Introducing, the real Nazi's in America.

no one can stop anyone from praying......

bow your head and pray...simple as that.....

what is being objected to is public pray at a school function......


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Nah, right wingers never use Nazi references.

Killing 6 millions jews = not wanting public prayer at school.

Yeah, I see the obvious connection.

Why can't atheists just be atheists and "live and let live.?" It is the political efforts of all fringe elements that are crippling our Constitution.

Most atheists are like that. It is the vocal "asshole atheist" that seems to not be able to see a cross, or hear a prayer, or even have the mention of a supreme being uttered in public before they feel somehow offended.

In addition, for all those in this thread, here is a primer:


Not a nazi:


Not a nazi:

Confused japanese kids:
Nah, right wingers never use Nazi references.

Killing 6 millions jews = not wanting public prayer at school.

Yeah, I see the obvious connection.

And they don't disrespect anyone when they do this, nope not at all.

Why can't atheists just be atheists and "live and let live.?" It is the political efforts of all fringe elements that are crippling our Constitution.

Why can't Christians do like Jesus said and pray in private?

Mark 16:15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Which bit of that is telling people to pray in private?

For the record: I absolutely disagree with the OP's ridiculous assertion that Atheists are akin to Nazis. They are not. Only Nazis are akin to Nazis. Any other comparison is intellectually lazy.... and offensive to those who suffered at the hands of real Nazis.
Why can't atheists just be atheists and "live and let live.?" It is the political efforts of all fringe elements that are crippling our Constitution.

Why can't Christians do like Jesus said and pray in private?

Mark 16:15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

Which bit of that is telling people to pray in private?

For the record: I absolutely disagree with the OP's ridiculous assertion that Atheists are akin to Nazis. They are not. Only Nazis are akin to Nazis. Any other comparison is intellectually lazy.... and offensive to those who suffered at the hands of real Nazis.

Mathew 6:6

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

The bible verse you refer to has to do with preaching, not praying. The article in the OP also references praying and not gospel spreading.
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Sad that people feel they need to piss on the struggle of the jews and other victims of the Holocaust by making these idiotic and frankly immoral comparisons.

And oh the beloved Fox News, here's the article title.

Atheist Group Tries to Stop Prayers at High School Football Games That Include ‘Jesus’

and here's what the article says

The complaint was lodged by a single resident who objected to the student-led prayer before high school football games played on school property.

The Times Daily newspaper identified the complainant as Jeremy Green. In an email to the newspaper, Green said he was taking a stand for the so-called “separation of church and state in an effort to protect the constitutional rights of the non-religious.”

Now the question I pose to the class is, what group does Jeremy Green belong to?

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