

Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Religion, Atheism, and School Shootings | Socyberty

A perspective toward school shootings and a loss of core values. Thoughts, ideas, and open minds.

After religion, of all types, were removed from public schools, school shootings are on the rise. This could be coincidence, but perhaps not. This article is a point of view, or a thought. It is not intended to be a slam against religion or atheists in any way. This is suggested for open minded individuals with religious or non-religious backgrounds. Take no offense, after all, there just thoughts.

Possible causes There has been a great deal of debate on the causes behind the incline in school shootings. Examples being violence associated with; movies, music, video games, public television, or even the separation of church and state

Silence before class
Recently Fox News had a piece on silence before class in public schools. This period of time was given to all students to do whatever they wanted to do as long as they were quiet. Some sat quietly in their chairs, and others bowed their heads to pray. Some atheists made quite a fuss over this “privilege”, saying it was pushing religious beliefs in a public school. I guess I could understand their reasoning if the silent time started with “Lets bow our heads in silence”. Silence does not push religion. What it can push is a time for self-reflection or a chance to clear ones mind in preparation to study. I don’t see how this can be harmful

Trends and legitimate questions With school shootings on the rise, statistics are becoming available. Comparisons between the shooters backgrounds, family history and lifestyles, and attitudes and social behaviors can now be made. From what I have seen and read, there are many similarities. Where do you start in order to come up with a possible link to a shooters reasoning. Were they bullied? Did they come from a broken home? Did they have mental issues? Were they constantly bombarded with violence from movies, music, and video games? These are questions that we need to get answers to.

Perhaps my strongest point in writing this, is accountability. For this reason, I believe that religion is important in any capacity. That higher power that will hold you accountable for your actions. Some would say, “That is what the law is in place to control.” True, to a certain point. There are laws in place that say something to the effect of “You are not allowed to go and shoot selected or random people because something in your life is missing.” The attitude of “it’s my life and I can do as I please,” is extremely dangerous. Why? Because there is no accountability. That person becomes their own god, or in charge of their own accountability. They don’t have to answer to any one person. They make their own rules. Is this because they don’t fear the law, or is it because they don’t have anything that makes the law relevant?

A perspective toward school shootings and a loss of core values. Thoughts, ideas, and open minds.

Pushing religion
I don’t feel that any religion should be pushed or forced onto any person. I believe people have their free will and can choose what they want to believe in. I think it is important for people to believe in something. When everything in life turns sour on them, who or what do they turn to? To their god? To their family? To their friends? To drugs and alcohol? To violence? Atheists believe there is no god. Religious people believe there is a God. I guess they both believe in something. The option of prayer was removed from schools, does that mean we are pushing an atheistic view? People, especially children, need to have the opportunities to learn and understand religion. Before they can have a choice in what they believe, they must first have the availability to get access to the education. Let them learn and let them choose.

Repairs start at the beginning
Most people I talk to say that fixing this problem, starts with the parents. If a parent curses and swears around their children all through childhood, will that child have the same verbal skills? Chances are yes. If children are exposed to sex at an early age from television and movies, will they be more likely to have sex at an earlier age? If kids watch their parents use illegal drugs, will they respect the law when they get older? If a child grows up in an abusive home, will he become a potentially violent person? If children are not restricted from the violence and language on what they see from public television, movies, and video games, will they think it is normal to do the same? Now, mix these same kids together and watch the statistics. Proficient verbal skills will decline. High school dropouts will rise. Teen pregnancies will rise. Illegal drug sales and dealing will rise. Violence will rise. Even school shootings will rise. It boils down to guidance in a positive direction. We need to get back to the foundation. I am not saying that everyone needs to pick a god and start believing in it. But we cannot cut the option for children and adults to have a way to find out. There is a growing problem. We need to get back to the beginning. We need to give everyone a chance to choose what they want to believe in. Violence can be just as much of a foundation as religion can. Which is more important? The removal of prayer from public schools leaves a void. What will we put in its place?

A perspective toward school shootings and a loss of core values. Thoughts, ideas, and open minds.

I find it strange how our classrooms teach evolution as scientific proof that we are just glorified animals. Evolution, a thought that is not factual and not historical in any way is taught to students as being the only source of origin. Yet religion, which has a very extensive history, is shunned from our schools. Something is very wrong here. What are we trying to teach students now? You are nothing but modified chimpanzees? If we are going to treat them like animals, they will act like animals.

No offense
Remember that this article was written from my thought process. Think of it as “food for thought”. If you choose to comment on this article, keep in mind that everyone has their own opinion and thoughts for all of lives events. It doesn’t make one opinion more prevalent than the next, but gives perspective that can help aid in ones open minded thoughts or ideas.


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