INSURRECTION in America: EXPLOSIVE new Email Evidence Links GINNY to the 1/6 COUP

Did Hunter Biden suggest declaring Trump's victory in 2016 null and void? And suggesting that alternate slates of electors be chosen to replace the ones that were going to vote for Trump? No.
Ginni Thomas is the wife of the SC justice that would have had a direct hand in deciding election fraud cases had they not been dismissed by the SC..and all the lower courts underneath them.

So not the same thing. :)
If you have evidence that Clarence Thomas's wife is making rulings on his behalf you're free to present it. There's just as much circumstancial evidence that Biden has played a hand in all of his son's shady dealings, but you don't want to hear about any of that because you're a partisan hack

So, yeah, kind of the same thing :)
If you have evidence that Clarence Thomas's wife is making rulings on his behalf you're free to present it. There's just as much circumstancial evidence that Biden has played a hand in all of his son's shady dealings, but you don't want to hear about any of that because you're a partisan hack

So, yeah, kind of the same thing :)
Sorry. If Hunter Biden (son of the Vice President that would preside over the January 6th certification) had stood up and advocated for the throwing out the election results and appointing an alternate slate of electors, THEN you'd have a case for it being the same. Since that didn't happen, you have no leg to stand on here. It isn't the same. No partisan hackery required here. :)

The revelations first published by The Washington Post on Friday show that Thomas was more involved than previously known in efforts, based on unsubstantiated claims of fraud, to overturn Biden’s victory and keep then-President Donald Trump in office.

In the days after The Associated Press and other news organizations called the presidential election for Biden, Thomas emailed two lawmakers in Arizona to urge them to choose “a clean slate of Electors” and “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure.” The AP obtained the emails under the state’s open records law.

Thomas also had written to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the weeks following the election encouraging him to work to overturn Biden’s victory and keep Trump in office, according to text messages first reported by the Post and CBS News.

Do you think this is enough to impeach Clarence Thomas and replace him with a Biden-backed liberal justice? Thoughts?
No. I think the current alleged President should be charged and impeached for his actual coup.

The revelations first published by The Washington Post on Friday show that Thomas was more involved than previously known in efforts, based on unsubstantiated claims of fraud, to overturn Biden’s victory and keep then-President Donald Trump in office.

In the days after The Associated Press and other news organizations called the presidential election for Biden, Thomas emailed two lawmakers in Arizona to urge them to choose “a clean slate of Electors” and “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure.” The AP obtained the emails under the state’s open records law.

Thomas also had written to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the weeks following the election encouraging him to work to overturn Biden’s victory and keep Trump in office, according to text messages first reported by the Post and CBS News.

Do you think this is enough to impeach Clarence Thomas and replace him with a Biden-backed liberal justice? Thoughts?
No...there was no crime committed and the requested action is not illegal. Why do you ask?
Sorry. If Hunter Biden (son of the Vice President that would preside over the January 6th certification) had stood up and advocated for the throwing out the election results and appointing an alternate slate of electors, THEN you'd have a case for it being the same. Since that didn't happen, you have no leg to stand on here. It isn't the same. No partisan hackery required here. :)

You are hardly the arbitrator of the validity of my or anyone else's opinion. Both examples, if true, are actions of corruption. Your argument is essentially, "Well this action that I don't personally care about wasn't nearly as corrupt as this other action that I really care about," yet, corruption is corruption. It's like when people bring up Biden's garbage approval ratings and you all fall over yourselves to point out how bad Trump's were. You're taking two piles of shit and arguing over which pile smells less and you actually believe when you do it you're making a moral argument.
Did Hunter Biden suggest declaring Trump's victory in 2016 null and void? And suggesting that alternate slates of electors be chosen to replace the ones that were going to vote for Trump? No.
Ginni Thomas is the wife of the SC justice that would have had a direct hand in deciding election fraud cases had they not been dismissed by the SC..and all the lower courts underneath them.

So not the same thing. :)

Okay now explain how the situation different then Comney's rabid liberal wife's public opinions when her husband was investigating TRUMP?
You are hardly the arbitrator of the validity of my or anyone else's opinion. Both examples, if true, are actions of corruption. Your argument is essentially, "Well this action that I don't personally care about wasn't nearly as corrupt as this other action that I really care about," yet, corruption is corruption. It's like when people bring up Biden's garbage approval ratings and you all fall over yourselves to point out how bad Trump's were. You're taking two piles of shit and arguing over which pile smells less and you actually believe when you do it you're making a moral argument.
No we're not talking about two piles of shit. You're rationalizing it because you don't like the guy in the WH. We're talking about the wife of a sitting SC justice. A man who would preside over any election case decision. One of nine. Not the son of the then VP now President. Unless you can prove that Hunter Biden has an in with an SC justice and sought to undermine Trump's victory in't..the..same. :)
They should just increase the size of the court. America is broken and the institutions need updating.
Yeah, let's do that. How many more leftist justices do you think we need? I'm just asking so we have a idea of how many more righty justices were going to need once the repubs are back in power.

Then, when the left is in power again, they can add more, then when the right is in power again, they can add more..

and then some

and then some
and then some

and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some

and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some

Yeah, let's do that. How many more leftist justices do you think we need? I'm just asking so we have a idea of how many more righty justices were going to need once the repubs are back in power.

Then, when the left is in power again, they can add more, then when the right is in power again, they can add more..

and then some

and then some
and then some

and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some

and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some
and then some

Yep pretty soon it'll be the supreme multitude... Unable to decide anything.

The revelations first published by The Washington Post on Friday show that Thomas was more involved than previously known in efforts, based on unsubstantiated claims of fraud, to overturn Biden’s victory and keep then-President Donald Trump in office.

In the days after The Associated Press and other news organizations called the presidential election for Biden, Thomas emailed two lawmakers in Arizona to urge them to choose “a clean slate of Electors” and “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure.” The AP obtained the emails under the state’s open records law.

Thomas also had written to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the weeks following the election encouraging him to work to overturn Biden’s victory and keep Trump in office, according to text messages first reported by the Post and CBS News.

Do you think this is enough to impeach Clarence Thomas and replace him with a Biden-backed liberal justice? Thoughts?
They should just increase the size of the court. America is broken and the institutions need updating.
A retarded idea from a retard. Court packing wouldn’t change things except for the side that succeeds and even then just temporarily. In any case, nobody really needs your idiotic suggestions, taint. You worry about Wales or where ever the fuck you’re really from. Americans will worry about our own land.
Did Ginny Thomas file charges against someone?
No. But she CAN (oh god, I can't believe I'm going here because she's..well, let's keep it family) whisper in hubby's ear and hubby can certainly be influenced by it.
The politicians she's lobbying KNOW she's the wife of one of their SC allies.

The revelations first published by The Washington Post on Friday show that Thomas was more involved than previously known in efforts, based on unsubstantiated claims of fraud, to overturn Biden’s victory and keep then-President Donald Trump in office.

In the days after The Associated Press and other news organizations called the presidential election for Biden, Thomas emailed two lawmakers in Arizona to urge them to choose “a clean slate of Electors” and “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure.” The AP obtained the emails under the state’s open records law.

Thomas also had written to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the weeks following the election encouraging him to work to overturn Biden’s victory and keep Trump in office, according to text messages first reported by the Post and CBS News.

Do you think this is enough to impeach Clarence Thomas and replace him with a Biden-backed liberal justice? Thoughts?

The day Hillary is busted, this leaks?

Stop eating the bullshit.
This just in. The use of free speech isn’t News nor is it explosive. So, not surprisingly, the thread headline from the OP is bullshit.
It isnt [sic] the same is it ?
Explain how it's different other than you're a partisan leftist?

It's not even that he's a partisan leftist.

He's British.

We fought two wars, several generations ago, to establish, once and for all, that how we Americans run our country is none of the business of the British.

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