Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

It's a conspiracy. All lies, like the moon landing and evolution and heliocentrism.

It all leads to the master plan:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Kill the Batman‬‎[/ame]
It's a conspiracy. All lies, like the moon landing and evolution and heliocentrism.

It all leads to the master plan:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Kill the Batman‬‎[/ame]

Build a mosque on the twin towers, institute Shari'ah, kill the batman.
Uh, yes I do. It's not hard when one isn't a ignorant bigot.
Assuming you are not a muslim.
No. You dont. Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Hard to figure who is loonier in this thread, you or Burt. On the one hand Burt the retard would have us believe that Islam is a religion of peace, and on the other hand you would trample the first amendment and run them all out of the US.

But Burt, you're either a liar, or a fool. Muslims are commanded not to be be friends with non Muslims, that isn't a radical concept, that is something ALL Muslims believe.

Why you defend these assholes is beyond me.
It is not against the first amendment to outlaw a streetgang that has as its Constitution the eradication of all non members.

You know, instead of trying to hide behind Jefferson with bullshit arguments, you could just openly admit your bigotry and say you don't want the Muslims to not have a mosque anywhere.

False claims of bigotry are an insufficient answer to Islams genocidal policies.

Except, in your case, they're not false.

Apparently, Fitnah doesn't like his bigotry called...even tho he admits it readily himself...he don't like others doing he calls names via rep msgs. What's the matter, Fitnah...too afraid to call me names to my face?:lol::lol::lol:
YOU are putting out there, Chas Main. Don't pull yer punches. Seen the cover of Time magazine lately? I remember the horror of 9/11, and that wasn't a blip on the radar. Islam is a beautiful delusion that makes people do horrible things. A Mosque near ground zero?Let's ask Saudi Arabia if they will allow a synagogue within Mecca in the same spirit. They won't. They won't allow non- Muslims in. What do liberals think about that? They still stone people to death. Hell, they will put YOU to death if you offend enough of them. Scary stuff, they remind me of NAZIS. Potentially WORSE.

You want to change our religious tolerance in this country to the Saudi Arabian model?

Are you daft?
I thought the standard for Tolerance in America was NYC?

What? I'm making the point about people comparing this to Saudi Arabia and Mecca. I'm not sure why people want us to be like a religious monarchy.

I'm making the point that NYC, arguably the most Liberal Enclave in the USA, is the Standard for Tolerance in America, and whose behaviour would be at the opposite end of the tolerance spectrum from Mecca, Saudi Arabia, or any other Islamic Nation.

Muslim-Americans aren't living there; they're living here.
YOU are putting out there, Chas Main. Don't pull yer punches. Seen the cover of Time magazine lately? I remember the horror of 9/11, and that wasn't a blip on the radar. Islam is a beautiful delusion that makes people do horrible things. A Mosque near ground zero?Let's ask Saudi Arabia if they will allow a synagogue within Mecca in the same spirit. They won't. They won't allow non- Muslims in. What do liberals think about that? They still stone people to death. Hell, they will put YOU to death if you offend enough of them. Scary stuff, they remind me of NAZIS. Potentially WORSE.

You want to change our religious tolerance in this country to the Saudi Arabian model?

Are you daft?

That's nice hyperbole, but the fact is that Saudi Arabia does not put restrictions on other religion because of any atrocities that were committed inside their nation, but rather they do because their "peaceful" religion demands it. Americans however wish to put limits on Islam because they are scared. Why are they scared? Well, I think you can figure that out for yourself.
What? I'm making the point about people comparing this to Saudi Arabia and Mecca. I'm not sure why people want us to be like a religious monarchy.

I'm making the point that NYC, arguably the most Liberal Enclave in the USA, is the Standard for Tolerance in America, and whose behaviour would be at the opposite end of the tolerance spectrum from Mecca, Saudi Arabia, or any other Islamic Nation.

Muslim-Americans aren't living there; they're living here.

So now Muslim American is a protected class?
I'm making the point that NYC, arguably the most Liberal Enclave in the USA, is the Standard for Tolerance in America, and whose behaviour would be at the opposite end of the tolerance spectrum from Mecca, Saudi Arabia, or any other Islamic Nation.

Muslim-Americans aren't living there; they're living here.

So now Muslim American is a protected class?

Yes. When weren't they? You can't discriminate against someone based on their religion, which makes religion a protected class.
YOU are putting out there, Chas Main. Don't pull yer punches. Seen the cover of Time magazine lately? I remember the horror of 9/11, and that wasn't a blip on the radar. Islam is a beautiful delusion that makes people do horrible things. A Mosque near ground zero?Let's ask Saudi Arabia if they will allow a synagogue within Mecca in the same spirit. They won't. They won't allow non- Muslims in. What do liberals think about that? They still stone people to death. Hell, they will put YOU to death if you offend enough of them. Scary stuff, they remind me of NAZIS. Potentially WORSE.

You want to change our religious tolerance in this country to the Saudi Arabian model?

Are you daft?

That's nice hyperbole, but the fact is that Saudi Arabia does not put restrictions on other religion because of any atrocities that were committed inside their nation, but rather they do because their "peaceful" religion demands it. Americans however wish to put limits on Islam because they are scared. Why are they scared? Well, I think you can figure that out for yourself.

The constitution and our anti-discrimination laws won't allow discrimination against Muslims, which leads back to the question I keep asking...

...why not simply amend the Constitution to ban Islam, or to in some way remove Islam from Constitutional protections?

One poster has agreed to that in principle so far. Would you like to join him?
You want to change our religious tolerance in this country to the Saudi Arabian model?

Are you daft?

That's nice hyperbole, but the fact is that Saudi Arabia does not put restrictions on other religion because of any atrocities that were committed inside their nation, but rather they do because their "peaceful" religion demands it. Americans however wish to put limits on Islam because they are scared. Why are they scared? Well, I think you can figure that out for yourself.

The constitution and our anti-discrimination laws won't allow discrimination against Muslims, which leads back to the question I keep asking...

...why not simply amend the Constitution to ban Islam, or to in some way remove Islam from Constitutional protections?

One poster has agreed to that in principle so far. Would you like to join him?

I have said nothing in this thread or any other that would lead a sane person to believe I think that way. In fact quite the opposite, I have often said that the very rights we should fight the most to protect are those with which we most vehemently disagree. I have also stated that I want the Muslims to build this mosque, and prove to the world without a doubt that they don't give a shit about peace.

So let me recap: No I do not agree that the COTUS should be amended to exclude ANY religion, even the "religion of peace"

That being said, You equally do not have the right to stifle those who wish to badmouth Islam. Freedom of religion is not > freedom of speech.
Seriously, the distance doesn't matter. It's not like they're building the damn thing on Ground Zero.

There are two churches within a block of the OKC Memorial, by your logic we should tear those down too because its insensitive to the victims, asshole.

Yeah. The distance doesn't matter, unless it's too close......Wait. That didn't make sense.

Just ignore Bert, he's a piece of shit , shown evidence that McVeigh was not a Christian and his Ravi like response is "that's not true" fuck that little punk.

Eric Rudolph is a christian...

Yeah. The distance doesn't matter, unless it's too close......Wait. That didn't make sense.

Just ignore Bert, he's a piece of shit , shown evidence that McVeigh was not a Christian and his Ravi like response is "that's not true" fuck that little punk.

Eric Rudolph is a christian...


I would contend that anyone who prefers the teachings of Nietzsche to the Bible is certainly no Christian.

His beliefs were marked by antisemitism, and hatred of homosexuals and some positions of Fundamentalist Christianity, though he stated that he prefers Nietzsche to the Bible.

Eric Robert Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, here is the problem with your trying to equate Christians to Muslims when it comes to terrorism. So called Christians who commit terror acts have used other writings and such to pervert the Bible, Muslims on the other hand just simply read the Koran and take their orders to kill right from it.
Just ignore Bert, he's a piece of shit , shown evidence that McVeigh was not a Christian and his Ravi like response is "that's not true" fuck that little punk.

Eric Rudolph is a christian...


I would contend that anyone who prefers the teachings of Nietzsche to the Bible is certainly no Christian.

His beliefs were marked by antisemitism, and hatred of homosexuals and some positions of Fundamentalist Christianity, though he stated that he prefers Nietzsche to the Bible.

Eric Robert Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, here is the problem with your trying to equate Christians to Muslims when it comes to terrorism. So called Christians who commit terror acts have used other writings and such to pervert the Bible, Muslims on the other hand just simply read the Koran and take their orders to kill right from it.

.... Then muslims get to contend that those who fly planes into buildings "is certainly no muslim" despite personal conviction of those acting violently.

thanks for falling right into that one.

also, and I realize I stung you a bit the last time I reminded you of historic and biblical fact, but it's nothing shocking given that antisemitism has been notoriously present in christianity for some time now. Also, he hated fags? Yea, THAT sure never becomes the standard issue christian platform...


just so you know, Eric Rudolph didn't get his marching orders to end abortion from... Nietzsche any more than the killer of Dr. Tiller chose who to murder by reading the funny pages.


the more you know!

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