Interesting Barr Stopped Investigation into Fraud

And so....if Trump knew that Barr was Deep State.....why did he kept him?

and also if he knew that Wray, the Director of the FBI was Deep State....why oh why......did he kept him also?

curious minds want to know..... :confused:
Another thing Skye I think, is that it appears that the rhino's figured that Trump was to controversial, and always coming in to hot by actually wanting to point out the wrong on all sides, so they could have been quitely told to abandon Trump at the most opportune time available (to jump ship)......As we can tell, it is exactly what they did too.

Not saying that Trump did anything wrong, but it is more like he was doing everything to right, and so the corrupted that wants to tolerate the other corrupted doesn't like that type of thing, so he had to go.

Trump wasn't perfect, yes we all know that, but he was a problem solver in order to make a massive machine run better, but the problem's were proven to be to great, and now we have a run away Train because Johnny (Democrat/Rhino), well he stole the handle, and the train it keeps on rolling, no it won't slow down.
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You got that Q Logic down pat
Yeah, but that logic is making alot of sense once everyone starts looking back on it all now, and it also plays into the final nails that the Democrat's and Rhino's are attempting to drive into the coffin of America, just so no one can come forth again to do such a heinous thing like try to help America be the greatest generation of freedom loving citizen's on earth again.
Barr was just saying fraud was bullshit. Bullshit.

Did Trump provide a copy of this letter?

If not it must be assumed he is just story telling again.
Barr was just saying fraud was bullshit. Bullshit.

At least 100 times I've tried to tell people.......


(And that includes Trump and Biden and Congress.)

But every election cycle the nimrods get all twitterpated that their new "savior" might get elected. SMH
Well, skippy, let us know when there are some arrests. There are going to be arrests, right? LOL
You know there won't be, because they are corrupt on both sides, and that creates a stalemate on justice being served. Only the bottom feeders get the ax, and so you would think that sooner or later that the bottom feeders would learn that the game is rigged against them, and that the big guy's are always looking for some new fall guy's to shove down or trip if things get to close.
Wrong. Q logic is Q logic.

Batshit crazy out the gate
Call it what you want, but it doesn't make it so. It's just another Democrat attack word created in which calls on people like you to parrot for them as they throw you some crumb's for being a good little parrot.
At least 100 times I've tried to tell people.......


(And that includes Trump and Biden and Congress.)

But every election cycle the nimrods get all twitterpated that their new "savior" might get elected. SMH
I think Trump done more for us than we've ever had done over the recent years gone by. Thank you Donald Trump for attempting to bring some normalcy back to DC, and attempting to bring some normalcy back to American ways of doing business, and back to America in general. It failed, but thanks anyway.
Good to know Trump has the QAnon crowd on his side
Just remember, that your every word will be recorded and received into God's ears, and judgement day is coming wherefore you won't escape death neither here nor there if you don't think before you speak or get to changing your ways.
Just remember, that your every word will be recorded and received into God's ears, and judgement day is coming wherefore you won't escape death neither here nor there if you don't think before you speak or get to changing your ways.
If only you Bible Thumpers took those thoughts to heart
If only you Bible Thumpers took those thoughts to heart
Matters not what anyone takes to heart, because you are responsible for you, and if you blow it, then it's on you and no one else.
I think that when Trump picked them, he was picking them on their seemingly willingness to support a Trump administration that was attempting to bring back American jobs, strength, and character into the world again, and then they undoubtedly convinced him that they would do just that until he was seemingly weakened in their eyes by the continued onslaught, and then it was time to just abandon the ship fast when they figured that he would
eventually fall (taking everyone and everything down with him).

They became defectors thinking to somehow save their own skins as the ship went down under the pressures from a very precise coup that had taken place, and was relentless in it's on going pursuits. They were shown to be to weak to survive the intimidation and relentless attacks on Americas traditional standards, and it's traditional practices.
He picked them on compliance to his will, not for their intellectual honesty. It is a heck of a way to pick advisors and gives a warped perspective, until they quit or have to go to jail.
He picked them on compliance to his will, not for their intellectual honesty. It is a heck of a way to pick advisors and gives a warped perspective, until they quit or have to go to jail.
Oh really, and what exactly was Trump's will ???? Tell the class what he expected of his administrative picks for America, exactly why he picked them, and in what relation did it all have to the Trump agenda ?? You do know that your answers will be a test of your intellectual honesty right ??
Oh really, and what exactly was Trump's will ???? Tell the class what he expected of his administrative picks for America, exactly why he picked them, and in what relation did it all have to the Trump agenda ?? You do know that your answers will be a test of your intellectual honesty right ??
Supreme rule, unaccountable to the system. People willing to disregard law and even the constitution at the top.
Supreme rule, unaccountable to the system. People willing to disregard law and even the constitution at the top.
ROTFLMBO.... You are kidding me right ?

You are being intellectually dishonest, and you know it.

Now tell us about your boy Biden.

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