Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

Time to remind the Intel Agencies that they work for the President...or they don't work...

They don't work for the president. They work for the other 324 million Americans.

That's your first mistake.

President Trump, also, works for us, rather than vice versa.

He's not a king, so maybe stop the groveling submissive act.

Then you should tell them y stop trying to derail the President they duly elected. Just say'n.
I think the two main threats the Western world faces, aside from Radical Islamic Terrorism are the madman in North Korea and the Ayatollah in Iran, whoever is the President of Iran only has limited actual powers, it's the Ayatollah and his Council that have all the actual power in Iran.

Eva, are you getting a check from Putin to post this kind of silly misinformation? If you aren't, you should be.

Because the idea that NK is one of the two greatest threats to the US, when that country can't even afford food or bullets for their guns, is simply absurd.

For the record, neither NK or Iran have invaded any of their neighbors in the last few years.

It's not silly misinformation, it's actual information.

North Korea is a direct threat to it's immediate neighbours in the Pacific Rim, South Korea and also Japan. North Korea just the other day again tested a new missile, that one had the capacity to be fitted with a nuclear device, you must not be aware of this or you wouldn't have made the comments you just did.

The UN Security Council has just had a meeting to discuss this latest North Korea missile test.

Iran, you need to pay attention to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he's the one who has the actual power in Iran and not President Hassan Rouhani.

This is the most very recent article from The Jerusalem Post.

Iran continues to call for Israel’s destruction despite nuclear deal
Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

"U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from PresidentDonald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised"

The LEAKERS are wortied Trump will leak classified information / Liberals who had their shit hacked, who even hired 3 Pakistanis who hacked their shit - are afraid TRUMP will compromise info.

:p Now THAT is funny as hell!

If you think the intelligence community is comprised of liberals, I have some prime swampland in Southern Florida to sell you.
Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

"U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from PresidentDonald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised"

The LEAKERS are worried Trump will leak classified information / Liberals who had their shit hacked, who even hired 3 Pakistanis who hacked their shit - are afraid TRUMP will compromise info.

:p Now THAT is funny as hell!

No evidence that any hacking occurred. Stick to the facts.

In the meantime - if spies are worried about leaks from the Trump administration - that's pretty serious.
It's not silly misinformation, it's actual information.

North Korea is a direct threat to it's immediate neighbours in the Pacific Rim, South Korea and also Japan. North Korea just the other day again tested a new missile, that one had the capacity to be fitted with a nuclear device, you must not be aware of this or you wouldn't have made the comments you just did.

The UN Security Council has just had a meeting to discuss this latest North Korea missile test.

Iran, you need to pay attention to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he's the one who has the actual power in Iran and not President Hassan Rouhani.

This is the most very recent article from The Jerusalem Post.

Iran continues to call for Israel’s destruction despite nuclear deal

Thanks for your interesting post, Eva.

North Korea is a threat to Asia. They aren't a threat to America.

Iran is a threat to the middle east, and possibly Europe. They aren't a threat to America.

Russia has meddled in our election, and appears to have co-opted our president for their own purposes. They are also meddling in several European elections. That's a clear and present danger to America.

But, I understand why a Putin Propaganda Shill would try to misdirect that conversation.

Of course, Russia has many more reasons to be concerned about a belligerent NK and an intransigent Iran, primarily due to proximity.

But those countries don't threaten my homeland directly, they threaten yours.

So, remind me again why I should give a fuck about your predicament?
Then you should tell them y stop trying to derail the President they duly elected. Just say'n.

Why would I do that, when I believe he poses a clear and present danger to our constitutional republic?

Did y'all shut up for 8 years of the Obama presidency?

Take a few minutes to think before you reply.
Time to remind the Intel Agencies that they work for the President...or they don't work...

I agree...but these are also not typical times. The Agencies work for the President but some of them are also somewhat autonomous. And there is a complete lack of respect from Trump towards them that is public and loud. These folks are professionals, they take great pride in their jobs, and they've given their lives for it. What happens if your boss is in cahoots with a country that is attempting to cause trouble for us?

It's very troubling.

The Clinton's were in bed with China when Bill was President, many people wonder how China got perfect blueprints of American Missile Technology.

Obama allowed someone such as Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin to be around American National Security situations.

You don't think these are disturbing things?

Is it just the Russia obsession and nothing else?
Time to remind the Intel Agencies that they work for the President...or they don't work...

I agree...but these are also not typical times. The Agencies work for the President but some of them are also somewhat autonomous. And there is a complete lack of respect from Trump towards them that is public and loud. These folks are professionals, they take great pride in their jobs, and they've given their lives for it. What happens if your boss is in cahoots with a country that is attempting to cause trouble for us?

It's very troubling.

The Clinton's were in bed with China when Bill was President, many people wonder how China got perfect blueprints of American Missile Technology.

So far only Republicans are suspected of treasonous crime.
Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

"U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from PresidentDonald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised"

The LEAKERS are worried Trump will leak classified information / Liberals who had their shit hacked, who even hired 3 Pakistanis who hacked their shit - are afraid TRUMP will compromise info.

:p Now THAT is funny as hell!
I think their big worry now is this all leads back to obie hacks and the DNC.

Here is more Political Correctness Nazism by a Moderator.

I haven't read the whole long thread...but here is a MODERATOR......defining what is appropriate for the thread....and it seems he/she decides what's appropriate, even with an established biased point of view as a poster.

Is this remonstrance as a Moderator.....then it is over the line.

Is it as another numbskull liberal....then it should not show the poster is a Moderator.

Can't have it both ways....but Bolsheviks typically try to do just that.


Can I offer you some pamprin and a manpon?

The rest of us are talking about the threat posed to the U.S. by Trump's collusion with Russia.

Here's an interesting article about the topic: Former CIA official says having Trump in the White House is the gravest threat since Civil War

Speaking of bolsheviks...
I think their big worry now is this all leads back to obie hacks and the DNC.

The democratic party lost the election. This is about the future of our country.

I don't squeal with glee at the thought of a Pence presidency, but I can say with certainty that while he's a right wing uber religious anti-abortion statist, at least he's not a traitor.
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.
You don't understand how government works do you ? Guess who is at the very top in the chain of command for the intel groups ?
These guys may be going nuclear in private but otherwise its "Yes Mr. President, how high Mr. President."
The Clinton's were in bed with China when Bill was President, many people wonder how China got perfect blueprints of American Missile Technology.

Obama allowed someone such as Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin to be around American National Security situations.

You don't think these are disturbing things?

Is it just the Russia obsession and nothing else?

I think you're still trying to redirect the conversation away from the danger to our country posed by Russia.

Why is that?

I'm really starting to think that you're cashing Putin paychecks.
You don't understand how government works do you ? Guess who is at the very top in the chain of command for the intel groups ?
These guys may be going nuclear in private but otherwise its "Yes Mr. President, how high Mr. President."

When intelligence officers are sworn in, to who/what do they swear their oath?

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Public service is a responsibility that the federal law enforcement agencies take seriously.

In my opinion, these guys are honoring their oath, which transcends the presidency.
It's not silly misinformation, it's actual information.

North Korea is a direct threat to it's immediate neighbours in the Pacific Rim, South Korea and also Japan. North Korea just the other day again tested a new missile, that one had the capacity to be fitted with a nuclear device, you must not be aware of this or you wouldn't have made the comments you just did.

The UN Security Council has just had a meeting to discuss this latest North Korea missile test.

Iran, you need to pay attention to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he's the one who has the actual power in Iran and not President Hassan Rouhani.

This is the most very recent article from The Jerusalem Post.

Iran continues to call for Israel’s destruction despite nuclear deal

Thanks for your interesting post, Eva.

North Korea is a threat to Asia. They aren't a threat to America.

Iran is a threat to the middle east, and possibly Europe. They aren't a threat to America.

Russia has meddled in our election, and appears to have co-opted our president for their own purposes. They are also meddling in several European elections. That's a clear and present danger to America.

But, I understand why a Putin Propaganda Shill would try to misdirect that conversation.

Of course, Russia has many more reasons to be concerned about a belligerent NK and an intransigent Iran, primarily due to proximity.

But those countries don't threaten my homeland directly, they threaten yours.

So, remind me again why I should give a fuck about your predicament?

Any movement by Iran would become WWIII, pretty much every military analyst I've ever read an article by or heard interviewed has stated this.

If North Korea attacked either South Korea or Japan, then under existing American military rules America would have to aid South Korea or Japan ditto if China made a move on Taiwan, America would have to militarily assist Taiwan against China.

Why do you think they are so concerned with these man-made islands that China is now operating in the South China Sea, China has military equipment on those islands now. That's a direct threat to nations like Thailand and the Philippines.

We do not see Russia as a threat, we see the poking of Russia as a threat to our stability as a Continent, NATO has no right to be on Russia's door, it's a direct breech of the guarantee that GHWB gave to Russia that NATO would NOT expand to Russia's border.
Trump tweets today about the Flynn ordeal:

"The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!"

"Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?"

"Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View - "The NSA & FBI...should not interfere in our politics...and is" Very serious situation for USA"

"This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign."
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.
You don't understand how government works do you ? Guess who is at the very top in the chain of command for the intel groups ?
These guys may be going nuclear in private but otherwise its "Yes Mr. President, how high Mr. President."

Yes, that is the way it should be.

But I've also never seen a president behave the way Mr. Trump does. It's a weird situation.
Any movement by Iran would become WWIII, pretty much every military analyst I've ever read an article by or heard interviewed has stated this.

If North Korea attacked either South Korea or Japan, then under existing American military rules America would have to aid South Korea or Japan ditto if China made a move on Taiwan, America would have to militarily assist Taiwan against China.

Why do you think they are so concerned with these man-made islands that China is now operating in the South China Sea, China has military equipment on those islands now. That's a direct threat to nations like Thailand and the Philippines.

We do not see Russia as a threat, we see the poking of Russia as a threat to our stability as a Continent, NATO has no right to be on Russia's door, it's a direct breech of the guarantee that GHWB gave to Russia that NATO would NOT expand to Russia's border.

If you don't see Russia as a threat, you're either a fool, or already co-opted.

I know what I believe.
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.
You don't understand how government works do you ? Guess who is at the very top in the chain of command for the intel groups ?
These guys may be going nuclear in private but otherwise its "Yes Mr. President, how high Mr. President."

Yes, that is the way it should be.

But I've also never seen a president behave the way Mr. Trump does. It's a weird situation.
You must not have been paying attention for the entire 8 years of the Obama administration ?
The Clinton's were in bed with China when Bill was President, many people wonder how China got perfect blueprints of American Missile Technology.

Obama allowed someone such as Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin to be around American National Security situations.

You don't think these are disturbing things?

Is it just the Russia obsession and nothing else?

I think you're still trying to redirect the conversation away from the danger to our country posed by Russia.

Why is that?

I'm really starting to think that you're cashing Putin paychecks.

"I think you're still trying to redirect the conversation away from the danger to our country posed by Russia.

Why is that?

I'm really starting to think that you're cashing Putin paychecks."

No it's you that keeps redirecting, I'm listing actual threats in several regions of the planet and ALL of them would involve America having militarily having to get involved.

You are obsessed by a hypothetical threat that Russia doesn't actually pose, but it does in the fevered minds of the Propagandists who've been pushing this hypothetical threat for nearly three years.

But the Propagandists are a threat to the world, because if they get their dream, which is WWIII with Russia, then nothing will matter because most of the life on this planet will come to an end.

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