Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Eric Rudolph is a christian...


I would contend that anyone who prefers the teachings of Nietzsche to the Bible is certainly no Christian.

His beliefs were marked by antisemitism, and hatred of homosexuals and some positions of Fundamentalist Christianity, though he stated that he prefers Nietzsche to the Bible.

Eric Robert Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, here is the problem with your trying to equate Christians to Muslims when it comes to terrorism. So called Christians who commit terror acts have used other writings and such to pervert the Bible, Muslims on the other hand just simply read the Koran and take their orders to kill right from it.

.... Then muslims get to contend that those who fly planes into buildings "is certainly no muslim" despite personal conviction of those acting violently.

thanks for falling right into that one.

also, and I realize I stung you a bit the last time I reminded you of historic and biblical fact, but it's nothing shocking given that antisemitism has been notoriously present in christianity for some time now. Also, he hated fags? Yea, THAT sure never becomes the standard issue christian platform...


just so you know, Eric Rudolph didn't get his marching orders to end abortion from... Nietzsche any more than the killer of Dr. Tiller chose who to murder by reading the funny pages.


the more you know!

Yes, except that as I said the Koran itself explicitly says to kill non believers. True, I haven't read my entire Bible in quite some time, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember a passage about killing abortion doctors.
I would contend that anyone who prefers the teachings of Nietzsche to the Bible is certainly no Christian.

His beliefs were marked by antisemitism, and hatred of homosexuals and some positions of Fundamentalist Christianity, though he stated that he prefers Nietzsche to the Bible.

Eric Robert Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, here is the problem with your trying to equate Christians to Muslims when it comes to terrorism. So called Christians who commit terror acts have used other writings and such to pervert the Bible, Muslims on the other hand just simply read the Koran and take their orders to kill right from it.

.... Then muslims get to contend that those who fly planes into buildings "is certainly no muslim" despite personal conviction of those acting violently.

thanks for falling right into that one.

also, and I realize I stung you a bit the last time I reminded you of historic and biblical fact, but it's nothing shocking given that antisemitism has been notoriously present in christianity for some time now. Also, he hated fags? Yea, THAT sure never becomes the standard issue christian platform...


just so you know, Eric Rudolph didn't get his marching orders to end abortion from... Nietzsche any more than the killer of Dr. Tiller chose who to murder by reading the funny pages.


the more you know!

Yes, except that as I said the Koran itself explicitly says to kill non believers. True, I haven't read my entire Bible in quite some time, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember a passage about killing abortion doctors.

so does the bible...

.... do you REALLY want me to fuck you in the ass with MORE quoted bible verses? You cried and ran away the LAST TIME so... just say the word, bitch. the OT is a fucking cornucopia of irony for you pharisee christians...


so does the bible...

.... do you REALLY want me to fuck you in the ass with MORE quoted bible verses? You cried and ran away the LAST TIME so... just say the word, bitch. the OT is a fucking cornucopia of irony for you pharisee christians...
Really you dont know to much about the new covenant concept do you?
Christ fullfilled the law,the law never saved anyone, that was the point. No one could follow the law. Salvation required faith not obedience.
Really you dont know to much about the new covenant concept do you?
Christ fullfilled the law,the law never saved anyone, that was the point. No one could follow the law. Salvation required faith not obedience.

You're not trying to say the O.T is invalid, are you?
so does the bible...

.... do you REALLY want me to fuck you in the ass with MORE quoted bible verses? You cried and ran away the LAST TIME so... just say the word, bitch. the OT is a fucking cornucopia of irony for you pharisee christians...
Really you dont know to much about the new covenant concept do you?
Christ fullfilled the law,the law never saved anyone, that was the point. No one could follow the law. Salvation required faith not obedience.


oh yes.. I know all about the new testement... but, you don't separate yourself from the OT when using Leviticus to marginalize fags, do you? No, I didn't think so. You take both as your written word of god and use both when reading scripture. If this was about jesus fucking christ then you STILL wouldn't have anything to say because you'd be judging and NOT turning the other cheek while putting down your sword, Peter... Again, you silly fucking dogma junkies pick and choose what YOU think validates your opinions despite what we all know is in the bible.

poor guy... need a tissue? umadbro?
Really you dont know to much about the new covenant concept do you?
Christ fullfilled the law,the law never saved anyone, that was the point. No one could follow the law. Salvation required faith not obedience.

You're not trying to say the O.T is invalid, are you?

no, he's trying to sidestep the facts of the bible and failing as usual. Of course he thinks the OT is valid, ask him about fags getting married and he'll tell you.

But, I have to say, it's fucking hilarious to see this asshole trying to distance himself from the OT like peter waiting for the cock to crow three times.


oh yes.. I know all about the new testement... but, you don't separate yourself from the OT when using Leviticus to marginalize fags, do you? No, I didn't think so. You take both as your written word of god and use both when reading scripture. If this was about jesus fucking christ then you STILL wouldn't have anything to say because you'd be judging and NOT turning the other cheek while putting down your sword, Peter... Again, you silly fucking dogma junkies pick and choose what YOU think validates your opinions despite what we all know is in the bible.

poor guy... need a tissue? umadbro?

Shogun makes a good point. Jesus Christ never advocated violence in any form in any of his parables or speeches to crowds.
.... Then muslims get to contend that those who fly planes into buildings "is certainly no muslim" despite personal conviction of those acting violently.

thanks for falling right into that one.

also, and I realize I stung you a bit the last time I reminded you of historic and biblical fact, but it's nothing shocking given that antisemitism has been notoriously present in christianity for some time now. Also, he hated fags? Yea, THAT sure never becomes the standard issue christian platform...


just so you know, Eric Rudolph didn't get his marching orders to end abortion from... Nietzsche any more than the killer of Dr. Tiller chose who to murder by reading the funny pages.


the more you know!

Yes, except that as I said the Koran itself explicitly says to kill non believers. True, I haven't read my entire Bible in quite some time, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember a passage about killing abortion doctors.

so does the bible...

.... do you REALLY want me to fuck you in the ass with MORE quoted bible verses? You cried and ran away the LAST TIME so... just say the word, bitch. the OT is a fucking cornucopia of irony for you pharisee christians...



feel free to post a video or audio recording of ANY Christian preacher in the last 50 years calling for the killing of anyone. Oh, and you don't get to count skinheads or loony tunes Koresh as Christian preachers either. I'm talking about preachers with real churches. Even as crazy a racist as Jeremiah Wright is, he doesn't call for killing people in the name of God.

Mark 11:15-19

So they came to Jerusalem, and he went into the temple and began driving out those who bought and sold in the temple. He upset the tables of the money-changers and the seats of the dealers in pigeons; and he would not allow anyone to use the temple court as a thoroughfare for carrying goods. Then he began to teach them, and said, “Does not Scripture say, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a robbers’ cave.” [see Jer 7:1-12] The chief priests and the doctors of the law heard of this and sought some means of making away with him; for they were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was spell-bound by his teaching. And when evening came he went out of the city.
so does the bible...

.... do you REALLY want me to fuck you in the ass with MORE quoted bible verses? You cried and ran away the LAST TIME so... just say the word, bitch. the OT is a fucking cornucopia of irony for you pharisee christians...
Really you dont know to much about the new covenant concept do you?
Christ fullfilled the law,the law never saved anyone, that was the point. No one could follow the law. Salvation required faith not obedience.


oh yes.. I know all about the new testement... but, you don't separate yourself from the OT when using Leviticus to marginalize fags, do you? No, I didn't think so. You take both as your written word of god and use both when reading scripture. If this was about jesus fucking christ then you STILL wouldn't have anything to say because you'd be judging and NOT turning the other cheek while putting down your sword, Peter... Again, you silly fucking dogma junkies pick and choose what YOU think validates your opinions despite what we all know is in the bible.

poor guy... need a tissue? umadbro?

It's kinda funny that on the one hand you argue that the Bible tells us to kill but then on the other hand tell us that the Bible says to turn the other cheek. Has to be one or the other...........
And more:

Luke 12:49-53

I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until the ordeal is over! Do you suppose I came to establish peace on earth? No indeed, I have come to bring division. For from now on, five members of a family will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother…

Matthew 10:21-22, 34-39

Brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child; children will turn against their parents and send them to their death. All will hate you for your allegiance to me; but the man who holds out to the end will be saved….You must not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a son’s wife against her mother-in-law; and a man will find his enemies under his own roof. No man is worthy of me who cares more for father or mother than for me; no man is worthy of me who cares for son or daughter; no man is worthy of me who does not take up his cross and waLuke in my footsteps. By gaining his life a man will lose it; by losing his life for my sake, he will gain it.

Jesus associated with Zealots for a reason, bub.

Mark 11:15-19

So they came to Jerusalem, and he went into the temple and began driving out those who bought and sold in the temple. He upset the tables of the money-changers and the seats of the dealers in pigeons; and he would not allow anyone to use the temple court as a thoroughfare for carrying goods. Then he began to teach them, and said, “Does not Scripture say, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a robbers’ cave.” [see Jer 7:1-12] The chief priests and the doctors of the law heard of this and sought some means of making away with him; for they were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was spell-bound by his teaching. And when evening came he went out of the city.

Really? Where does Jesus go and act like Rambo on the money-changers?
Shogun makes a good point. Jesus Christ never advocated violence in any form in any of his parables or speeches to crowds.

Here's the B'loney again.

You claimed he never advocated violence in any form. That is patently false.
And more:

Luke 12:49-53

I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until the ordeal is over! Do you suppose I came to establish peace on earth? No indeed, I have come to bring division. For from now on, five members of a family will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother…

Matthew 10:21-22, 34-39

Brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child; children will turn against their parents and send them to their death. All will hate you for your allegiance to me; but the man who holds out to the end will be saved….You must not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a son’s wife against her mother-in-law; and a man will find his enemies under his own roof. No man is worthy of me who cares more for father or mother than for me; no man is worthy of me who cares for son or daughter; no man is worthy of me who does not take up his cross and waLuke in my footsteps. By gaining his life a man will lose it; by losing his life for my sake, he will gain it.[/i]

Jesus associated with Zealots for a reason, bub.

Again, I don't see any calls for violence. The second quote tells that Jesus will cause families to fight because of their belief in him. However, he says by losing your life for his sake, through non-violence, you will gain a place in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Though I'm not sure how you think two or three verses makes everything else invalid, no matter how much you wish to take it out of context.
Here's the B'loney again.

You claimed he never advocated violence in any form. That is patently false.

Want me to change my post to physical violence? Because if turning over a table is the best example you got, you're obviously reaching.
Yes, except that as I said the Koran itself explicitly says to kill non believers. True, I haven't read my entire Bible in quite some time, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember a passage about killing abortion doctors.

so does the bible...

.... do you REALLY want me to fuck you in the ass with MORE quoted bible verses? You cried and ran away the LAST TIME so... just say the word, bitch. the OT is a fucking cornucopia of irony for you pharisee christians...



feel free to post a video or audio recording of ANY Christian preacher in the last 50 years calling for the killing of anyone. Oh, and you don't get to count skinheads or loony tunes Koresh as Christian preachers either. I'm talking about preachers with real churches. Even as crazy a racist as Jeremiah Wright is, he doesn't call for killing people in the name of God.


way to narrow your criteria of those who you KNOW have indeed preached hatred!


again, your focus on "REAL" churches works both ways. muslims can claim the same narrow definition just as you do when faced with the wide range of personal interpretation of their faith, killer.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Pat Robertson - Islam Not A Religion‬‎[/ame]
Here's the B'loney again.

You claimed he never advocated violence in any form. That is patently false.

Want me to change my post to physical violence? Because if turning over a table is the best example you got, you're obviously reaching.

of COURSE you know.. jebus was just kidding about that whole "turn the other cheek" thing..


Really you dont know to much about the new covenant concept do you?
Christ fullfilled the law,the law never saved anyone, that was the point. No one could follow the law. Salvation required faith not obedience.


oh yes.. I know all about the new testement... but, you don't separate yourself from the OT when using Leviticus to marginalize fags, do you? No, I didn't think so. You take both as your written word of god and use both when reading scripture. If this was about jesus fucking christ then you STILL wouldn't have anything to say because you'd be judging and NOT turning the other cheek while putting down your sword, Peter... Again, you silly fucking dogma junkies pick and choose what YOU think validates your opinions despite what we all know is in the bible.

poor guy... need a tissue? umadbro?

It's kinda funny that on the one hand you argue that the Bible tells us to kill but then on the other hand tell us that the Bible says to turn the other cheek. Has to be one or the other...........

The nature of both covenants has been mentioned already. However, again, you don't segregate the bible from the OT, do you? of course you don't, you disingenuous fuck.

And more:

Luke 12:49-53

I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until the ordeal is over! Do you suppose I came to establish peace on earth? No indeed, I have come to bring division. For from now on, five members of a family will be divided, three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother…

Matthew 10:21-22, 34-39

Brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child; children will turn against their parents and send them to their death. All will hate you for your allegiance to me; but the man who holds out to the end will be saved….You must not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a son’s wife against her mother-in-law; and a man will find his enemies under his own roof. No man is worthy of me who cares more for father or mother than for me; no man is worthy of me who cares for son or daughter; no man is worthy of me who does not take up his cross and waLuke in my footsteps. By gaining his life a man will lose it; by losing his life for my sake, he will gain it.[/i]

Jesus associated with Zealots for a reason, bub.

Again, I don't see any calls for violence. The second quote tells that Jesus will cause families to fight because of their belief in him. However, he says by losing your life for his sake, through non-violence, you will gain a place in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Though I'm not sure how you think two or three verses makes everything else invalid, no matter how much you wish to take it out of context.

I can't help if if you aren't able to read for comprehension and retention.

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