Iowa passes heartbeat law,hoping to get challenge to end Roe Vs Wade at SC

Lol's butt hurt still because you can't come to terms with my racial are one pathetic being. YAWN!


Awww. Nazi-boy is upset that I call him Nazi-boy.

Too bad, so sad.
No clown dick.....I am honored actually. But I am not a National Socialist but hey you wanna keep being wrong by all means stay consistently stupid. I am a Racial Socialist not a National Socialist...but whatever I laugh at your ignorance just like I do with all the other libtarded clowns here.


There's no need to cry about it, Nazi-boy. It's ok.
Kudos for you being consistently stupid. Lock step left right left with the rest of the stupid little totalitarian leftists. You keep thinking you are insulting me when its a VERY high honor to be a National Socialist.


Honestly, I only do it because I love watching you inevitably melt down about it.

You're really easy to trigger, you know that? And its a lot of fun to watch you squirm.

Now let's get back to the topic at hand.
Can't trigger someone who is actually happy you call them something. I am honored.
The last time the Supreme Court had the chance to hear a challenge to a heartbeat law, it declined to do so.

In 2016, the court rejected requests to hear challenges to a fetal heartbeat law in North Dakota and a 12-week abortion ban in Arkansas. The Supreme Court’s refusal left in place lower court rulings that blocked those laws.

"In a way, it’s just too easy a case," said Paul Gowder, a law professor at the University of Iowa who teaches constitutional law. "The Supreme Court very rarely chooses to weigh in on cases that are easy with respect to its prior case law."

Republicans hope a challenge to Iowa's fetal heartbeat bill will overturn Roe v. Wade. How would that work?

waste of taxpayer money

Oh, but it gets them the admiration of folks like Nazi-boy.

I'm sure it's worth every penny to them, even though they know it'll never go anywhere.
Lol's butt hurt still because you can't come to terms with my racial are one pathetic being. YAWN!


Awww. Nazi-boy is upset that I call him Nazi-boy.

Too bad, so sad.
No clown dick.....I am honored actually. But I am not a National Socialist but hey you wanna keep being wrong by all means stay consistently stupid. I am a Racial Socialist not a National Socialist...but whatever I laugh at your ignorance just like I do with all the other libtarded clowns here.
A Nazi by any other name......
Nope. There is a difference. NATIONAL Socialism is intended for one nationalist in Germany's case Germans. I am a Racial Socialist because I believe WHITES as a WHOLE should unite no matter our nationalities.
Hmm yeah, cons are all for state's rights when it suits them (abortioin) but call for jailing state officials when it doesn't suit them (sanctuary status).

All these bogus 'abortion laws' in these states are illegal. Abortion is legal per the SC. Period.
Thanks baby killer.
They should get to it. You think the majority of women in the US are going to want to start going back in history to when they had less rights?

Knock yo' self out.

Answer the question. Are there pro-life women or not?

So zero women support this bill?

I've never met a "pro-life" woman.

There are pro-birth women and pro-rights women.

At least be honest about that. Be honest enough to admit you are not pro-life. You are pro-birth. I've read enough of your posts to know that after birth, you would kick them out of your way.

You need to get out more, and your tired attempt at semantics is just that.

If you have actually read my posts you would know my issue isn't abortion itself but the abortion of constitutional law that is Roe V Wade.

There is simply zero right to an abortion in the US Constitution.

Hardly a day goes by that I'm not astounded at the ignorance of the RWNJs as to what is "constitutional" and what is not.

Again, find any direct reference to abortion or any other medical procedure for that matter.

Yet idiots like you continue to want to ignore the 2nd amendment, which is explicit.

Again, learn what the definition of "constitutional" is.

You will never ever find where I have said I "want to ignore the 2nd." Stay on topic and understand that one has no relation to the other.
Hmm yeah, cons are all for state's rights when it suits them (abortioin) but call for jailing state officials when it doesn't suit them (sanctuary status).

All these bogus 'abortion laws' in these states are illegal. Abortion is legal per the SC. Period.
Read the link dingus they passed this to force it to the SC to get it overturned. Personally I am cool with abortion when its nonwhites and liberals aborting!

you can't force scotus to do anything

it'll get tossed long before
he didn't say that.
For all those who think abortion will ever be made illegal again. The women in the US will never allow it. Ever.

You do know that there are Pro-life women out there, right?

They should get to it. You think the majority of women in the US are going to want to start going back in history to when they had less rights?

Knock yo' self out.

Answer the question. Are there pro-life women or not?

So zero women support this bill?

I've never met a "pro-life" woman.

There are pro-birth women and pro-rights women.

At least be honest about that. Be honest enough to admit you are not pro-life. You are pro-birth. I've read enough of your posts to know that after birth, you would kick them out of your way.

You need to get out more, and your tired attempt at semantics is just that.

If you have actually read my posts you would know my issue isn't abortion itself but the abortion of constitutional law that is Roe V Wade.

There is simply zero right to an abortion in the US Constitution.
Well in America the pursuit of happiness is allowed. If a woman decides she (notice that's not you and she but she) doesnt want the responsibility of a child (not you and her but her) it's her happiness and she has every right to pursue.
How did 12 black robes allow states rights, when they overruled the will of the people in Roe Vs Wade? Fucking dumbass liberals, have no clue about the law.. Only when it suites them..

Um, dude, it was nine black robes... and five of them were Republicans.

But let's look at the realistic view of why Roe happened...

States had abortion laws that were largely not being enforced. Women never went to prison for having abortions, and doctors only went to jail on that rare occasion when they screwed up and injured the woman.

Roe threw out laws that were unenforced and unenforceable.

Unless you are willing to throw women in prison for having abortions, any law you pass is going to be largely meaningless.
You need to get out more, and your tired attempt at semantics is just that.

If you have actually read my posts you would know my issue isn't abortion itself but the abortion of constitutional law that is Roe V Wade.

There is simply zero right to an abortion in the US Constitution.

Says the guy who thinks the Constitution gives crazy people a right to a machine gun.

Guy, here's the reality. The court realized that the states weren't going to face the reality that women were getting hundreds of thousands of abortions, so they acted. Roe v. Wade was decided by Republicans (Five of the Seven Justices who voted for it were Republicans)

You know, sometimes you have to stop worrying about what a bunch of slave rapists in powdered wigs thought and actually face reality.

Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is. Period.
Answer the question. Are there pro-life women or not?

So zero women support this bill?

I've never met a "pro-life" woman.

There are pro-birth women and pro-rights women.

At least be honest about that. Be honest enough to admit you are not pro-life. You are pro-birth. I've read enough of your posts to know that after birth, you would kick them out of your way.

You need to get out more, and your tired attempt at semantics is just that.

If you have actually read my posts you would know my issue isn't abortion itself but the abortion of constitutional law that is Roe V Wade.

There is simply zero right to an abortion in the US Constitution.

Hardly a day goes by that I'm not astounded at the ignorance of the RWNJs as to what is "constitutional" and what is not.

Again, find any direct reference to abortion or any other medical procedure for that matter.

Yet idiots like you continue to want to ignore the 2nd amendment, which is explicit.

Again, learn what the definition of "constitutional" is.

You will never ever find where I have said I "want to ignore the 2nd." Stay on topic and understand that one has no relation to the other.

If you support bans on semi-automatic weapons, you want to ignore the 2nd.
You do know that there are Pro-life women out there, right?

They should get to it. You think the majority of women in the US are going to want to start going back in history to when they had less rights?

Knock yo' self out.

Answer the question. Are there pro-life women or not?

So zero women support this bill?

I've never met a "pro-life" woman.

There are pro-birth women and pro-rights women.

At least be honest about that. Be honest enough to admit you are not pro-life. You are pro-birth. I've read enough of your posts to know that after birth, you would kick them out of your way.

You need to get out more, and your tired attempt at semantics is just that.

If you have actually read my posts you would know my issue isn't abortion itself but the abortion of constitutional law that is Roe V Wade.

There is simply zero right to an abortion in the US Constitution.
Well in America the pursuit of happiness is allowed. If a woman decides she (notice that's not you and she but she) doesnt want the responsibility of a child (not you and her but her) it's her happiness and she has every right to pursue.

So what about a guy who decides he doesn't want a kid but the woman does?

if an ERA gets passed, how does that get reconciled?
You need to get out more, and your tired attempt at semantics is just that.

If you have actually read my posts you would know my issue isn't abortion itself but the abortion of constitutional law that is Roe V Wade.

There is simply zero right to an abortion in the US Constitution.

Says the guy who thinks the Constitution gives crazy people a right to a machine gun.

Guy, here's the reality. The court realized that the states weren't going to face the reality that women were getting hundreds of thousands of abortions, so they acted. Roe v. Wade was decided by Republicans (Five of the Seven Justices who voted for it were Republicans)

You know, sometimes you have to stop worrying about what a bunch of slave rapists in powdered wigs thought and actually face reality.

Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is. Period.

They were still wrong, and we are still fighting over it almost 50 years later.

That's what happens when courts make shit out of thin air. Roe is no better the Plessey.
So what about a guy who decides he doesn't want a kid but the woman does?

if an ERA gets passed, how does that get reconciled?

easy. Any guy with a uterus is totally free to have an abortion.

They were still wrong, and we are still fighting over it almost 50 years later.

We are still fighting it because there are religious assholes who are making a big deal about it when they realized that racism wasn't playing in the pews anymore.

You really need to look into the history of the "Pro-Life" and "Christian Right" Movements. You see, prior to 1973 or so, the Baptists didn't give a flip about Abortion. That was "A Catholic Thing". Then they needed an animating issue once they lost the argument on segregation. "Well what about abortion" said one of the inbreds at the back of the room.

And thus we had a fight over something we never, ever should still be fighting over.

Yeah, some of those progressive snowflakes are really attractive....

and as for the old hags that lead your

Yes, we've established that you guys were so misogynistic you couldn't stand the thought of a woman being in charge. We got that.
So what about a guy who decides he doesn't want a kid but the woman does?

if an ERA gets passed, how does that get reconciled?

easy. Any guy with a uterus is totally free to have an abortion.

They were still wrong, and we are still fighting over it almost 50 years later.

We are still fighting it because there are religious assholes who are making a big deal about it when they realized that racism wasn't playing in the pews anymore.

You really need to look into the history of the "Pro-Life" and "Christian Right" Movements. You see, prior to 1973 or so, the Baptists didn't give a flip about Abortion. That was "A Catholic Thing". Then they needed an animating issue once they lost the argument on segregation. "Well what about abortion" said one of the inbreds at the back of the room.

And thus we had a fight over something we never, ever should still be fighting over.

Yeah, some of those progressive snowflakes are really attractive....

and as for the old hags that lead your

Yes, we've established that you guys were so misogynistic you couldn't stand the thought of a woman being in charge. We got that.

Nice dodge, there dickless

You don't get to decide what is fought over, ****.

And right away to the "we hatze teh women" bullshit.
For all those who think abortion will ever be made illegal again. The women in the US will never allow it. Ever.

You do know that there are Pro-life women out there, right?

Of course - but there is this:

Men and women express similar views on abortion; 59% of women say it should be legal in all or most cases, as do 55% of men.

And if you add first trimester only and other factors - you're left with around 20% of women who say illegal in all cases.

Public Opinion on Abortion
For all those who think abortion will ever be made illegal again. The women in the US will never allow it. Ever.

You do know that there are Pro-life women out there, right?

Of course - but there is this:

Men and women express similar views on abortion; 59% of women say it should be legal in all or most cases, as do 55% of men.

And if you add first trimester only and other factors - you're left with around 20% of women who say illegal in all cases.

Public Opinion on Abortion

Still doesn't mean your side gets to claim "women" as a single block.

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