Interesting facts. Did you know?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Did you know that Alaska is the most northern, most Western, and most EASTERN state in the union? (The most western tip of Alaska, is actually part of the FAR EAST)

Did you know president John Tyler has grandchildren that are living today? Oh, just for those that do not know, Tyler was the 10th president, was born in the 18th century and yes he has grandchildren alive today. Not...GREAT grandchildren.

Did you know Maine is closer to Africa than any other state?

Did you know Abraham Lincoln is in the World Wrestling Hall of Fame? His mother was also a big wrestler and was known to beat most men.

Did you know there were 6 other presidents before Washington? John Henson was the first president elected under the Articles of Confederation.

Did you know Napoleons dick (yes his dick) is somewhere in New Jersey?

Did you know there is a light bulb that was turned on in 1901, and has been on since?
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Did you know there is a light bulb that was turned on in 1901, and has been on since?

Did you know that there actually is such a thing as light bulb grease?


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