IQ and Voting Patterns

This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

That graph illustrates the author doesn't know his subject, and he's pitching his appeal to idiots.
How about 1 test, if you're not smart enough to get an ID you're not smart enough to vote.
Will you be the legs for paraplegics?

Not sure what health status has to do with a person being able to obtain a state ID.
One needs to be able to transport themselves to get a photo ID...Most paralyzed people lack transportation to satisfy your desires...

So how does a paralyzed person get to doctors appointments?
Usually by having homecare visits...

I'm sure we could find away to provide accommodations for paralyzed people who don't leave their home. Now let's move on to what you can come up with for non-paralyzed people fully capable of obtaining a state ID.
Neither party has shown anything to convince me to see it their twisted way.

That's why we love TRUMP...……….

Uhhhh...Trump is a Repub that surrounds himself with establishment Repubs

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I thought you went bye bye Tard

I did..then came back my little statist buddy!

You are the Statist………
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Sorry but considering that the map shown of global distribution of IQ by country is considerably off, I know because I have a better source, I tend to discount the rest of the article from being accurate either. BTW, your bell curve has no X axis, so tells us little. Garbage fake news.
First off, the IQ map indicates the IQ of indigenous peoples. Secondly, the X axis would be useless as it could be any number of voters and make no change whatsoever in the relevancy of IQ to voting patterns.

Why are people this fucking stupid FFS!
Last edited:
Neither party has shown anything to convince me to see it their twisted way.

That's why we love TRUMP...……….

Uhhhh...Trump is a Repub that surrounds himself with establishment Repubs

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I thought you went bye bye Tard

I did..then came back my little statist buddy!

You are the Statist………

No, you are the statist that supports the two party statsit system.

as long as you are a slave to the duopoly you are a statist
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Sorry but considering that the map shown of global distribution of IQ by country is considerably off, I know because I have a better source, I tend to discount the rest of the article from being accurate either. BTW, your bell curve has no X axis, so tells us little. Garbage fake news.
First off, the IQ map indicates the IQ of indigenous peoples. Secondly, the X axis would be useless as it could be any number of voter and make no change whatsoever in the relevancy of IQ to voting patterns.

Why are people this fucking stupid FFS!

The chart is total fucking bullshit without the data behind it. Until the author of your link provides the data, it is nothing but a pretty picture
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Sorry but considering that the map shown of global distribution of IQ by country is considerably off, I know because I have a better source, I tend to discount the rest of the article from being accurate either. BTW, your bell curve has no X axis, so tells us little. Garbage fake news.
First off, the IQ map indicates the IQ of indigenous peoples. Secondly, the X axis would be useless as it could be any number of voter and make no change whatsoever in the relevancy of IQ to voting patterns.

Why are people this fucking stupid FFS!

The chart is total fucking bullshit without the data behind it. Until the author of your link provides the data, it is nothing but a pretty picture
I am sorry about your panties.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Sorry but considering that the map shown of global distribution of IQ by country is considerably off, I know because I have a better source, I tend to discount the rest of the article from being accurate either. BTW, your bell curve has no X axis, so tells us little. Garbage fake news.
First off, the IQ map indicates the IQ of indigenous peoples. Secondly, the X axis would be useless as it could be any number of voter and make no change whatsoever in the relevancy of IQ to voting patterns.

Why are people this fucking stupid FFS!

The chart is total fucking bullshit without the data behind it. Until the author of your link provides the data, it is nothing but a pretty picture
I am sorry about your panties.

If you could move past your sexual fantasies about me and deal with the issue at hand that would be helpful.

The graph is bullshit first because there is no way to associate IQ with exit polls and two because even if they did that is some manner, they did not provide the cold data, just a pretty picture.
That's why we love TRUMP...……….

Uhhhh...Trump is a Repub that surrounds himself with establishment Repubs

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I thought you went bye bye Tard

I did..then came back my little statist buddy!

You are the Statist………

No, you are the statist that supports the two party statsit system.

as long as you are a slave to the duopoly you are a statist

This from a libtard that goes by Golfing Gator...…..
Uhhhh...Trump is a Repub that surrounds himself with establishment Repubs

Sent from my iPhone using

I thought you went bye bye Tard

I did..then came back my little statist buddy!

You are the Statist………

No, you are the statist that supports the two party statsit system.

as long as you are a slave to the duopoly you are a statist

This from a libtard that goes by Golfing Gator...…..

You are far to the left me matter how many little cute names you call me.

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I thought you went bye bye Tard

I did..then came back my little statist buddy!

You are the Statist………

No, you are the statist that supports the two party statsit system.

as long as you are a slave to the duopoly you are a statist

This from a libtard that goes by Golfing Gator...…..

You are far to the left me matter how many little cute names you call me.

Sent from my iPhone using

You must be off your meds.....
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Do they give an IQ test on the way out
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?
Do they give an IQ test on the way out
Of sorts, yes. If ten blacks vote Democrat we can make no accurate estimation regarding their IQ. If 10 million do, then we certainly can.

I get that the PC police have their panties bunched up on this, but snowflakes will be snowflakes I guess. That changes nothing.
Meanwhile lefties claim superior knowledge while whining that a part of their liberal base is prevented from voting because they are unable to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D.
First off, the IQ map indicates the IQ of indigenous peoples.
So, in other words, there are only 3-4X as many people with an IQ of 98 as there are people with an IQ of 148? That is bullshit.
Secondly, the X axis would be useless as it could be any number of voters and make no change whatsoever in the relevancy of IQ to voting patterns. Why are people this fucking stupid FFS!
Why then do swing voters move up and down the X axis? What is the significance of that? NONE that I can see and only fucking idiots like you are so gullible as to present this garbage as scientifically valid.
I did..then came back my little statist buddy!

You are the Statist………

No, you are the statist that supports the two party statsit system.

as long as you are a slave to the duopoly you are a statist

This from a libtard that goes by Golfing Gator...…..

You are far to the left me matter how many little cute names you call me.

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You must be off your meds.....

Reality does not require meds. If you ever pull your head out of Trump's ass, maybe you too can face reality

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