidence suggests an epidemic of health problems caused by daily breathing of this low dose pesticide.
Infertility - Miscarriage Research Studies
Surprising environmental causes identified in the home, work and diet should be the first intervention.
Gallstones - Evidence for an Environmentally Induced Illness
Gallstone formation is a painful disease that occurs when the bile (going from the liver to the gallbladder) becomes super-saturated with cholesterol. This page describes dietary factors found to worsen this condition and discusses evidence that improper liver function is unable to emulsify the bile, thereby encouraging gall stone formation.
How the Human Body Ages
Understanding how chemicals and pesticides contribute to accelerating the aging process of various body systems requires understanding of how and why the aging process actually occurs. Research from the Department of Biology, University of California explains how our yearly one-half to 1% loss of "Genes" within our DNA is the culprit.
Chemical Illness Report Page
Petroleum based chemicals can cause serious health problems over time. Research shows this can occur from exposure in the workplace - home and also from many consumer products. Because of the time delay in exposure and symptom onset, as well as complexity of processes involved (individual liver enzyme detoxification efficiency - gradual attrition to neurological defenses, etc.), these illnesses are often overlooked, diagnosed incorrectly - or denied (by physicians representing the chemical or insurance industry). If you or someone you know has developed health problems from chemical exposure please let us know by clicking this link. Anyone to input their information and have it immediately posted to this web site. Also, please report any circumstances of illegal or unsafe chemical use or disposal.
TOXNET WEB SITE - This toxicology site from the National Library of Medicine has an excellent database of health effects and hazards occurring from petroleum chemical exposure. After going to this site, type in at least two search terms - one with the chemical and the other with a related health term (i.e. neurotoxic - immune - liver - kidneys - cancer - etc.).
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Yep. And that's why hospice in the home is nice...because it is one to one interaction. All of the focus is on the patient and family, rather than spread throughout the entire medical unit in the hospital.

It definitely gives back a whole humanity portion to the process if you understand what I'm saying.

Yep. And would you rather have your loved one die in their own home with all of the family there...or die in a cramped hospital room, with a demented roommate who shits the bed, and beeping contraptions out in the hall.

The former for me.

I guess not so ironically, I admitted a patient today who has decided that they are done with dialysis. They have been off dialysis for a couple of weeks and their time is short.

I am hoping we can get them hooked into hospice and out of the hospital tomorrow.
If you want to draw a line, then admit there is Health Care Rationing, simple as that. You seem to miss the fact that this is not some regular sort of cancer as well.

you dont think a govt plan would ration health care?....
Why should anyone be forced to die, ever? Regardless of cost, we need to freeze the dying, then bring them back later when we can cure them. Of course this should be paid for by the evil insurance companies or "the rich". :rolleyes:
An insurance company doesn't cover a treatment that the federal government has deemed is experimental, and a treatment that is more than 50 times more expensive than a typical non-experimental treatment?

What is the gripe again?

Here's my question, Modo. If we had the public option, would the GOVERNMENT cove such an experimental treatment?

Anytime when people are dealing with life or death, the debates are going to get heated. It would be great if insurance companies would pay for every treatment, whether experimental or approved, but it would ultimately lead to insurance companies going broke or more and more people who won't be able to afford the cost of insurance.

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