Iowa passes heartbeat law,hoping to get challenge to end Roe Vs Wade at SC

There is so much hypocrisy in the abortion industry. Everyone forgot about Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors in Philadelphia. The city routinely inspected pizza joints for health violations but they forgot about abortion clinics until a woman died on the table and the dumpsters were full of human body parts. How many other horror house abortion mills are out there? The crazy left wanted to lock up the whistleblowers that found out that Planned Parenthood was selling human body parts rather than indicting the agents from Planned parenthood who admitted to committing a crime. Liberal animal rights organizations like PETA remind us that even fish have feelings but they ignore the horrific procedure of stabbing a full term infant in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out with a Frankenstein machine. Abortion is all about mostly liberal men who see their future responsibilities disappear at the stroke of a scalpel while the woman is left with physical problems and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of her life.
Hmm. So you are saving fetuses who you don't hate from becoming people who you do? LOL.

And then in the same sentence, it's my fault you support abortion because I oppose welfare?

You're a very confused little guy

No confusion at all dummy. YOu guys don't give a fuck about life, you just don't want women controlling their own bodies.

Um, try reading my post again, idiot. I didn't say anything about darkies. Leave people alone, Joe. Their skin color doesn't matter. If you hate blacks, that's your problem

States rights is code for racism. Always has been.

That isn't the job of the courts. But you're right that they did decide what they wanted the Constitution to have said and declared that it did

Actually, it is the job of the courts to determine if laws are just.

You know, the whole "justice" thing. Treating a woman like a criminal for getting a medical procedure her doctor thinks is appropriate is pretty much the opposite of justice.

You really double down from time to time with your whole "I'm the biggest asshole on the board" schtick.

You spelled "Being a pragmatist" wrong. Or do you spend lots of quality time with adult Downs retards because they are so much fun to be with. Nope, you do what the rest of us do... you cringe and pretend you don't see them.

No, asshole.

I am not the stuck up twat you are Joecunt, not even close.
There is so much hypocrisy in the abortion industry. Everyone forgot about Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors in Philadelphia. The city routinely inspected pizza joints for health violations but they forgot about abortion clinics until a woman died on the table and the dumpsters were full of human body parts.

Well, no, Gosnell wasn't throwing the medical waste in the dumpsters.

Here's the thing- in general, the quality of health care for poor people sucks, not just reproductive services...

The crazy left wanted to lock up the whistleblowers that found out that Planned Parenthood was selling human body parts rather than indicting the agents from Planned parenthood who admitted to committing a crime.

Um, yeah. Taping people without their permission is a crime.
Selling medical waste isn't.

Liberal animal rights organizations like PETA

Liberals have nothing to do with PETA. Stop lying.
but they ignore the horrific procedure of stabbing a full term infant in the back of the head and sucking it's brain out with a Frankenstein machine. Abortion is all about mostly liberal men who see their future responsibilities disappear at the stroke of a scalpel while the woman is left with physical problems and symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of her life.

Do you actually know any women who've had abortions...

Trust me, they aren't fragile little flowers and some of them are repeat customers.

I knew this gal when I was in the service. She was engaged to one of the other Sergeants in my unit. Asian American, very religious (Catholic), college educated... and she had an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know that she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Then she broke up with the guy, got back with him a year later, and they had another abortion together.
Iowa passes 'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban, most restrictive in U.S.

Smart move! I love it. Me and my wife knew with ALL of our kids we were pregnant at 6 weeks or sooner! That's no excuse to murder the baby. Don't want one? Wrap it up,get on birth control,get sterilized etc etc.

Chickens have hearts, might mean chickens can't be murdered in Iowa.

Chickens aren’t human beings. Unborn children are...

But chickens have heartbeats. Think about it.
You showed the video of the white cops beating the innocent black man and cheered, racist

Um, no, they didn't beat him and I didn't cheer... so you have some serious comprehension problems...

Hey, let's check in with marty, see if he can sound less stupid than you...

You mean like saying I only support State rights because of racism? You didn't set the bar, pal, you are the bar
No, asshole.

I am not the stuck up twat you are Joecunt, not even close.

So you spent the whole weekend hanging with Corky the Tard?

Or were those just teabaggers?

I don't currently know anyone with Downs, but in Scouts we had several disabled kids (mentally) and I never felt the smug sense of superiority you seem to ooze.

And I'd rather spend an eternity with tea party people than 5 seconds with a dried up old cocksucker like you.
I don't currently know anyone with Downs, but in Scouts we had several disabled kids (mentally) and I never felt the smug sense of superiority you seem to ooze.

And I'd rather spend an eternity with tea party people than 5 seconds with a dried up old cocksucker like you.

So you pretty much admitted if they didn't drag you to the place, you wouldn't hang out with Corky the Tard by choice. But, man, you'll condemn the shit out of a woman who wouldn't bring one into the world and assume all the responsibility for him before fobbing him off on a group home.
I don't currently know anyone with Downs, but in Scouts we had several disabled kids (mentally) and I never felt the smug sense of superiority you seem to ooze.

And I'd rather spend an eternity with tea party people than 5 seconds with a dried up old cocksucker like you.

So you pretty much admitted if they didn't drag you to the place, you wouldn't hang out with Corky the Tard by choice. But, man, you'll condemn the shit out of a woman who wouldn't bring one into the world and assume all the responsibility for him before fobbing him off on a group home.

Scouts wasn't mandatory for me after i was 12 or so. So I was there of my own volition.

One again, you are just a miserable old codger, who will make the world a better place once you assume room temperature.

And as an atheist, all you get to look forward to is oblivion. What a sad existence.

My abject disgust of you have morphed into pity.
Scouts wasn't mandatory for me after i was 12 or so. So I was there of my own volition.

One again, you are just a miserable old codger, who will make the world a better place once you assume room temperature.

Yet you are the one losing his shit talking to me... and can't help responding.

And as an atheist, all you get to look forward to is oblivion. What a sad existence.

Meh, you come from nothing, you go back to nothing, so what have you lost, nothing!

Frankly, spending eternity kissing God's ass or burning for not kissing God's ass sounds just as bad.
Scouts wasn't mandatory for me after i was 12 or so. So I was there of my own volition.

One again, you are just a miserable old codger, who will make the world a better place once you assume room temperature.

Yet you are the one losing his shit talking to me... and can't help responding.

And as an atheist, all you get to look forward to is oblivion. What a sad existence.

Meh, you come from nothing, you go back to nothing, so what have you lost, nothing!

Frankly, spending eternity kissing God's ass or burning for not kissing God's ass sounds just as bad.

Just replying to your mean spirited bullshit.

It must be nice to be as stupid as you are and be unable to understand the concept of oblivion, and be able to ignore it so easily.
Just replying to your mean spirited bullshit.

It must be nice to be as stupid as you are and be unable to understand the concept of oblivion, and be able to ignore it so easily.

Guy, I delight in making you lose your shit... but until you hang out with Retards on a daily basis, you really can't condemn sensible women for not wanting to bring more of them into the world.

Down Syndrome 100% preventable.

I understand the concept of non-existence perfectly. I just don't get so obsessed about it that I'm willing to believe any bronze age bullshit a man in a dress blurts out.
The people who don't want legal protection for a baby in the womb who has a heartbeat are worse than the people who wanted slavery to continue.

When a baby has a heartbeat, brain waves, his or her own blood supply (often with a blood type different from the mother's), and a visibly human form, how can anyone say that the baby should not be protected from elective abortion?
The people who don't want legal protection for a baby in the womb who has a heartbeat are worse than the people who wanted slavery to continue.

When a baby has a heartbeat, brain waves, his or her own blood supply (often with a blood type different from the mother's), and a visibly human form, how can anyone say that the baby should not be protected from elective abortion?

Because it isn't viable outside of the woman's body, and it's not really our place to tell her she should be a mother.

Here's the reality... until you guys call for the prosecution of women who have abortions, you are all blowing smoke.

They didn't even do that before Roe v. Wade.
Just replying to your mean spirited bullshit.

It must be nice to be as stupid as you are and be unable to understand the concept of oblivion, and be able to ignore it so easily.

Guy, I delight in making you lose your shit... but until you hang out with Retards on a daily basis, you really can't condemn sensible women for not wanting to bring more of them into the world.

Down Syndrome 100% preventable.

I understand the concept of non-existence perfectly. I just don't get so obsessed about it that I'm willing to believe any bronze age bullshit a man in a dress blurts out.

You don't get to set conditions there dickless.

Lol, only a heartless idiot like you considers abortion prevention.

Nah, you ignore it and go on with your sad little hateful life.
You don't get to set conditions there dickless.

Lol, only a heartless idiot like you considers abortion prevention.

Nah, you ignore it and go on with your sad little hateful life.

More like, I accept it like accept energy and gravity. Sunshine and puppy heavens are nice and all, but there's no proof of them.

Point is, all you guys who claim you want the Tards to be born stop caring about them five minutes after their chords are cut and fob them off on the rest of us to pay for.

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