Interesting Barr Stopped Investigation into Fraud

I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.
Trump disassociated himself from Epstein many years earlier. There's a video from years ago wherein Trump says that a lot of important people are going to have problems regarding their activities on Epstein's island. Do you remember that?
Nobody, but nobody has said it was a new thing with Epstein. Trump disassociated after it got to be too common knowledge, but I suspect, (as many people do) that he knew well before that disassociation of convenience, probably back at least to the time he flew with him on the "Lolita Express". You are a trump guy. I am not. Believe what you like. I will believe that trump lost the election, the insurrection and that his known associate who had the names of important people and shady events, died mysteriously, while in maximum security, restricted access under the Trump/Barr Justice and Department of Corrections control. You can think he killed himself, but you are one of the few. We will never know for sure or at least be able to prove anything.
Lol you're unhinged. There is no credible evidence or even an assertion that Trump was involved in sexing under-age girls. It's clear that Bill Clinton and other degenerates were doing so. Bill Barr is loyal to those degenerates and so he either permitted or even planned Epstein's murder.
I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.
Trump disassociated himself from Epstein many years earlier. There's a video from years ago wherein Trump says that a lot of important people are going to have problems regarding their activities on Epstein's island. Do you remember that?
Nobody, but nobody has said it was a new thing with Epstein. Trump disassociated after it got to be too common knowledge, but I suspect, (as many people do) that he knew well before that disassociation of convenience, probably back at least to the time he flew with him on the "Lolita Express". You are a trump guy. I am not. Believe what you like. I will believe that trump lost the election, the insurrection and that his known associate who had the names of important people and shady events, died mysteriously, while in maximum security, restricted access under the Trump/Barr Justice and Department of Corrections control. You can think he killed himself, but you are one of the few. We will never know for sure or at least be able to prove anything.
Lol you're unhinged. There is no credible evidence or even an assertion that Trump was involved in sexing under-age girls. It's clear that Bill Clinton and other degenerates were doing so. Bill Barr is loyal to those degenerates and so he either permitted or even planned Epstein's murder.
What is the association of Bill Barr to the degenerate Clintons? I know he worked for Reagan and supported pardon of people involved in Iran Contra affair, then working for George H.W. Bush. As far as I know, he did not work for bill during the 8 years Bill was president. I have heard that Bill flew the Lolita Express 26 times, maybe more, but nothing within the statute of limitations. Besides, bill isn't in office and won't be ever running again, so whatever he did or didn't do will have little or no effect. I doubt if much mileage to be gained or damage to be done to Bill at this stage of the game. Trump is a different matter. He would like to run again, though it would be a mistake. He would like to continue to be a kingmaker if he doesn't run and the Epstein mystery happened under him and his hand-picked AG (personal attorney for most of his administration, protecting him even in rape suits on events before he was pres) and under the Trump department of corrections. Did I miss something in Breitbart?
I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.
Trump disassociated himself from Epstein many years earlier. There's a video from years ago wherein Trump says that a lot of important people are going to have problems regarding their activities on Epstein's island. Do you remember that?
Nobody, but nobody has said it was a new thing with Epstein. Trump disassociated after it got to be too common knowledge, but I suspect, (as many people do) that he knew well before that disassociation of convenience, probably back at least to the time he flew with him on the "Lolita Express". You are a trump guy. I am not. Believe what you like. I will believe that trump lost the election, the insurrection and that his known associate who had the names of important people and shady events, died mysteriously, while in maximum security, restricted access under the Trump/Barr Justice and Department of Corrections control. You can think he killed himself, but you are one of the few. We will never know for sure or at least be able to prove anything.
Lol you're unhinged. There is no credible evidence or even an assertion that Trump was involved in sexing under-age girls. It's clear that Bill Clinton and other degenerates were doing so. Bill Barr is loyal to those degenerates and so he either permitted or even planned Epstein's murder.
What is the association of Bill Barr to the degenerate Clintons? I know he worked for Reagan and supported pardon of people involved in Iran Contra affair, then working for George H.W. Bush. As far as I know, he did not work for bill during the 8 years Bill was president. I have heard that Bill flew the Lolita Express 26 times, maybe more, but nothing within the statute of limitations. Besides, bill isn't in office and won't be ever running again, so whatever he did or didn't do will have little or no effect. I doubt if much mileage to be gained or damage to be done to Bill at this stage of the game. Trump is a different matter. He would like to run again, though it would be a mistake. He would like to continue to be a kingmaker if he doesn't run and the Epstein mystery happened under him and his hand-picked AG (personal attorney for most of his administration, protecting him even in rape suits on events before he was pres) and under the Trump department of corrections. Did I miss something in Breitbart?
The clintons puppet is MUELLER------Barr and Mueller go way way back.
I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.
Trump disassociated himself from Epstein many years earlier. There's a video from years ago wherein Trump says that a lot of important people are going to have problems regarding their activities on Epstein's island. Do you remember that?
Nobody, but nobody has said it was a new thing with Epstein. Trump disassociated after it got to be too common knowledge, but I suspect, (as many people do) that he knew well before that disassociation of convenience, probably back at least to the time he flew with him on the "Lolita Express". You are a trump guy. I am not. Believe what you like. I will believe that trump lost the election, the insurrection and that his known associate who had the names of important people and shady events, died mysteriously, while in maximum security, restricted access under the Trump/Barr Justice and Department of Corrections control. You can think he killed himself, but you are one of the few. We will never know for sure or at least be able to prove anything.
Lol you're unhinged. There is no credible evidence or even an assertion that Trump was involved in sexing under-age girls. It's clear that Bill Clinton and other degenerates were doing so. Bill Barr is loyal to those degenerates and so he either permitted or even planned Epstein's murder.
What is the association of Bill Barr to the degenerate Clintons? I know he worked for Reagan and supported pardon of people involved in Iran Contra affair, then working for George H.W. Bush. As far as I know, he did not work for bill during the 8 years Bill was president. I have heard that Bill flew the Lolita Express 26 times, maybe more, but nothing within the statute of limitations. Besides, bill isn't in office and won't be ever running again, so whatever he did or didn't do will have little or no effect. I doubt if much mileage to be gained or damage to be done to Bill at this stage of the game. Trump is a different matter. He would like to run again, though it would be a mistake. He would like to continue to be a kingmaker if he doesn't run and the Epstein mystery happened under him and his hand-picked AG (personal attorney for most of his administration, protecting him even in rape suits on events before he was pres) and under the Trump department of corrections. Did I miss something in Breitbart?
You're too disingenuous to engage further. Goodbye.
I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.
Trump disassociated himself from Epstein many years earlier. There's a video from years ago wherein Trump says that a lot of important people are going to have problems regarding their activities on Epstein's island. Do you remember that?
Nobody, but nobody has said it was a new thing with Epstein. Trump disassociated after it got to be too common knowledge, but I suspect, (as many people do) that he knew well before that disassociation of convenience, probably back at least to the time he flew with him on the "Lolita Express". You are a trump guy. I am not. Believe what you like. I will believe that trump lost the election, the insurrection and that his known associate who had the names of important people and shady events, died mysteriously, while in maximum security, restricted access under the Trump/Barr Justice and Department of Corrections control. You can think he killed himself, but you are one of the few. We will never know for sure or at least be able to prove anything.
Lol you're unhinged. There is no credible evidence or even an assertion that Trump was involved in sexing under-age girls. It's clear that Bill Clinton and other degenerates were doing so. Bill Barr is loyal to those degenerates and so he either permitted or even planned Epstein's murder.
What is the association of Bill Barr to the degenerate Clintons? I know he worked for Reagan and supported pardon of people involved in Iran Contra affair, then working for George H.W. Bush. As far as I know, he did not work for bill during the 8 years Bill was president. I have heard that Bill flew the Lolita Express 26 times, maybe more, but nothing within the statute of limitations. Besides, bill isn't in office and won't be ever running again, so whatever he did or didn't do will have little or no effect. I doubt if much mileage to be gained or damage to be done to Bill at this stage of the game. Trump is a different matter. He would like to run again, though it would be a mistake. He would like to continue to be a kingmaker if he doesn't run and the Epstein mystery happened under him and his hand-picked AG (personal attorney for most of his administration, protecting him even in rape suits on events before he was pres) and under the Trump department of corrections. Did I miss something in Breitbart?
The clintons puppet is MUELLER------Barr and Mueller go way way back.
The both worked for several republicans, and he was Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Division under Bush when Barr was Attorney General. Clinton just didn't fire and replace him when he came into office, just kicked him out of Washington as Assistant Attorney General and sent him as US Attorney to the Norther District of California. I don't recall Mueller having anything to do with Epstein, back then. Surely you're not saying Barr got Mueller to suicide Epstein for old times sake in his spare time while handling trump ties to Russia during the 2016 election. That's quite a stretch, don't you think?
I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.
Trump disassociated himself from Epstein many years earlier. There's a video from years ago wherein Trump says that a lot of important people are going to have problems regarding their activities on Epstein's island. Do you remember that?
Nobody, but nobody has said it was a new thing with Epstein. Trump disassociated after it got to be too common knowledge, but I suspect, (as many people do) that he knew well before that disassociation of convenience, probably back at least to the time he flew with him on the "Lolita Express". You are a trump guy. I am not. Believe what you like. I will believe that trump lost the election, the insurrection and that his known associate who had the names of important people and shady events, died mysteriously, while in maximum security, restricted access under the Trump/Barr Justice and Department of Corrections control. You can think he killed himself, but you are one of the few. We will never know for sure or at least be able to prove anything.
Lol you're unhinged. There is no credible evidence or even an assertion that Trump was involved in sexing under-age girls. It's clear that Bill Clinton and other degenerates were doing so. Bill Barr is loyal to those degenerates and so he either permitted or even planned Epstein's murder.
What is the association of Bill Barr to the degenerate Clintons? I know he worked for Reagan and supported pardon of people involved in Iran Contra affair, then working for George H.W. Bush. As far as I know, he did not work for bill during the 8 years Bill was president. I have heard that Bill flew the Lolita Express 26 times, maybe more, but nothing within the statute of limitations. Besides, bill isn't in office and won't be ever running again, so whatever he did or didn't do will have little or no effect. I doubt if much mileage to be gained or damage to be done to Bill at this stage of the game. Trump is a different matter. He would like to run again, though it would be a mistake. He would like to continue to be a kingmaker if he doesn't run and the Epstein mystery happened under him and his hand-picked AG (personal attorney for most of his administration, protecting him even in rape suits on events before he was pres) and under the Trump department of corrections. Did I miss something in Breitbart?
You're too disingenuous to engage further. Goodbye.
Bye. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
Barr was never a Trump ally but he played it up like he was. Barr, Democrats and his neocon brothers orchestrated Barr's every move and he ended up playing Trump like a fiddle. They fabricated charges of obstruction and collusion and with the deep states permission, Barr came to Trump's rescue. That made it look like he was a Trump loyalist and gave Trump confidence in him. But in the end when the election was stolen and Trump was soon to be banished, Barr could go back to being his neocon, elitist self. And Wray will protect the crooked, deep state bureaucracy with the same rigor that Barr did. These people are professionals at covering their own tracks, of which there are many.
I know that Pres. Trump knew that William (Blow-hard) Barr was a Deep state operative. That the Deep state sends him in to demolish investigations.

View attachment 511647

Unbelievable, you Trump Humpers were up Barr's ass when Trump picked him. In the end when he wouldn't break the law for Trump now he is a Deeeeeeeep State operative. There is no shame in Trump Humpin.
I know that Pres. Trump knew that William (Blow-hard) Barr was a Deep state operative. That the Deep state sends him in to demolish investigations.

View attachment 511647

And so....if Trump knew that Barr was Deep State.....why did he kept him?

and also if he knew that Wray, the Director of the FBI was Deep State....why oh why......did he kept him also?

curious minds want to know..... :confused:

Because DOJ head has to have Congressional aka SWAMP approval. No way that Turtleneck and the rest of the swamp are ever going to put in a DOJ head that is honest----------that would put all of their bribes and other crimes on the table to be investigated and prosecuted.

LOL Trump Humpers are a joke.
It was apparent to me that Barr was (is) corrupt when he permitted Jeffrey Epstein to die. Either Barr was incompetent or he was in on it and I don't think he is incompetent. The whole world knew that Epstein was a dead man walking and Barr helped to facilitate Epstein's murder.
It was definitely something that happened under the responsibility of the Trump/Bar justice and department of corrections, well into the Trump presidency. I do not think that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. Maybe he was getting ready to become an embarrassment to the Trump administration.

Epstein was 911 truth personified.

Epstein made all of his money on 911. Other than 911, for more than 2 decades, epstein's hedge fund lost money.

Epstein's #1 customer was Saudi prince bin salman.


Search for

Saudi Royal family Jewish

And remember that on 913, Putin said 911 was a fraud by the US, Israel, AND Saudi.....

Bin salman made a killing $$$ on 911 with the same "insider info" chosen Epstein had....
I know that Pres. Trump knew that William (Blow-hard) Barr was a Deep state operative. That the Deep state sends him in to demolish investigations.

View attachment 511647

And so....if Trump knew that Barr was Deep State.....why did he kept him?

and also if he knew that Wray, the Director of the FBI was Deep State....why oh why......did he kept him also?

curious minds want to know..... :confused:

Because DOJ head has to have Congressional aka SWAMP approval. No way that Turtleneck and the rest of the swamp are ever going to put in a DOJ head that is honest----------that would put all of their bribes and other crimes on the table to be investigated and prosecuted.

LOL Trump Humpers are a joke.


Supah bad brotha...

Hiding in the closet with Michael Robinson....

And calling others humpers.


When will homO get the courage to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET??
Just as true as the crap you believe. You listen to proven liars, I do not.
You listen to the blob...the most prolific liar of our times. You even believe the election was stolen. It makes you a category five dumbass.
You listen to the blob...the most prolific liar of our times. You even believe the election was stolen. It makes you a category five dumbass.
The most prolific liars have been the MSM. Of course I believe the election was stolen. If there was no fraud audits would be encouraged. Democrats and RINOs have made it more than clear there was fraud by their actions and words. They could not look more guilty if they tried.
The most prolific liars have been the MSM. Of course I believe the election was stolen. If there was no fraud audits would be encouraged. Democrats and RINOs have made it more than clear there was fraud by their actions and words. They could not look more guilty if they tried.

Well, skippy, let us know when there are some arrests. There are going to be arrests, right? LOL
Barr was never a Trump ally but he played it up like he was. Barr, Democrats and his neocon brothers orchestrated Barr's every move and he ended up playing Trump like a fiddle. They fabricated charges of obstruction and collusion and with the deep states permission, Barr came to Trump's rescue. That made it look like he was a Trump loyalist and gave Trump confidence in him. But in the end when the election was stolen and Trump was soon to be banished, Barr could go back to being his neocon, elitist self. And Wray will protect the crooked, deep state bureaucracy with the same rigor that Barr did. These people are professionals at covering their own tracks, of which there are many.
You got that Q Logic down pat
And so....if Trump knew that Barr was Deep State.....why did he kept him?

and also if he knew that Wray, the Director of the FBI was Deep State....why oh why......did he kept him also?

curious minds want to know..... :confused:
I think that when Trump picked them, he was picking them on their seemingly willingness to support a Trump administration that was attempting to bring back American jobs, strength, and character into the world again, and then they undoubtedly convinced him that they would do just that until he was seemingly weakened in their eyes by the continued onslaught, and then it was time to just abandon the ship fast when they figured that he would
eventually fall (taking everyone and everything down with him).

They became defectors thinking to somehow save their own skins as the ship went down under the pressures from a very precise coup that had taken place, and was relentless in it's on going pursuits. They were shown to be to weak to survive the intimidation and relentless attacks on Americas traditional standards, and it's traditional practices.

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