IQ and Voting Patterns

This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
When we signed onto the Constitution as a nation, there were only 13 states a lot closer together than the 50 states we have now. The founders didn't base their decisions on electing the smartest man in the room, they decided it better to pick the most popular candidate based on the good things he has under his belt in defending the common good for all people, no rank, no difference in the weight of one vote per man, who represented his household, which shed light on the values of the people who were yoked into clearing a wilderness, growing enough food, herbs, and hemp rope to feed themselves, stay in good health for life, and to provide ropes for sailing craft, manpower for defense of the nation against predatory influences worldwide. In those days, there was no day care. Women took on raising the family, because there was no other option for training children for the responsibilities of their own adulthood and the challenges that changing times could be. They tried to make the Constitution include as many in the melting pot country America is with the hope that people would adopt and strengthen the nation with Judeo-Christian mores which produced brotherhood of men. Almost every founder at one time or another was concerned that the union would fall apart if men forsook God and godly things known by being able to recite universal prayers and sage wisdom through religious institutions that were at the time responsible for the teaching of people how to read, write, and pay bills if they were men, and how to provide understanding of their men and children with hot meals, knowledge of herbs and healing methods, and hospitality to strangers.

Now, we're not into all that family stuff. Kids leave home, never to be seen again in many instance with a belly full of hatred because their parents didn't cowtow to the latest educational swipe at the errors of some families, if not all, and the pigheaded determination to throw the baby out with the bath water on the role of men and women being too rigid. Medicine found some remedies, but sometimes the results did not concur with the causes of freedom. Most of the time, doctors were just trying to help people get well and live to enjoy their old age. The only trouble was, old age is often a fearful, lonely time of loss and confusion for people who did what society expected 40 years ago. Things change faster than people do, that's all.

Whoever told me the other day that I tend to ramble on was right. This post probably proves it. Mr. JBond, I apologize.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Smart people vote Democrat, gotcha.

Most do, as do most of the stupidest. Backs 95% Clinton. It's an odd mix, I agree. Never-the-less, the majority voting for liberal candidates are low to very low IQ. After all, if you were looking for government handouts, who would you vote for?
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Smart people vote Democrat, gotcha.

Most do, as do most of the stupidest. Backs 95% Clinton. It's an odd mix, I agree. Never-the-less, the majority voting for liberal candidates are low to very low IQ. After all, if you were looking for government handouts, who would you vote for?

...let me ask you. Did you ever take an IQ test?
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?

they read your posts
Remember the IQ is part memory intellect and part logjc intellect

One can have a high IQ with having just one of those very high

PhDs can come from low logic and average IQ because of a very high memory intellect. Like a parrot

This is why educators are frauds because they go against science and not with science on the issue of abortion

An 18 yr old coming out of education should be most against abortion since education is suppose to go with science

But science is screaming abortion is murder of us citizens here these PhDs with low logic are brainwashing against science
The chart looks about right.

My gripe is "Get out the Vote" campaigns, which Democrats always push and always benefit them. "GOTV" campaigns target people who are too stupid and unaware to know anything about the issues - as though their votes are a benefit to the process. "Yeah, let's get the stupid people involved!"

We should bring back literacy tests and hold the vote at 10pm on a Saturday night.
I know a lot of republican voters who would not pass a legitimate literacy test but then again white dumbasses never had a thing to fear from the literacy tests.
All those geniuses in Appalachia ya know....
Inventors and winners are on farms

The people who go for balance have the highest logic intellect

And these are trump supporters û
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
I got as far as the first line...

“I have an hypothesis...”

Anyone who wants to discuss IQ but starts off with a gaffe like that, on a wordpress page no less, clearly has no business discussing the intelligence of others.
Last edited:
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
I got as far as the first line...

“I have an hypothesis...”

Anyone who wants to discuss IQ but starts off with a gaffe like that, on a wordpress page no less, clearly has no business discussing the intelligence of others.
Wrong dead wrong

Typing or grammar remembering is not logic ability. The most valuable part of the IQ

The logic part is the understanding part

The memory part is the copying remembering part

Soon there must be a high logic ability test for voters to stop the unwise from voting in crooks like the democrats
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise

You poor thing, reality is so harsh for you. No, that doesn’t prove trump supporters are “the most wise.”


But the most educated voted Democrat...

This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise

You poor thing, reality is so harsh for you. No, that doesn’t prove trump supporters are “the most wise.”

View attachment 248808

But the most educated voted Democrat...

View attachment 248809

Foolish people gets worthless degrees
That gives them low net worth

Monster student debt

Having to live in high cost cities

With higher crime rates

EQUALS lower net worth
And lower life span

Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise

You poor thing, reality is so harsh for you. No, that doesn’t prove trump supporters are “the most wise.”

View attachment 248808

But the most educated voted Democrat...

View attachment 248809

Foolish people gets worthless degrees
That gives them low net worth

Monster student debt

Having to live in high cost cities

With higher crime rates

EQUALS lower net worth
And lower life span

People like Faun who have masters' in Gay & Lesbian Haiku can't figure out why they could get anything better than burger flipping jobs.
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise

You poor thing, reality is so harsh for you. No, that doesn’t prove trump supporters are “the most wise.”

View attachment 248808

But the most educated voted Democrat...

View attachment 248809

Foolish people gets worthless degrees
That gives them low net worth

Monster student debt

Having to live in high cost cities

With higher crime rates

EQUALS lower net worth
And lower life span


Moron, dumb idiots like you can’t earn post graduate degrees.
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise

You poor thing, reality is so harsh for you. No, that doesn’t prove trump supporters are “the most wise.”

View attachment 248808

But the most educated voted Democrat...

View attachment 248809

Foolish people gets worthless degrees
That gives them low net worth

Monster student debt

Having to live in high cost cities

With higher crime rates

EQUALS lower net worth
And lower life span

People like Faun who have masters' in Gay & Lesbian Haiku can't figure out why they could get anything better than burger flipping jobs.

My “burger-flipping job” pays 6 figures left of the decimal point. As always, you haven’t s fucking clue what you fantasize about.
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Exit polls reveal the more educated one is, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. There are no exit polls on voting by IQ.

The net worth test would prove who the wise is.

Trump supporters have the highest net worth plus still in balance

Which proves trump supporters as the most wise

You poor thing, reality is so harsh for you. No, that doesn’t prove trump supporters are “the most wise.”

View attachment 248808

But the most educated voted Democrat...

View attachment 248809

Foolish people gets worthless degrees
That gives them low net worth

Monster student debt

Having to live in high cost cities

With higher crime rates

EQUALS lower net worth
And lower life span


Moron, dumb idiots like you can’t earn post graduate degrees.

Einstein use to horse laugh out of the building low logic educators thinking they are wise

A memory can bring degrees by copying well but cannot understand that they are dumb in the valuable intellect--- logic ability

This is why educator leaders will get locked up for going against science and not teaching abortion is murder

Really stupid people who are blind to know they are stupid. They don't have the logic that allows them to see what is what

This is also why whites beat Asians in wars

Asians can copy better but cannot understand and invent as well. So they always lose in wars

Again it's the logic part of the IQ that makes a person not blind to understand and predict

Greed professors has ruined low logic brainwashed students With worthless degrees

Living in higher costs coyotes

Having monster debt

And still being slaves

Whereas the trump supporters has less debt
Live in lower crime and lower cost areas

Trump supporters has the highest net worth

And live more in balance

For sure they are indeed the most wise
The higher logic level of trump supporters. Do not let them get brainwashed like low logic people

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