Zone1 Introductory thread for all


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2024
N Florida
Anyone interested in an introductory thread for all? Just a place where you can tell as much or as little about yourself.

I was born in Indio California, but too young to remember growing up there. I’ve been back twice.

California has always intrigued me. It always felt like home. It has diverse landscapes, great farming of all kinds, and quite possibly the most beautiful and diverse women on earth. It has, unfortunately, been marred by bad politics.

I wonder what it would have been like to visit there before 1849. Even the bay area must have been cool for miners and ranchers to visit on weekends. :woohoo:

More later. Anyone else?
Where in N FL are you? I'm a FL native and lived in the area locals sometimes refer to as "Lower Alabama".
Did you miss the swastika or something? Why are you responding like everything is normal here? For fuck sake man, youre a god damn mod. Maybe you shouldnt be endorsing this shit by responding to swastika guys threads.

This shit is really starting to piss me off. Swastikas are THIS normal now?
What you and others don't know is that I have talked to Jack about his avatar. Maybe you should try doing so without attacking him.

Just so you know, USMB does not have a rule banning swastikas. If we were to start banning things some people dislike or don't associate with, the list of things NOT banned would be extremely short.
Anyone interested in an introductory thread for all? Just a place where you can tell as much or as little about yourself.

I was born in Indio California, but too young to remember growing up there. I’ve been back twice.

California has always intrigued me. It always felt like home. It has diverse landscapes, great farming of all kinds, and quite possibly the most beautiful and diverse women on earth. It has, unfortunately, been marred by bad politics.

I wonder what it would have been like to visit there before 1849. Even the bay area must have been cool for miners and ranchers to visit on weekends. :woohoo:

More later. Anyone else?
Grandfather emigrated from Lebanon. Was raised in mixed Muslim /Christian household.
Spent most of my life in Massachusetts. The last 30 years or so as a power engineer for various big corporations.

Have pretty much run the gambit of various religious affiliations. Landed here about 5 years ago on these boards and been here since.
and quite possibly the most beautiful and diverse women on earth

Lived there for two years, in Santa Clara, Mountain View, and Palo ALto, near Stanford. Many more Texas women are far better looking than California's average. I noticed that right away.
I'm from L.A. I love the desert Riverside and east, but the cities are a joke. The politics are a joke. Looking to leave when I find a new job, which will be soon.

As far as the nazi sign. I have no problem with it, but it’s needs rebranding. Just like southerners need to find a new flag other than the confederacy. Why? Because most people are drones who believe the Hollywood versions of Germany and the South. Remember, it was Patton who commented on Germany when he said, “We fought the wrong enemy.”

It’s really ironic that German filmmaking is so far above Hollywood tripe. Check out the clip from the German movie Look Who’s Back (in the video below). It’s a drama-comedy-satire about what happens when Hitler awakens in the 21st century. The film is interspersed with the lead actor (Oliver Masucci as Hitler) walking about Brandenburg and other places.

The following video is three minutes from the German movie Look Who's Back. This video has been banned on Youtube.

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My name is April, I'm a MAJOR Trump supporter, I've lived in Ohio all my life, I'm a Christian Druid, love animals, Halloween, Christmas, geocaching, and Harry Potter and my house would be Gryffindor. 😁 (Online tests sorted me into Hufflepuff but I feel like I would be more of a Gryffindor if I went to Hogwarts. If it was real that is.)
Anyone interested in an introductory thread for all? Just a place where you can tell as much or as little about yourself.

I was born in Indio California, but too young to remember growing up there. I’ve been back twice.

California has always intrigued me. It always felt like home. It has diverse landscapes, great farming of all kinds, and quite possibly the most beautiful and diverse women on earth. It has, unfortunately, been marred by bad politics.

I wonder what it would have been like to visit there before 1849. Even the bay area must have been cool for miners and ranchers to visit on weekends. :woohoo:

More later. Anyone else?
I recall Indio back in the 70’s, We used to pass through on our way to fishing the Salton Sea. Also lived in the Bay Area during the 80’s 90’s boom time, I loved that weather.
I recall Indio back in the 70’s, We used to pass through on our way to fishing the Salton Sea. Also lived in the Bay Area during the 80’s 90’s boom time, I loved that weather.
Salton is supposed to have decent Tilapia. I'm just surprised how so many people recoil when the head is on the plate.

It's funny how the high temps peak in San Fran in the fall. Tourists visit in June and never bring a coat for the mid 50s nighttime stuff.
Salton is supposed to have decent Tilapia. I'm just surprised how so many people recoil when the head is on the plate.

It's funny how the high temps peak in San Fran in the fall. Tourists visit in June and never bring a coat for the mid 50s nighttime stuff.
Back then the corvina was popular, I’m not sure how fishing is nowadays. I recall when the wind died down and the sea glassed over it got pretty damn hot, nothing to do but float on the sea surface and drink plenty of ice cold beer.

I lived down in Mountain View but worked in Palo Alto. I spend a good amount of time out by Pigeon Point lighthouse and Half Moon Bay. The beaches were pretty well natural and unspoiled back then and you could camp out for free with zero hassles.
I recall Indio back in the 70’s, We used to pass through on our way to fishing the Salton Sea. Also lived in the Bay Area during the 80’s 90’s boom time, I loved that weather.

It does have great weather. I never needed air conditioning, and I lit the heater about two non-consecutive days in two years. However, they had rolling blackouts pretty often, which were annoying. And the traffic made it pretty pointless to go anywhere on weekends.

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