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Interracial Marriages Surge Across U.S.

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No, buddy I mean you to.I don't want to see you or any other white boy coming in our black ghettos looking to steal our black women.! Stay in the suburbs,
with those desparate white housewives!..We have gangs now that are looking for white men and Black women couples in our hoods, walking around
like everyhting is O.K., well its not.Keep away from the Black Females!!.
We are not going to allow white men to steal our women again.!

I saw a white man with a black woman the other day and got so angry I've decided not to observe MLK day or Robert E. Lee Day this year! :evil:
No, buddy I mean you to.I don't want to see you or any other white boy coming in our black ghettos looking to steal our black women.! Stay in the suburbs,

with those desparate white housewives!..

We have gangs now that are looking for white men and Black women couples in our hoods, walking around
like everyhting is O.K., well its not.Keep away from the Black Females!!.
We are not going to allow white men to steal our women again.!

I give this a D minus for trolling.

I had some doubts before, but now I'm pretty certain. I don't even think you're black. But, have fun trolling as one.

You are totally full of shit. I've had black girlfriends, I've been in black night clubs and pool halls with them, and I never had any problems.
Annie: Well, I didn't address the issue of "corrupting other groups" by marrying them. I don't think William Joyce is making that charge.

He makes the charge that the Jews want all other races to lose their racial consciousness, while the Jews keep theirs.

There is a psychologist in California who has worked this whole idea out in detail ... he calls it a "group evolutionary strategy".

Now, this fellow in California probably would argue that this "strategy" is unconscious ... just something that has evolved, like the instinct of the coo-coo chick to push the original eggs out of the host's nest.

But William Joyce implies -- if I understand him -- that Jews operate as a kind of collective entity. That each Jew -- perhaps with a few exceptions -- thinks of himself as a Jew first, and takes political positions -- say, on things like immigration -- designed to weaken other groups.

I don't think that's true. Jews obviously tend to agree on support for the Jewish state, and form the basis for a powerful lobby group to advance the interests of the Jewish state. But so do Cubans form such a base, so do Armenians, so do many other "hyphenated Americans". It's perfectly natural.

What disproves the "Jewish conspiracy" idea is that Jews are destroying themselves, as a group, by an extremely high out-marriage rate. If you are a Jewish "nationalist" (I cannot find the right word here), you will be very alarmed by this trend. In any case, I think it destroys the "Jewish group consciousness" idea. If there were such a thing, Jews would have a very low out-marriage rate.

Note: there are some technical issues here, for those interested, such as what happens to the non-Jewish partner, and the children of a mixed marriage... how many "become" Jews, etc. Answer: not many. The trend is down, and it is the same in Europe, although, of course, not in Israel.
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Annie: Well, I didn't address the issue of "corrupting other groups" by marrying them. I don't think William Joyce is making that charge.

He makes the charge that the Jews want all other races to lose their racial consciousness, while the Jews keep theirs.

There is a psychologist in California who has worked this whole idea out in detail ... he calls it a "group evolutionary strategy".

Now, this fellow in California probably would argue that this "strategy" is unconscious ... just something that has evolved, like the instinct of the coo-coo chick to push the original eggs out of the host's nest.

But William Joyce implies -- if I understand him -- that Jews operate as a kind of collective entity. That each Jew -- perhaps with a few exceptions -- thinks of himself as a Jew first, and takes political positions -- say, on things like immigration -- designed to weaken other groups.

I don't think that's true. Jews obviously tend to agree on support for the Jewish state, and form the basis for a powerful lobby group to advance the interests of the Jewish state. But so do Cubans form such a base, so do Armenians, so do many other "hyphenated Americans". It's perfectly natural.

What disproves the "Jewish conspiracy" idea is that Jews are destroying themselves, as a group, by an extremely high out-marriage rate. If you are a Jewish "nationalist" (I cannot find the right word here), you will be very alarmed by this trend. In any case, I think it destroys the "Jewish group consciousness" idea. If there were such a thing, Jews would have a very low out-marriage rate.

Note: there are some technical issues here, for those interested, such as what happens to the non-Jewish partner, and the children of a mixed marriage... how many "become" Jews, etc. Answer: not many. The trend is down, and it is the same in Europe, although, of course, not in Israel.

We all know WJ, my question was towards your own post. WJ is a very bright and articulate bigot, proud of it too.
Okay. Did I answer you to your satisfaction? My argument is that WJ is wrong because of the very high Jewish outmarriage rate.
Okay. Did I answer you to your satisfaction? My argument is that WJ is wrong because of the very high Jewish outmarriage rate.
you confused the hell out of me as i was responding to the topic at the time of what that 52 guy said
Okay. Did I answer you to your satisfaction? My argument is that WJ is wrong because of the very high Jewish outmarriage rate.

But are you agreeing with his basic premise, that Jews are 'trying to dilute' or whathaveyou? Mind you, I married a Jew, divorced him too, but had zilch to do with religion.

Our kids were raised as Catholics, with the Jewish holidays also observed at home and at their paternal grandparents. Funny thing that, my parents came to celebrate their 'holy days', they never came for ours. Go figure.

Did I mention we were married by my uncle? A priest.
Okay. Did I answer you to your satisfaction? My argument is that WJ is wrong because of the very high Jewish outmarriage rate.

Hey, if I'm wrong, and Jewish outmarriage is occuring at a rapid and high enough rate that Jews are essentially de-fanged as competitors with white gentiles, well, great. We graduate-school anti-Semites can all breathe a sigh of relief. You are right that there is an outmarriage rate, and you are right that this is at odds with the "Jewish hive" idea (the famed white advocate "Yggdrasil" counsels "the trend is your friend", i.e., Jews breeding themselves out of existence is a positive development for whites). But I think the two trends can co-exist, the latter following up the former.

As far as present-day white advocacy goes, though, the past 100 years of Jewish collective activism are quite relevant, and the trends we see today (support of Israel, liberalism, undermining Western culture, immigration, etc.) still pack a punch. The acadmic you refer to, Kevin MacDonald, has written a spellbinding trilogy of books on this topic. Life-changers, they are.


Personally, I'm pretty sympathetic to Jewish nationalists like Rabbi Mayer Schiller who openly seek to preserve Jews as a people. My humble request is that Jews not interfere with white self-direction.
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Hey, if I'm wrong, and Jewish outmarriage is occuring at a rapid and high enough rate that Jews are essentially de-fanged as competitors with white gentiles, well, great. We graduate-school anti-Semites can all breathe a sigh of relief. You are right that there is an outmarriage rate, and you are right that this is at odds with the "Jewish hive" idea (the famed white advocate "Yggdrasil" counsels "the trend is your friend"). But I think the two trends can co-exist, the latter following up the former.

As far as present-day white advocacy goes, though, the past 100 years of Jewish collective activism are quite relevant, and the trends we see today (support of Israel, liberalism, undermining Western culture, immigration, etc.) still pack a punch.
William, I do understand your anti-Semitism springs forth from all those smarter than thou kids in law school, I accept that. We all know you really save your vehemence for the mud people.
Annie: No, I don't agree with the basic premise, which posits some sort of extradordinary group consciousness and deliberate malice among Jews that the outmarriage rate clearly falsifies. BTW, I too was married to a Jew. In fact, see you and raise you one: I was married to two (not at the same time). But they both got rid of me, apparently on orders from a secret cabal called the Elders of Zion or something like that, because they were given new instructions to further the destruction of the white race, after practicing on me. (Just kidding. They were and are both fine people.)

WJ: Jews have indeed been at the cutting edge of most of the extraordinary social developments in the West, in the last century and a half at least. They're smarter than we are, so they rise to the top of any enterprise where intelligence pays a premium. Look at the thinkers and writers among the Marxists, you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the thinkers and writers among the liberals, you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the thinkers and writers among the conservatives, you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the firing squad lined up to shoot the Russian bankers and businessmen, you'll find a lot of .... Latvians, actually, but the Party commissar commanding them was likely to be a Jew. But look at the guys in blindfolds standing up against the wall, whose money turned into a deadly possession, and you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the financial fraudsters destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands ... lots of Jews. Look at the medical researchers who are saving the lives of hundreds of millions ... lots of Jews. (How much money did the Jew Jonas Salk make out of the polio vaccine he discovered? Nothing, he gave it the world for free. Many a jihadi is now walking around instead of lying down inside an iron lung where he ought to be, because of that guy. You see, Jews aren't always so smart.) Look at the civil rights movement, not just the one that started in the fifties (bankrolled and advised by Jews, and Communist Jews at that), but at the struggles for Black rights in previous decades, and you'll find Jews prominent there. Of course, today Blacks are filled with gratitude towards Jews for taking their side when almost no one else would. Another Salk situation. I wouldn't be surprised if even Osama Bin Laden had a Jewish advisor. And if Hitler had been really smart, he would have shelved the anti-Semitism stuff after getting power, kept his Jewish nuclear physicists and the Germans would be ruling the world today.
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"the integrity of the white race" .. that's an interesting concept .,. especially when one considers your BLACK African beginnings. YOU evolved from a BLACK and DARK NEGRO with kinky hair. Yes, YOU did.

I find your quote pretty funny.

Evolve.... a: derive , educe b: to produce by natural evolutionary processes c: develop , work out <evolve social, political, and literary philosophies — L. W. Doob>
intransitive verb
: to undergo evolutionary change

some would say improve, make more sustainable, etc.

Are you saying that white people and all other lighter skinned races are an improvement over what we evolved from? I never thought I would ever hear a black person admit that, I'm amazed.
WJ: Jews have indeed been at the cutting edge of most of the extraordinary social developments in the West, in the last century and a half at least. They're smarter than we are, so they rise to the top of any enterprise where intelligence pays a premium. Look at the thinkers and writers among the Marxists, you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the thinkers and writers among the liberals, you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the thinkers and writers among the conservatives, you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the firing squad lined up to shoot the Russian bankers and businessmen, you'll find a lot of .... Latvians, actually, but the Party commissar commanding them was likely to be a Jew. But look at the guys in blindfolds standing up against the wall, whose money turned into a deadly possession, and you'll find a lot of Jews. Look at the financial fraudsters destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands ... lots of Jews. Look at the medical researchers who are saving the lives of hundreds of millions ... lots of Jews. (How much money did the Jew Jonas Salk make out of the polio vaccine he discovered? Nothing, he gave it the world for free. Many a jihadi is now walking around instead of lying down inside an iron lung where he ought to be, because of that guy. You see, Jews aren't always so smart.) Look at the civil rights movement, not just the one that started in the fifties (bankrolled and advised by Jews, and Communist Jews at that), but at the struggles for Black rights in previous decades, and you'll find Jews prominent there. Of course, today Blacks are filled with gratitude towards Jews for taking their side when almost no one else would. Another Salk situation. I wouldn't be surprised if even Osama Bin Laden had a Jewish advisor. And if Hitler had been really smart, he would have shelved the anti-Semitism stuff after getting power, kept his Jewish nuclear physicists and the Germans would be ruling the world today.

And what's really funny is that Jews will probably end up leading the white nationalist movement in America!

More seriously, all that you say is true. I just view the high level of Jewish intelligence as a fact to be regarded as much as low black or Hispanic (or Arab, actually) intelligence, in-group cooperation coupled with competition with outgroups, and the general racial/ethnic struggles for survival that form the true gravitational forces of history.
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Dude, you want to treat your women like bitches and ho's, when they deserve to be treated like proud African queens, don't come blubbering to me when they reject your sorry asses.

Listen,I don't treat my women "like bitches," and "Hoes". The Black women
in our black only gang,get treated with all due respect. We just want White men to keep away from them.They are not interested in interracial relationships.!
Listen,I don't treat my women "like bitches," and "Hoes". The Black women
in our black only gang,get treated with all due respect. We just want White men to keep away from them.They are not interested in interracial relationships.!
if they arent interested, then you have nothing to worry about
but leave those that are, alone
if they arent interested, then you have nothing to worry about
but leave those that are, alone

No. we wont leave those that are interested alone. If we se them with a White male they will be attacked, and separated with extreme prejudice.!!
No. we wont leave those that are interested alone. If we se them with a White male they will be attacked, and separated with extreme prejudice.!!
you are nothing but a racist punk
i hope you dont actually do the shit you claim online
and if you do, i hope the police are there to exert justice on you as well
you are nothing but a racist punk
i hope you dont actually do the shit you claim online
and if you do, i hope the police are there to exert justice on you as well

Listen dive con, all we and our Blacks for Blacks Gang members ask, is for you and the other jungle fever white boys to stick to your own kind.! Is that asking to much?.White women just not good enough for you guys, huh!?..
Listen dive con, all we and our Blacks for Blacks Gang members ask, is for you and the other jungle fever white boys to stick to your own kind.! Is that asking to much?.White women just not good enough for you guys, huh!?..
its none of your fucking business who i date
nor is it any of your business who anyone else dates but yourself
again, if a black woman is interested in me, its none of your damn business

i just so happen to already HAVE a lady and she is Asian and not one thing you can say or do will change the fact i love her and would do anything within my abilities to protect her
and she loves me
none of your fucking business

btw, you more than likely have some white in you as well
I&#8217;m White and all the women I date are Black Women. I like to go down on 52ndStreet and give them Mr Bass.
How come the only intelligent arguments on this board are between ex-Marxist cranky conservatives and pro-fascist anti-Semites? Does having brains push one towards extremes? (Okay, not the only intelligent arguments.... but the skewness is remarkable.) And of course 52nd Street is a troll, and a pretty funny one, too, although his work is made easy for him for various reasons ... for instance, instead of having to think up moronic utterances he only has to Google on "Al Sharpton speeches" or "Jesse Jackson's philosophical views" to come up with plenty of material which can just be cut and pasted right into his posts.
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