Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.
What I like is democrats running around saying that they have not only crippled the boss, but given him fake nuclear codes.

As between Russia and Democrats, I'm definitely pro Russia. I never thought of telling Putin that he has a free hand to attack us because we are essentially defenseless.
Any movement by Iran would become WWIII, pretty much every military analyst I've ever read an article by or heard interviewed has stated this.

If North Korea attacked either South Korea or Japan, then under existing American military rules America would have to aid South Korea or Japan ditto if China made a move on Taiwan, America would have to militarily assist Taiwan against China.

Why do you think they are so concerned with these man-made islands that China is now operating in the South China Sea, China has military equipment on those islands now. That's a direct threat to nations like Thailand and the Philippines.

We do not see Russia as a threat, we see the poking of Russia as a threat to our stability as a Continent, NATO has no right to be on Russia's door, it's a direct breech of the guarantee that GHWB gave to Russia that NATO would NOT expand to Russia's border.

If you don't see Russia as a threat, you're either a fool, or already co-opted.

I know what I believe.

Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia
Russia has no interest in fighting ISIS. That's just another of your fuhrer's lies.. that you swallowed whole. They're destabilizing Syriaand the whole region.
They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.
What I like is democrats running around saying that they have not only crippled the boss, but given him fake nuclear codes.

As between Russia and Democrats, I'm definitely pro Russia. I never thought of telling Putin that he has a free hand to attack us because we are essentially defenseless.
Of course you're pro Russia. You have to be withTrump's incestuous relationship with Putin. There was a time not long ago anyone saying anything positive about Russia was condemned and called a commie lover. Oh right. That was your side.
You've now completely gone over to the dark side and are an official american traitor. You sold your soul to the devil... Comrade Trump.
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.” Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'
When will these brave patriots declare war and march on the white house to remove him?
they won't.

they'll just give the press some dangling bate....and let them investigate
View attachment 112641
They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.
What I like is democrats running around saying that they have not only crippled the boss, but given him fake nuclear codes.

As between Russia and Democrats, I'm definitely pro Russia. I never thought of telling Putin that he has a free hand to attack us because we are essentially defenseless.
Of course you're pro Russia. You have to be withTrump's incestuous relationship with Putin. There was a time not long ago anyone saying anything positive about Russia was condemned and called a commie lover. Oh right. That was your side.
You've now completely gone over to the dark side and are an official american traitor. You sold your soul to the devil... Comrade Trump.

Schindler got fired from the War College for sending pictures of his penis and other inappropriate tweeting.

John Schindler , Naval War College professor 'sent nude photo to Twitter follower' | Daily Mail Online

Surely the deep state can come up with a better “ former spook”.
View attachment 112641
They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.
What I like is democrats running around saying that they have not only crippled the boss, but given him fake nuclear codes.

As between Russia and Democrats, I'm definitely pro Russia. I never thought of telling Putin that he has a free hand to attack us because we are essentially defenseless.
Of course you're pro Russia. You have to be withTrump's incestuous relationship with Putin. There was a time not long ago anyone saying anything positive about Russia was condemned and called a commie lover. Oh right. That was your side.
You've now completely gone over to the dark side and are an official american traitor. You sold your soul to the devil... Comrade Trump.
I could only be a traitor if I was a Democrat. obama made a smashing devil. Evil drips from his pores.
View attachment 112641
They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.
What I like is democrats running around saying that they have not only crippled the boss, but given him fake nuclear codes.

As between Russia and Democrats, I'm definitely pro Russia. I never thought of telling Putin that he has a free hand to attack us because we are essentially defenseless.
Of course you're pro Russia. You have to be withTrump's incestuous relationship with Putin. There was a time not long ago anyone saying anything positive about Russia was condemned and called a commie lover. Oh right. That was your side.
You've now completely gone over to the dark side and are an official american traitor. You sold your soul to the devil... Comrade Trump.

Schindler got fired from the War College for sending pictures of his penis and other inappropriate tweeting.

John Schindler , Naval War College professor 'sent nude photo to Twitter follower' | Daily Mail Online

Surely the deep state can come up with a better “ former spook”.
Has he met Anthony Weiner?
How can you go nuclear when Trump already turned over the codes to Vladimir?
Any movement by Iran would become WWIII, pretty much every military analyst I've ever read an article by or heard interviewed has stated this.

If North Korea attacked either South Korea or Japan, then under existing American military rules America would have to aid South Korea or Japan ditto if China made a move on Taiwan, America would have to militarily assist Taiwan against China.

Why do you think they are so concerned with these man-made islands that China is now operating in the South China Sea, China has military equipment on those islands now. That's a direct threat to nations like Thailand and the Philippines.

We do not see Russia as a threat, we see the poking of Russia as a threat to our stability as a Continent, NATO has no right to be on Russia's door, it's a direct breech of the guarantee that GHWB gave to Russia that NATO would NOT expand to Russia's border.

If you don't see Russia as a threat, you're either a fool, or already co-opted.

I know what I believe.

Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia
Russia has no interest in fighting ISIS. That's just another of your fuhrer's lies.. that you swallowed whole. They're destabilizing Syriaand the whole region.
I just wanted to back this guy up. For anybody educated on national security matters we know that Putin used the guise of fighting ISIS to give Russia legitimacy for his military operations in the region. The reality is that Putin is in Syria to maintain Assad in power, this is both ideologically backed as well as a military concern because Assad allows Russia access to their ports which Russia apparently makes a lot of usage of.

Right now the US and Russia are basically involved in a somewhat similar situation to Afghan of the 80's where we are in direct conflict with each other, but are fighting through proxies rather than openly having our military forces clash.
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.

Just what was always said, the intelligence community is untouchable. Speak no bad about the CIA or you will suffer.
Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

Iran and NK view us as a threat, and rightly so, we could wipe them off the map many times over.

Literally, we should leave them the fuck alone.

Leave them alone, you think that's pragmatic?
Maintain the status quo of sanctions and nothing more? Yes.
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.” Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'
When will these brave patriots declare war and march on the white house to remove him?
We won't have to. His own party will do it for us.
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
Oh no, I'm not....that did com from Briebart's HIT PIECE on this McMullen ex pres candidate, ex CIA guy.... I was surprised they had that part in their article....

I lost the link when going back to this article and was too lazy to go back and find it.... i'll try to find it...

but Mc Mullen's contention was that the intel community notified pres trump on the security risk flynn was....gave him 2 weeks to react, and when he didn't take any steps to protect our nation, the intel people sworn to protect our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC threats, leaked some info to make certain the steps were taken, to keep our nation safe....

that was mcmullen's excuse for why the intel people had to do it.
McMullin is an open borders pro-amnesty cuck for Jew Bill Kristol.
Good for him. He is a pragmatic who is proindustry.
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
Oh no, I'm not....that did com from Briebart's HIT PIECE on this McMullen ex pres candidate, ex CIA guy.... I was surprised they had that part in their article....

I lost the link when going back to this article and was too lazy to go back and find it.... i'll try to find it...

but Mc Mullen's contention was that the intel community notified pres trump on the security risk flynn was....gave him 2 weeks to react, and when he didn't take any steps to protect our nation, the intel people sworn to protect our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC threats, leaked some info to make certain the steps were taken, to keep our nation safe....

that was mcmullen's excuse for why the intel people had to do it.

here's the link Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'
And he is correct. I hope he runs for chaffetz 's seat.
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
Oh no, I'm not....that did com from Briebart's HIT PIECE on this McMullen ex pres candidate, ex CIA guy.... I was surprised they had that part in their article....

I lost the link when going back to this article and was too lazy to go back and find it.... i'll try to find it...

but Mc Mullen's contention was that the intel community notified pres trump on the security risk flynn was....gave him 2 weeks to react, and when he didn't take any steps to protect our nation, the intel people sworn to protect our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC threats, leaked some info to make certain the steps were taken, to keep our nation safe....

that was mcmullen's excuse for why the intel people had to do it.
McMullin is an open borders pro-amnesty cuck for Jew Bill Kristol.
Good for him. He is a pragmatic who is proindustry.
Trump needs to deploy his own spies and pressure Russia to share information.

We've been hacking Russia for years and they have been hacking us just as long.
But this time they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

Nah. Its all in your head because no one knows anything yet.

But you are more than welcome to dream on.
Trump needs to deploy his own spies and pressure Russia to share information.

We've been hacking Russia for years and they have been hacking us just as long.
But this time they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
They uncovered Hillary is corrupt, the DNC cheated to get Hillary the DNC nomination, and exposed Democrats as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...

THAT'S 'beyond their wildest dreams'?

That's pathetic - everyone already knew almost all of that without having to 'hack' it.

U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.
Well, he didn't attack the community, just the criminals within. But the main point here is that you consider a source relying on "reportedly" worthy of mention shows how ineffective your mind is at processing simple things.
Trump needs to deploy his own spies and pressure Russia to share information.

We've been hacking Russia for years and they have been hacking us just as long.
But this time they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
They uncovered Hillary is corrupt, the DNC cheated to get Hillary the DNC nomination, and exposed Democrats as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...

THAT'S 'beyond their wildest dreams'?

That's pathetic - everyone already knew almost all of that without having to 'hack' it.

They placed their puppet in the White House. When is the last time trump said anything remotely critical of putin?

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