Iowa Caucus: Mayor Pete is feelin the Bern.

Guy, you are not informed. Dipshit Pete is a joke. A small town mayor does not become potus, historically speaking. He is entirely funded by billionaires.

Dude, Trump is a fucking game show host. The old rule book has been thrown out the window.
I’ll take a game show host over a CIA plant, every time. You should too.
Unfortunately there is the rest of the Bible. Jesus only softened it a bit.

Okay, let's look at that.

The Bible says that you should be stoned to death for working on the Sabbath.
The Bible says that you shouldn't eat pork or shellfish. (I'm in so much trouble for those eggrolls!)
The Bible says you should stone your daughter to death if her hymen isn't intact on her wedding night.
The Bible says slavery is just fine.
The Bible says to kill "witches".

There's a WHOLE LOT of shit that is in the Bible, that Jesus DIDN'T overturn, but most of you "Christians" ignore. God didn't change his mind. We changed ours.
when Jesus came the Old Testament became just that....old....
because he gave us a thing called freewill....yea i know i was shocked too....

Except God didn't give freewill. He insisted people be murdered for adultery, worshiping other Gods, working on the Sabbath, etc.

He did, however, INSIST on laws to kill witches and make sure that slaves obeyed their masters.

Jesus didn't change any of this.
quit quoting the old testament....if people did not listen to Jesus thats because they were free to do that....its called free will to make your own choices....
quit quoting the old testament....if people did not listen to Jesus thats because they were free to do that....its called free will to make your own choices....

Except Jesus never told people to free their slaves or stop killing witches.

In fact, Jesus never renounced the OT at all.

"Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. But I warn you—unless your righteousness is better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!”MATTHEW 5:17-20
quit quoting the old testament....if people did not listen to Jesus thats because they were free to do that....its called free will to make your own choices....

Except Jesus never told people to free their slaves or stop killing witches.

In fact, Jesus never renounced the OT at all.

"Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved. So if you ignore the least commandment and teach others to do the same, you will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But anyone who obeys God’s laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. But I warn you—unless your righteousness is better than the righteousness of the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!”MATTHEW 5:17-20
do unto others as you would have them do to if you dont want to be a slave,then dont enslave others....but then mankind has always been pretty hypocritical havent they?..
do unto others as you would have them do to if you dont want to be a slave,then dont enslave others....but then mankind has always been pretty hypocritical havent they?..

Yes, they are. But Jesus never said, "Slavery is bad and you should knock that shit off."
how do you know?....the people who wrote the bible were probably slave owners sure they omitted his feelings on that subject accidentally.....
how do you know?....the people who wrote the bible were probably slave owners sure they omitted his feelings on that subject accidentally.....

I don't think Jesus actually existed. I think he was a literary construct by the bible writers.

But since we are talking about what's in the Bible, which is supposedly the UNERRING WORD OF GOD, the fact that slavery was still in there shows they "erred".

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
how do you know?....the people who wrote the bible were probably slave owners sure they omitted his feelings on that subject accidentally.....

I don't think Jesus actually existed. I think he was a literary construct by the bible writers.

But since we are talking about what's in the Bible, which is supposedly the UNERRING WORD OF GOD, the fact that slavery was still in there shows they "erred".

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
god or jesus did not write the bible,it was written by hypocrites down thru time.....whatever they did or did not put in it was only things that was for their advantage....
god or jesus did not write the bible,it was written by hypocrites down thru time.....whatever they did or did not put in it was only things that was for their advantage....
No one claims God or Jesus wrote the Bible, dumbass.

No wonder you are an anti-Christ bigot; you are a completely ignorant wretch on the subject.
god or jesus did not write the bible,it was written by hypocrites down thru time.....whatever they did or did not put in it was only things that was for their advantage....
No one claims God or Jesus wrote the Bible, dumbass.

No wonder you are an anti-Christ bigot; you are a completely ignorant wretch on the subject.
was i talking to you or someone else asswipe?.....go back and figure it out...
I’ll take a game show host over a CIA plant, every time. You should too.

The CIA put a chip in your ass, I'm sure. Oh, wait, no, those are the voices in your head.
If only you were informed but then, you wouldn’t be dumb.

Can you name another small town mayor who has ever been nominated by either party? He’s very young and entirely unknown to Americans, until now. His campaign is funded by billionaires and while in the military was involved with the CIA.

He’s a puppet of the wealthy. Puppet Pete.

Please get informed.
god or jesus did not write the bible,it was written by hypocrites down thru time.....whatever they did or did not put in it was only things that was for their advantage....
No one claims God or Jesus wrote the Bible, dumbass.

No wonder you are an anti-Christ bigot; you are a completely ignorant wretch on the subject.
was i talking to you or someone else asswipe?.....go back and figure it out...
Lol, you say something on a public forum, yes, you are then saying it to anyone who cares to read it, idiot.
god or jesus did not write the bible,it was written by hypocrites down thru time.....whatever they did or did not put in it was only things that was for their advantage....
No one claims God or Jesus wrote the Bible, dumbass.

No wonder you are an anti-Christ bigot; you are a completely ignorant wretch on the subject.
was i talking to you or someone else asswipe?.....go back and figure it out...
Lol, you say something on a public forum, yes, you are then saying it to anyone who cares to read it, idiot.
maybe you should go read what was said dumbass instead of just jumping in on the thread....
how do you know?....the people who wrote the bible were probably slave owners sure they omitted his feelings on that subject accidentally.....

I don't think Jesus actually existed. I think he was a literary construct by the bible writers.

But since we are talking about what's in the Bible, which is supposedly the UNERRING WORD OF GOD, the fact that slavery was still in there shows they "erred".

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Oh brother. You get dumber with each passing day. You clearly know nothing about Jesus or history.

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