IQ and Voting Patterns

Yes we know you believe whatever the establishment tells you. Sad to be you.
It's great to be me. I don't live in fear.
Yet you are full of hate and ignorance.
The only thing I am full of is pancakes and sausage.

ohhh...sounds yummy!

think I know what I am having for breakfast!

So you want pancakes and a whopper for desert too?:abgg2q.jpg:

sounds like a terrible mix
when the two main choices are both pieces of shit, every vote is wasted

You prove you are a moron once again...………..

Thanks! When one of the duopoly sheep call me names, I take it as a sign I am doing the right thing.

Stay at home and don't vote.....

Tell all your Tard friends to do the same...….

Yes..This is the right thing for you to do....

I vote every election, so fuck off and die.

Sorry I am not a slave to the duopoly, but not everyone is a mindless sheep like you

You are so angry...

Have you taken your meds today?

not angry at all, just do not like morons try to tell me what to do.

do I tell you not to be a sheep?

do I tell you not to vote for whomever your party masters tell you to?

Of course not.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?

So the exit polls are testing the IQ of voters? Or are you just going with asking people how smart they are?

Or they just totally made up that graph and have no data to support it...which is why there was no data in the article.
Exit polls? Many, many people do not know their IQ numbers so try again. I know all you have is insults that only demeans the accuracy of any hypothesis you claim to be factual...
The IQ of demographic groups is well known and exit polls give us the percentages of demographics, including income and education.

I don't now why I am trying to explain this to someone who is obviously too simple to grasp what to others is obvious. It goes beyond differentiating between bulls and cows I guess. Idiot!
Oh demographic groups so you are saying that the dumbest people rule the elections and then you will imply that only non-whites have low IQ and therefore should not vote. The same garbage from the 19th century , how about a poll tax again or a land requirement that would put you city shitheads in a shit-out-of-luck scenario.
It seems the graph insults you in that it places you squarely in a very low IQ range especially for a white person since you are obvioulsy not an academic, and likely not East Asian or Jewish. That's life.
It seems you have no idea what the story is really representing, nor the idea of the fallacy of the assumptions of the author..You need this to validate your inability to reason that it is of no consequence since you will fail in your attempts at character assassination from the blind.
If you want to challenge the graph you may do so by attacking the exit polls or validity of IQ tests, nothing more. As a stupid white, you are included with blacks and Hispanics who vote overwhelmingly Democrat and easily have the lowest IQ scores of large American demographics.

Deal with it.

Since when do you believe in polls? How many people when asked after voting tell the truth? How many vote by mail? Many years ago when I did go in person to vote I was asked a couple times when exiting and I did not tell them the truth, it is no one's business how I vote.
If you want to challenge the graph you may do so by attacking the exit polls or validity of IQ tests, nothing more. As a stupid white, you are included with blacks and Hispanics who vote overwhelmingly Democrat and easily have the lowest IQ scores of large American demographics.

Deal with it.
So the question is

Do we have a true asshole racist here or is this a Russian sock puppet trying to stir up racial animus.

Either way he's fucked up
Nope he's an all American redneck peckerhead who doesn't believe in equality or the law.
Alas, I have run afoul of political correctness and bunched up snowflake panties.

Oh well.
Most people who think they are intellectuals manage to paint themselves into a corner with no way out but through insults instead of brilliance.
Is it the IQ tests or the exit polls that have bunched up your panties so?

So when you were asked did you say duh I voted for trump and my IQ is 49? Your demographics is not accurate, I once knew an engineer for Chrysler that was also a member of mensa and ended up homeless in a big layoff about 35 or 40 years ago. Oh and did I mention he was black? I knew what you're getting at by demographics.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

another racist shows his true colors. Trump is making you idiots bold.
The majority of Democrat voters are low-IQ, minorities and get free stuff. Get over it.

Wash your panties without starch next time. It might help.

You are one racist low life, not to mention wrong.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

another racist shows his true colors. Trump is making you idiots bold.
The majority of Democrat voters are low-IQ, minorities and get free stuff. Get over it.

Wash your panties without starch next time. It might help.

You are one racist low life, not to mention wrong.

the two almost always go hand in hand.
Both times Obama won was proof that about 51% of all who voted had an IQ between 2 and 43
It's great to be me. I don't live in fear.
Yet you are full of hate and ignorance.
The only thing I am full of is pancakes and sausage.

ohhh...sounds yummy!

think I know what I am having for breakfast!

ancakes and a whopper for desert too?:abgg2q.jpg:

sounds like a terrible mix

The whopper I was talking about you Tards having doesn’t come from Burger King….
Yet you are full of hate and ignorance.
The only thing I am full of is pancakes and sausage.

ohhh...sounds yummy!

think I know what I am having for breakfast!

ancakes and a whopper for desert too?:abgg2q.jpg:

sounds like a terrible mix

The whopper I was talking about you Tards having doesn’t come from Burger King….

i am so confused. could you try speaking English, I am not fluent in partisan sheep speak
The only thing I am full of is pancakes and sausage.

ohhh...sounds yummy!

think I know what I am having for breakfast!

ancakes and a whopper for desert too?:abgg2q.jpg:

sounds like a terrible mix

The whopper I was talking about you Tards having doesn’t come from Burger King….

i am so confused. could you try speaking English, I am not fluent in partisan sheep speak

We know you are confused....

You prove it with your libtarded post's...……...
ohhh...sounds yummy!

think I know what I am having for breakfast!

ancakes and a whopper for desert too?:abgg2q.jpg:

sounds like a terrible mix

The whopper I was talking about you Tards having doesn’t come from Burger King….

i am so confused. could you try speaking English, I am not fluent in partisan sheep speak

We know you are confused....

You prove it with your libtarded post's...……...

so, all you can do is speak in partisan sheep talk.

well then...bye bye!
ancakes and a whopper for desert too?:abgg2q.jpg:

sounds like a terrible mix

The whopper I was talking about you Tards having doesn’t come from Burger King….

i am so confused. could you try speaking English, I am not fluent in partisan sheep speak

We know you are confused....

You prove it with your libtarded post's...……...

so, all you can do is speak in partisan sheep talk.

well then...bye bye!

Later Chicken Shit...……….
Both times Obama won was proof that about 51% of all who voted had an IQ between 2 and 43
I don’t think so. The difference between Big Ears and the two fools he beat, was negligible. All were warmongers whose stated goal was enriching and empowering the 1%.
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but less larger area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness
Oh that's a tear jerking laughfest!

How would they know anyone's IQ that voted much less whom they voted for?
Exit polls. Is there something wrong with you besides obviously being in the reddish range?

Exit polls? Many, many people do not know their IQ numbers so try again. I know all you have is insults that only demeans the accuracy of any hypothesis you claim to be factual...

Pricelessly ironic.....
i wonder what the IQ was of those folks who thought Hillary was going to get about 400 electoral votes
This graph illustrates clearly relation of tendancy to vote and intelligence. There are two large areas of Democrat voters on the lower areas of the graph, the low IQ and high. The low IQ is the larger one on the left which obviously includes the minorities of the Democrat base, followed by the large area of average IQ voters (and presumably white) which makes up the lion's share of the Republican base and the middle class. The second but smaller area of Democrat supporters consists of the academic elite, East Asians and Jews.


The Link Between IQ and Conciousness

Sorry but considering that the map shown of global distribution of IQ by country is considerably off, I know because I have a better source, I tend to discount the rest of the article from being accurate either. BTW, your bell curve has no X axis, so tells us little. Garbage fake news.

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