Iowa passes heartbeat law,hoping to get challenge to end Roe Vs Wade at SC

For all those who think abortion will ever be made illegal again. The women in the US will never allow it. Ever.

You do know that there are Pro-life women out there, right?

Of course - but there is this:

Men and women express similar views on abortion; 59% of women say it should be legal in all or most cases, as do 55% of men.

And if you add first trimester only and other factors - you're left with around 20% of women who say illegal in all cases.

Public Opinion on Abortion

Still doesn't mean your side gets to claim "women" as a single block.

Newton is correct - women will never put up with it. 80% against 20% gives us the right to claim women are heavily pro choice.
For all those who think abortion will ever be made illegal again. The women in the US will never allow it. Ever.

You do know that there are Pro-life women out there, right?

Of course - but there is this:

Men and women express similar views on abortion; 59% of women say it should be legal in all or most cases, as do 55% of men.

And if you add first trimester only and other factors - you're left with around 20% of women who say illegal in all cases.

Public Opinion on Abortion

Still doesn't mean your side gets to claim "women" as a single block.

Newton is correct - women will never put up with it. 80% against 20% gives us the right to claim women are heavily pro choice.

But not absolutist pro choice, which is what your side often claims.

Restricting abortion to 20 weeks and before for elective ones, as much of Europe does, would fall into "legal in most cases" but would be considered pro-life to the hardcore abortion lovers out there.
Nice dodge, there dickless

No dodge at all, buddy.

her body, her choice.

The guy really needs to watch where he sticks that thing

You don't get to decide what is fought over, ****.

Um, yeah, guy, just because you are too stupid to see how the One Percent plays you guys, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Riddle me this, Batman,

how is it the rich always get their tax cuts, but abortion never gets banned?

And right away to the "we hatze teh women" bullshit.

You are the one who called democratic leaders "Hags"... Guy, it's like you can't help the misogyny...
Restricting abortion to 20 weeks and before for elective ones, as much of Europe does, would fall into "legal in most cases" but would be considered pro-life to the hardcore abortion lovers out there.

Much of Europe has socialized medicine and the government pays for the abortions. So there arent any "elective" abortions after 20 weeks.

There really aren't' any "elective" abortions after 20 weeks here. If she does it, it's for a damned good reason.
Iowa passes 'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban, most restrictive in U.S.

Smart move! I love it. Me and my wife knew with ALL of our kids we were pregnant at 6 weeks or sooner! That's no excuse to murder the baby. Don't want one? Wrap it up,get on birth control,get sterilized etc etc.

Wasting their time. Roe v Wade isn't getting overturned.
Yeah and Donald Trump would never be president....

Who's going to vote to overturn it? Kennedy? Nope. John "ObamaCare is really a tax even though the defendant said it wasn't so it's Constitutional" Roberts? Doubt it. Can't really count on Gorsuch for sure since he just got there. So you basically have Alito and Thomas as probable.

Good luck with that.
You can get arrested for leaving a dog in a hot car, but killing a human with a heartbeat is just routine


Iowa passes 'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban, most restrictive in U.S.

Smart move! I love it. Me and my wife knew with ALL of our kids we were pregnant at 6 weeks or sooner! That's no excuse to murder the baby. Don't want one? Wrap it up,get on birth control,get sterilized etc etc.

Wasting their time. Roe v Wade isn't getting overturned.
Yeah and Donald Trump would never be president....

Who's going to vote to overturn it? Kennedy? Nope. John "ObamaCare is really a tax even though the defendant said it wasn't so it's Constitutional" Roberts? Doubt it. Can't really count on Gorsuch for sure since he just got there. So you basically have Alito and Thomas as probable.

Good luck with that.
Roberts will,Alito,Thomas absolutely. Gorsuch is a DUH! And Either Kennedy,Breyer,or Ginsburg will die or retire by time President Trump leaves office. So.
Nice dodge, there dickless

No dodge at all, buddy.

her body, her choice.

The guy really needs to watch where he sticks that thing

You don't get to decide what is fought over, ****.

Um, yeah, guy, just because you are too stupid to see how the One Percent plays you guys, doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Riddle me this, Batman,
View attachment 192372

how is it the rich always get their tax cuts, but abortion never gets banned?

And right away to the "we hatze teh women" bullshit.

You are the one who called democratic leaders "Hags"... Guy, it's like you can't help the misogyny...

In a free society both sides should have that responsibility. in or out.

Ah the old "mystification" bullshit commie twats like you bring up so often.

As opposed to the NY Attorney General, who speaks a nice game, but beats up his girlfriends.

Actions always speak louder than words.
Restricting abortion to 20 weeks and before for elective ones, as much of Europe does, would fall into "legal in most cases" but would be considered pro-life to the hardcore abortion lovers out there.

Much of Europe has socialized medicine and the government pays for the abortions. So there arent any "elective" abortions after 20 weeks.

There really aren't' any "elective" abortions after 20 weeks here. If she does it, it's for a damned good reason.

Then why do Abortion rights people fight so hard to prevent the limit moving to 20 weeks?

An elective abortion is any abortion had for non medical reasons.

It's the "I don't feel like having a kid" abortion.
In a free society both sides should have that responsibility. in or out.

um... no. Only one side has long term health effects related to pregnancy, so only one side has the right to make that choice.

Ah the old "mystification" bullshit commie twats like you bring up so often.

because you guys never stop to think about it.

The RICH always get what they want. they always get the tax cuts, the union busting, the deregulation and the free trade that has truly awful effects for working folks.

But the inbred, bible thumping redneck who votes Republican because he hates abortion or gays or wants to get Jesus back in School and Darwin out of the classroom, that piece of shit never, ever gets what he wants. He just sits there slack-jawed when the Banksters foreclose on his double wide.

As opposed to the NY Attorney General, who speaks a nice game, but beats up his girlfriends.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Again, not getting worked up because some dumb broads read "Fifty Shades of Gray" and thought that was cool. Until they didn't.

Then why do Abortion rights people fight so hard to prevent the limit moving to 20 weeks?

Because the inbred, bible thumping rednecks who want to do that aren't doctors, they aren't medical professionals and have no idea what is medically necessary.

An elective abortion is any abortion had for non medical reasons.

Okay, "Your kid is going to be a retard" is a medical reason. That's why most post 20 week abortions happen. someone gets a test and finds out they are going to have a kid with something like Tay Sachs or Down Syndrome where death would be a mercy.
In a free society both sides should have that responsibility. in or out.

um... no. Only one side has long term health effects related to pregnancy, so only one side has the right to make that choice.

Ah the old "mystification" bullshit commie twats like you bring up so often.

because you guys never stop to think about it.

The RICH always get what they want. they always get the tax cuts, the union busting, the deregulation and the free trade that has truly awful effects for working folks.

But the inbred, bible thumping redneck who votes Republican because he hates abortion or gays or wants to get Jesus back in School and Darwin out of the classroom, that piece of shit never, ever gets what he wants. He just sits there slack-jawed when the Banksters foreclose on his double wide.

As opposed to the NY Attorney General, who speaks a nice game, but beats up his girlfriends.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Again, not getting worked up because some dumb broads read "Fifty Shades of Gray" and thought that was cool. Until they didn't.

Then why do Abortion rights people fight so hard to prevent the limit moving to 20 weeks?

Because the inbred, bible thumping rednecks who want to do that aren't doctors, they aren't medical professionals and have no idea what is medically necessary.

An elective abortion is any abortion had for non medical reasons.

Okay, "Your kid is going to be a retard" is a medical reason. That's why most post 20 week abortions happen. someone gets a test and finds out they are going to have a kid with something like Tay Sachs or Down Syndrome where death would be a mercy.

Figures you would be for aborting a kids with Downs, you eugenics loving nazi fuck.

And Downs is so bad death is better? non-existence is better?

Tay Sachs kills someone before they are 5, so there you may have a point.

The rest of your responses we have gone over and over and over and over so much they don't need my usual response.
Figures you would be for aborting a kids with Downs, you eugenics loving nazi fuck.

And Downs is so bad death is better? non-existence is better?

Tay Sachs kills someone before they are 5, so there you may have a point.

Um, yeah, funny thing. 91% of women who find out their fetus has Downs abort. So are they all "Nazis". Or do they just realize that you are doing a kid no favors bringing it into the world with such horrible disabilities.

The rest of your responses we have gone over and over and over and over so much they don't need my usual response.

yOu are right, your usual Libertarian Responses are kind of lame, buddy. You never answer these questions, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T.

Now go bake that cake, you little bitch.
Figures you would be for aborting a kids with Downs, you eugenics loving nazi fuck.

And Downs is so bad death is better? non-existence is better?

Tay Sachs kills someone before they are 5, so there you may have a point.

Um, yeah, funny thing. 91% of women who find out their fetus has Downs abort. So are they all "Nazis". Or do they just realize that you are doing a kid no favors bringing it into the world with such horrible disabilities.

The rest of your responses we have gone over and over and over and over so much they don't need my usual response.

yOu are right, your usual Libertarian Responses are kind of lame, buddy. You never answer these questions, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T.

Now go bake that cake, you little bitch.

No, they just lack the strength to handle it.

And most Downs people don't have "horrible disabilities"

I answer them all the time, you just don't have the imagination to understand them.
Hmm yeah, cons are all for state's rights when it suits them (abortioin) but call for jailing state officials when it doesn't suit them (sanctuary status).

All these bogus 'abortion laws' in these states are illegal. Abortion is legal per the SC. Period.

True, but what's hilarious is your hypocrisy where you're against State rights until you are for them, like States that ignore Federal immigration law in order to import illegal alien criminals. Or as you think of them, Democrat voters.

It's so funny how you can recognize a double standard in others, but not in yourself
Figures you would be for aborting a kids with Downs, you eugenics loving nazi fuck.

And Downs is so bad death is better? non-existence is better?

Tay Sachs kills someone before they are 5, so there you may have a point.

Um, yeah, funny thing. 91% of women who find out their fetus has Downs abort. So are they all "Nazis". Or do they just realize that you are doing a kid no favors bringing it into the world with such horrible disabilities.

The rest of your responses we have gone over and over and over and over so much they don't need my usual response.

yOu are right, your usual Libertarian Responses are kind of lame, buddy. You never answer these questions, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T.

Now go bake that cake, you little bitch.

No, they just lack the strength to handle it.

And most Downs people don't have "horrible disabilities"

I answer them all the time, you just don't have the imagination to understand them.

Joe hates people. Why would he oppose abortion?
Hmm yeah, cons are all for state's rights when it suits them (abortioin) but call for jailing state officials when it doesn't suit them (sanctuary status).

All these bogus 'abortion laws' in these states are illegal. Abortion is legal per the SC. Period.

I'll believe that when certain other states start observing federal marijuana and immigration laws. Until then, Iowa's law stands.

Actually, I bet Iowa's law will "stand" for less than a day before a court knocks it down. This is well-settled law.

It's staggeringly unlikely that SCOTUS would even hear it.
You don’t think a conservative SCOTUS will hear it?
Iowa passes 'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban, most restrictive in U.S.

Smart move! I love it. Me and my wife knew with ALL of our kids we were pregnant at 6 weeks or sooner! That's no excuse to murder the baby. Don't want one? Wrap it up,get on birth control,get sterilized etc etc.

Wasting their time. Roe v Wade isn't getting overturned.

It should be. I'm pro-choice, but Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. It's not in the Constitution, there is no basis for the Federal government to have any say on abortion either way. It's not even legislating from the bench because the US congress has no say on abortion either way either. It's just another rewrite of the Constitution by the DC Nine who believe the Constitution says whatever they want it to say

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