Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

You don't understand how government works do you ? Guess who is at the very top in the chain of command for the intel groups ?
These guys may be going nuclear in private but otherwise its "Yes Mr. President, how high Mr. President."

When intelligence officers are sworn in, to who/what do they swear their oath?

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Public service is a responsibility that the federal law enforcement agencies take seriously.

In my opinion, these guys are honoring their oath, which transcends the presidency.

You really don't understand how the Intelligence agencies work either ? Anyway it seems that the groups are worried about Trumps plan to revamp the Intel community which is long over due anyway. We have 16 separate departments in this area of government that's to much bureaucracy.
You really don't understand how the Intelligence agencies work either ? Anyway it seems that the groups are worried about Trumps plan to revamp the Intel community which is long over due anyway. We have 16 separate departments in this area of government that's to much bureaucracy.

I think they are actually quite worried that Trump is trying to undermine our system of government, and they're right.

For the record, I've worked quite closely with the FBI off and on for the last 20 years, and I'm pretty familiar with how they work.
Any movement by Iran would become WWIII, pretty much every military analyst I've ever read an article by or heard interviewed has stated this.

If North Korea attacked either South Korea or Japan, then under existing American military rules America would have to aid South Korea or Japan ditto if China made a move on Taiwan, America would have to militarily assist Taiwan against China.

Why do you think they are so concerned with these man-made islands that China is now operating in the South China Sea, China has military equipment on those islands now. That's a direct threat to nations like Thailand and the Philippines.

We do not see Russia as a threat, we see the poking of Russia as a threat to our stability as a Continent, NATO has no right to be on Russia's door, it's a direct breech of the guarantee that GHWB gave to Russia that NATO would NOT expand to Russia's border.

If you don't see Russia as a threat, you're either a fool, or already co-opted.

I know what I believe.

Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia
You really don't understand how the Intelligence agencies work either ? Anyway it seems that the groups are worried about Trumps plan to revamp the Intel community which is long over due anyway. We have 16 separate departments in this area of government that's to much bureaucracy.

I think they are actually quite worried that Trump is trying to undermine our system of government, and they're right.

For the record, I've worked quite closely with the FBI off and on for the last 20 years, and I'm pretty familiar with how they work.
Doesn't seem like it. Revamping the system isn't undermining it either. Seems like a lot of what is probably dead weight in the Inltel community is worried about their jobs.
You really don't understand how the Intelligence agencies work either ? Anyway it seems that the groups are worried about Trumps plan to revamp the Intel community which is long over due anyway. We have 16 separate departments in this area of government that's to much bureaucracy.

I think they are actually quite worried that Trump is trying to undermine our system of government, and they're right.

For the record, I've worked quite closely with the FBI off and on for the last 20 years, and I'm pretty familiar with how they work.

What is Trump doing to undermine our system of government?
Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

Russia wants Trump to loosen sanctions so that they can take over Ukraine and the rich oil reserves in the Crimea. The fact that Putin is brazen enough to interfere not only in the US election, but in current European elections, demonstrates what a threat he is to modern democracy.

The best thing we could do with both the UK and Iran is to leave them alone.
What is Trump doing to undermine our system of government?

This article does a remarkably clear job of answering your question: Former CIA official says having Trump in the White House is the gravest threat since Civil War

It would be easier for you to read that interview with a former CIA officer than for me to try to distill it into a cliff's notes version for you.

It's an opinion piece... that ends with:

"tax cuts for the rich, increasing voter restrictions on minority districts, the elimination of entitlement programs, etc."

It's a joke. Nobody's proposing any such thing and to equate that fantasy with Nazis and the Civil War is beyond stupid.
Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

Russia wants Trump to loosen sanctions so that they can take over Ukraine and the rich oil reserves in the Crimea. The fact that Putin is brazen enough to interfere not only in the US election, but in current European elections, demonstrates what a threat he is to modern democracy.

The best thing we could do with both the UK and Iran is to leave them alone.

If Russia wanted Ukraine they would have taken Ukraine by now, this situation has been ongoing for two years, this suggests that Russia has no interest in taking Ukraine and why would they? The Ukraine is a bankrupt nation now financially in debt to the IMF who had to give them a massive loan due to them having no money anymore.

Russia also didn't "annex" The Crimea, annex means you take some patch of land against the peoples' wishes, the Crimeans had a referendum

When the CIA organised coup happened, the first thing Washington DC's Puppet Rulers in Kiev did was outlaw anything Russian in The Crimea and as most of Crimeans are Ethnic Russian they rightly freaked and decided to have a referendum, the question being did they want to return to Russia or did they want to stay with The Ukraine and they voted that they wanted to return to Russia.

Also the Russian Black Fleet founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin has been based in The Crimea since 1783 and this has been crucial throughout history to the defence of Russia.

The Crimea was Russian from 1783, until the Bolsheviks came along and made it an autonomous republic and then later it was declared The Crimean Oblast and then in 1954 the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave The Crimea to The Ukraine.

In Crimea, 65% are Russian, 15% are Ukranian and 12% are Crimean Tatars, so it was natural that they'd vote in their Referendum to rejoin Russia post-Maidan.

Post-Maidan Ukraine, is it any wonder that the majority of Crimea voted to rejoin Russia when they ARE Russian and NOT Ukranian.

Also, in the Ukraine Parliamentary election of 2014, essentially something straight from a Banana Republic, a huge portion of Eastern Ukraine wasn't allowed to even vote, this disenfranchised more than 3 MILLION people from the voting process, this not allowing them to vote was blamed on the War in Donbass.
Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

Iran and NK view us as a threat, and rightly so, we could wipe them off the map many times over.

Literally, we should leave them the fuck alone.
Putin has many flaws, Russia has little democracy, but having weighed up the other option, which is WWIII involving nuclear missiles, I'd rather try and make a deal with Russia and see what we can agree on, such as like together fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front etc and see what other common ground we can agree on, rather than have WWIII and mutually assured destruction (MAD)

There would be no winners of WWIII, there would only be losers, and whoever happened to be left would be left with nothing but dust and horrific disease that they themselves would die from.

Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia

Iran and NK view us as a threat, and rightly so, we could wipe them off the map many times over.

Literally, we should leave them the fuck alone.

Leave them alone, you think that's pragmatic?
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.” Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'
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They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
Oh no, I'm not....that did com from Briebart's HIT PIECE on this McMullen ex pres candidate, ex CIA guy.... I was surprised they had that part in their article....

I lost the link when going back to this article and was too lazy to go back and find it.... i'll try to find it...

but Mc Mullen's contention was that the intel community notified pres trump on the security risk flynn was....gave him 2 weeks to react, and when he didn't take any steps to protect our nation, the intel people sworn to protect our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC threats, leaked some info to make certain the steps were taken, to keep our nation safe....

that was mcmullen's excuse for why the intel people had to do it.

here's the link Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'
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regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
Oh no, I'm not....that did com from Briebart's HIT PIECE on this McMullen ex pres candidate, ex CIA guy.... I was surprised they had that part in their article....

I lost the link when going back to this article and was too lazy to go back and find it.... i'll try to find it...

but Mc Mullen's contention was that the intel community notified pres trump on the security risk flynn was....gave him 2 weeks to react, and when he didn't take any steps to protect our nation, the intel people sworn to protect our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC threats, leaked some info to make certain the steps were taken, to keep our nation safe....

that was mcmullen's excuse for why the intel people had to do it.
McMullin is an open borders pro-amnesty cuck for Jew Bill Kristol.
They're already going nuclear. The WSJ is reporting our spies won't give trump intelligence because they don't trust him.

Here's the dirty little secret that SHOULD be obvious but isn't. Almost EVERY living politician in America is compromised in some fashion and subject to blackmail. There is a Pandora's Box of intelligence collections that are accidental or on purpose that can embarrass and discredit MOST of the past Presidents in your lifetime and MOST of the highest past and present leadership.

This "WAR" is because Trump is an outsider and doesn't have a couple decades of being caught making serious miscalculations and dirty dealing from WITHIN the beltway. They HATE him BECAUSE they can't blackmail him or control him or his Administration. Not enough dirt in the vault to bury him. So like they do in 3rd world countries -- these flaming partisans with Trump Derangement Syndrome run an INTERNAL covert operation to FABRICATE enough dirt to slow him down. In total -- when you toss in collusion with the CIA --- these are the PROs at bringing down heads of state.

You ever ask yourself why such serious Civil Liberties folks as Progressives --- say Obama, Pelosi, Ms Clinton, and Boxer and Waters ALL Jumped on board the Patriot Act and preserved it, strengthen and thought it was wonderful to have the world's most powerful spy agency UNLEASHED on the American public? Why they bought the NSA a HUGE new spy palace in Utah to accomplish all that domestic spying?
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.” Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'
When will these brave patriots declare war and march on the white house to remove him?
regarding flynn

Pressed by host Brooke Baldwin as to whether there were “too many leaks,” McMullin said that intelligence officers were bound by an oath to defend the country and the Constitution against “domestic and foreign enemies.” That included “a security threat coming from the White House.”

Breitbart? You're kidding right?
Oh no, I'm not....that did com from Briebart's HIT PIECE on this McMullen ex pres candidate, ex CIA guy.... I was surprised they had that part in their article....

I lost the link when going back to this article and was too lazy to go back and find it.... i'll try to find it...

but Mc Mullen's contention was that the intel community notified pres trump on the security risk flynn was....gave him 2 weeks to react, and when he didn't take any steps to protect our nation, the intel people sworn to protect our nation from foreign and DOMESTIC threats, leaked some info to make certain the steps were taken, to keep our nation safe....

that was mcmullen's excuse for why the intel people had to do it.
McMullin is an open borders pro-amnesty cuck for Jew Bill Kristol.
Kristol usedto be a republican ally until Trump took the party to the right of Benito Mussolini.

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