Iowa "student" killed after being deported to Mexico

“Based on his criminal convictions, his DACA status was terminated making him amenable to deportation,” ICE spokesperson Shawn Neudauer said in a statement to The Hill.

Neudauer said Pacheco requested to be voluntarily deported, which would have allowed him to return legally with a visa or for another allowed visit.
A 19 year old high school student? With a one year old child? A mom who brought him here illegally is giving interviews? A criminal record? What is this all about?
A 19 year old high school student? With a one year old child? A mom who brought him here illegally is giving interviews? A criminal record? What is this all about?
I am sure he was a good boy eh!? I am trying to find what his crime was he got convicted of...SOMETHING is telling me its drugs...sure shit happens in Mexico but I got a feeling he was trying to get into the drugs game in Mexico and it got him killed...
Manuel was released on bond while awaiting an immigration hearing, Neudauer wrote, during which time he was convicted of two more misdemeanors, including for driving under the influence.

JEEZ! You would think between high school,working a job and caring for a 1 year old he wouldn't have time to get drunk and put others at risk on the road!
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!
Why do you have student in quote marks bigot boy?

19 year olds are still in school. A normal person with any kind of education would know that, trash.
He was just about to turn his life around. He enjoyed candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.
Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.
Tragic...this is why we need to build the wall to discourage unlawful crossings....If the kid remained in his home state to begin with he would have made a life and grown accustomed to the rules of the territory where he and his family lives...and he might be alive today....
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.

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